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Vos résultats de la recherche (2448)

Ground water fed fish ponds

Ground water fed fish ponds [Uganda]

Fish farming supported by availability of water is considered as profitable enterprise in Northern Uganda. Farmers use areas with either high water tables or swamps to locate the ground water recharged fish ponds and water for fish production and crop irrigation during the dry season.

  • Compilateur : Kamugisha Rick Nelson
Piggery-Banana-Coffee technology

Piggery-Banana-Coffee technology [Uganda]

The "Piggery-Banana-Coffee" sustainable land management technology is a proven practice that significantly improves soil fertility and productivity in an integrated farming system for smallholder farmers in Uganda.

  • Compilateur : Tonny Kyambadde
Improved trash lines

Improved trash lines [Uganda]

Weeds and crop residues laid in bands across the slope of annual crop fields to conserve soil and water, and to incorporate organic matter into the soil after decomposition.

  • Compilateur : Unknown User
Intercropping Maize and Ground Nuts for Optimum Land Utilisation, Increased  Food Production, Household Income and Food Security

Intercropping Maize and Ground Nuts for Optimum Land … [Uganda]

Improved maize (zea mays)-groundnuts (arachis hypogaea) optimum intercropping pattern is a technology promoted by IITA (International Institute for Tropical Agriculture) among small scale farmers through demonstrations /trials. It is promoted for improving food and income security and optimum land utilisation.

  • Compilateur : Jalia Namakula
Complémentation des vaches laitières

Complémentation des vaches laitières [Uganda]

De l’herbe à éléphant (Pennisteum purpureum) et du calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) sont récoltés et hachés avec une hacheuse pour produire du fourrage pour des vaches laitières. Le hachis est ensuite mélangé avec du tourteau de graines de coton, de la mélasse et du son de maïs pour en améliorer l’appétence …

  • Compilateur : Aine Amon