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Los resultados de su búsqueda (2448)

Grass strips

Grass strips [South Africa]

Combination of field demarcation and erosion protection by grass strips

  • Compilador: Andrei Rozanov
Rotational Grazing

Rotational Grazing [South Africa]

Rotational grazing is a management system based on the subdivision of the grazing area into a number of enclosures and the successive grazing of these paddocks by animals in a rotation so that not all the veld (grazing area) is grazed simultaneously

  • Compilador: Lehman Lindeque
Vetiver Grass Soil Conservation

Vetiver Grass Soil Conservation [South Africa]

The vetiver grass is planted on the contour and also in other situations such as along stream banks and minor farm roads to form a vegetative barrier and protect the land from surface erosion.

  • Compilador: UNCCD PRAIS
Fruit trees under biodynamic agricultural management in southern Spain

Fruit trees under biodynamic agricultural management in southern … [Spain]

Biodynamic farming is a method of farming that aims to treat the farm as a living system, based on the application of specific organic preparations which stimulate the natural functions of the farm soils and provide the necessary component towards a self-sustaining agro-ecological farm management.

  • Compilador: Alicia Morugán-Coronado
Caso de estudio del Guadiamar

Caso de estudio del Guadiamar [Spain]

Medidas de recuperación del suelo y revegetación desarrolladas en 1999-2000 para reducir la movilidad de los elementos traza del suelo.

  • Compilador: José Miguel Pérez-Álvarez