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Vos résultats de la recherche (2448)


Trashlines [Kenya]

Trashlines are lines of crop residuals that remain after harvesting, they are formed along the contours.

  • Compilateur : Paul Kahiga
Boundary Hedgerows

Boundary Hedgerows [Kenya]

A hedgerow is a line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area.

  • Compilateur : Paul Kahiga
Micro-catchments for rainwater harvesting

Micro-catchments for rainwater harvesting [Kenya]

Ox-ploughed furrow micro-catchments are intentionally built as part of seedbed preparation to harvest rainwater. Commonly used in dryland environments, the micro-catchment prolong water availability for seed germination and growth and development of the emerging seedlings.

  • Compilateur : Kevin Mganga
Modèle de domaine sur le régime foncier social (STDM)

Modèle de domaine sur le régime foncier social … [Kenya]

Le Modèle de domaine sur le régime foncier social (STDM) traite des personnes et de leurs relations avec la terre. L'outil tel qu'il est appliqué sécurise les régimes fonciers, grâce à la prise en compte de la diversité foncière et des contextes sociaux. La STDM reconnaît que la sécurité des …

  • Compilateur : Ken Otieno
Kitui Sand dams

Kitui Sand dams [Kenya]

Masonry dam in seasonal watercourse or river that stores water in the sand which accumulates above it.

  • Compilateur : Unknown User
Agroforestry system (intercropping beans/maize) with contour ditches, strips of Napier grass, manure and organic fertilizers.

Agroforestry system (intercropping beans/maize) with contour ditches, strips … [Kenya]

The technology is a combination of agricultural (e.g. intercropping, manure/compost/mulching), vegetative (e.g. Napier grass strips, trees planting) and structural (e.g. ditches) measures which aim to maximise the overall land yield in a sustainable manner (e.g. reducing soil erosion and increasing soil quality).

  • Compilateur : Laura D'Aietti
Conservation Agriculture

Conservation Agriculture [Kenya]

Conservation Agriculture is a concept for resource-saving agricultural crop production that strives to achieve acceptable profits together with high and sustained production levels while concurrently conserving the environment.

  • Compilateur : Paul Kahiga
Retention ditches

Retention ditches [Kenya]

Retention ditches, also called infiltration ditches, are larger ditches designed to catch and retain all incoming runoff for infiltration into the soil.

  • Compilateur : Paul Kahiga