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Area closure on degraded lands [Ethiopie]

Yetrakot Meret mekelel (Amharic)

technologies_1598 - Ethiopie

État complet : 86%

1. Informations générales

1.2 Coordonnées des personnes-ressources et des institutions impliquées dans l'évaluation et la documentation de la Technologie

Personne(s)-ressource(s) clé(s)

Spécialiste GDT:
Spécialiste GDT:

Bekure Melese



Nom du projet qui a facilité la documentation/ l'évaluation de la Technologie (si pertinent)
Water and Land Resource Centre Project (WLRC)

1.3 Conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées

Le compilateur et la(les) personne(s) ressource(s) acceptent les conditions relatives à l'utilisation par WOCAT des données documentées:


1.4 Déclaration sur la durabilité de la Technologie décrite

Est-ce que la Technologie décrite ici pose problème par rapport à la dégradation des terres, de telle sorte qu'elle ne peut pas être déclarée comme étant une technologie de gestion durable des terres?


1.5 Référence au(x) questionnaire(s) sur les Approches de GDT

'Cut and Carry' Grazing system or 'Zero Grazing' (CCG)

'Cut and Carry' Grazing system or 'Zero Grazing' … [Ethiopie]

Cut and carry grazing system (alternatively called zero grazing) is an approach where the community is consulted to identify and agree on areas to be closed and protected from free grazing; establish user groups are established to share the fodder biomass harvested from communal closed areas equitably; they utilize tree/shrub …

  • Compilateur : Gizaw Desta Gessesse

2. Description de la Technologie de GDT

2.1 Courte description de la Technologie

Définition de la Technologie:

Area closure on degraded lands is a land management practice used to rehabilitate and conserve the natural resource bases, and enhance its natural regeneration and restoring capacity and productive functions by excluding animal and human interferences through community consultation and collective actions.

2.2 Description détaillée de la Technologie


Area closure is a land management practice that helps to rehabilitate degraded lands, restore the biophysical conditions like soil, vegetation and hydrology by avoiding the interference of animals and human. Because of over grazing and erosion impact, areas delineated for closure are usually degraded shrub or pasture lands that served for grazing. First of all, implementing area closure requires continuous dialogue and discussion with community to reach consensus to close. The community wants to make sure they have benefited from the technology as the land was serving for grazing. They should take the responsibility and create sense of ownership to implement conservation measures, protect and maintain closure areas, and regulate utilization of benefits gained out of it. Questions raised from the community must be discussed thoroughly ahead of the implementation. What part of the degraded land? For what purpose the area is closed? Who are the users? Who are responsible to protect and manage the developed resourcess? How is the benefit sharing among identified users? Commonly, the shared benefits from area closures are hay for livestock through cut-and-carry system, timbers from plantations, and honey production.
Depending on the soil, rainfall and slope conditions different structural and vegetative measures are integrated to enhance the fast regeneration of plant species, restore the soil and increase water availability. It includes enrichment used to rehabilitate and increase the vegetation cover, vegetative and structural measures to retain the soil and water on its place. Structures such as hillside terrace often integrated with grass or shrub hedgerows is used to control soil erosion. In-situ water harvesting structures such as trenches or half moon or eye brow are used to harvest and infiltrate rain or runoff water to increase regeneration and survival of planted trees. Trees and/or shrub species that have high rehabilitation and multipurpose values are used as enrichment plantations. Closed areas need collective action to protect, maintain and manage the common resources. Collective user rights have to be entitled to bring equity on resource sharing and minimize social conflicts.

The purposes of area closure are: 1) rehabilitate degraded lands, 2) protect and restore the natural resource base, and 3) change into productive land and enhance economic and environmental functions of rehabilitated lands.

Implementation of area closure begins with the selection and demarcation of area through genuine participation of land users. After identifying the area to be closed, at establishment stage construction of ditches and terraces is made using stones combined with grasses or shrubs of multipurpose value such as Vetiver grass, Dinsho grass, Bana grass, susbania, etc. Depending on site conditions, enrichment tree species which have rehabilitation and soil restoration purposes are planted in the form of wood lot or scattered tree plantation. Among the common species, A. albida, A. saligna, A. decurrense, Gravilia robusta, etc. are used to rehabilitate and serve as fuel wood and timber. In moisture stress areas structures like trench, level bunds, and half moon should be constructed to increase survival rate of planted tree/shrub species whereas in areas having sufficient moisture these structures, depending on the landforms and soil drainage conditions, help to increase infiltration and recharging of ground water in downstream areas. Therefore, site selection and demarcation, construction of soil conservation and moisture conservation structures, and seedling management and plantation of multipurpose trees, shrubs and grasses are the activities accomplished at establishment stage of area closure. The required inputs are stones, seeds/seedlings, grass cuttings/splits, hand tools, and collective labor. For recurrent maintenance activities, seedlings and cuttings for re-plantation purpose or replace dead seedlings, stones to repair damage stone terraces and moisture conservation structures. Harvesting and transporting of area closure products such as grass and timber become a recurrent activity. Person days per hectare per year required for plantation (preparation of holes and planting) is 11.5, for harvesting and transporting harvested grass is 30, and for terrace construction is 26.5.

Area closure management is commonly practiced on degraded hills where soil is highly depleted, its water holding capacity is low, and vegetation is denuded. Usually degraded lands are used to serve for communal grazing system. The degree of land degradation becomes severe where there are high livestock and human population pressure. Management of closure area and the benefit sharing has to be regulated using agreed bylaws.

The living condition depends on subsistence crop-livestock mixed farming. On average households have 5-6 family size. Crop production is meant for home consumption with small surplus for local market. The services related to water supply, energy supply, and infrastructure are low. Besides it is an asset, animals often used to cope shocks during drought periods.

2.3 Photos de la Technologie

2.5 Pays/ région/ lieux où la Technologie a été appliquée et qui sont couverts par cette évaluation



Région/ Etat/ Province:

Amhara National Regional State

Autres spécifications du lieu:

Mecha / Yilmana Densa / Bahir Dar Zuria

2.6 Date de mise en œuvre de la Technologie

Si l'année précise est inconnue, indiquez la date approximative: :
  • il y a moins de 10 ans (récemment)

2.7 Introduction de la Technologie

Spécifiez comment la Technologie a été introduite: :
  • par le biais de projets/ d'interventions extérieures
Commentaires (type de projet, etc.) :

Area closure as an integrated SLM technology is practiced in recent years. However, the land users have their own traditional practice by closing grass lands or shrub lands during the rainy season.

3. Classification de la Technologie de GDT

3.1 Principal(aux) objectif(s) de la Technologie

  • préserver l'écosystème

3.2 Type(s) actuel(s) d'utilisation des terres, là où la Technologie est appliquée



Pâturage extensif:
  • Semi-nomadisme/ pastoralisme
Pâturage intensif/ production fourragère :
  • Affouragement en vert/ zéro-pâturage
Mixte (cultures/ pâturages/ arbres), incluant l'agroforesterie

Mixte (cultures/ pâturages/ arbres), incluant l'agroforesterie

  • Agro-pastoralisme

Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): Land degradation due to different forms of soil erosion and nutrient depletion, excess removal of crop residues, excessive overgrazing, shortage of pasture lands and its low productivity, excessive and inappropriate construction of traditional ditches, and increased demand of trees for the purpose of fuel wood and timber.
Major land use problems (land users’ perception): Soil erosion and soil nutrient depletion, shortage of cultivated land, shortage of grazing land and wood for fuel wood

3.3 Informations complémentaires sur l'utilisation des terres

Approvisionnement en eau des terres sur lesquelles est appliquée la Technologie:
  • pluvial
Nombre de période de croissance par an: :
  • 1

Longest growing period in days: 220, Longest growing period from month to month: May to December; Second longest growing period in days: 180, Second longest growing period from month to month: June to November

Densité d'élevage/ chargement (si pertinent):

> 100 LU /km2

3.4 Groupe de GDT auquel appartient la Technologie

  • fermeture de zones (arrêt de tout usage, appui à la réhabilitation)

3.5 Diffusion de la Technologie

Spécifiez la diffusion de la Technologie:
  • répartie uniformément sur une zone
Si la Technologie est uniformément répartie sur une zone, indiquez la superficie couverte approximative:
  • 1-10 km2

3.6 Mesures de GDT constituant la Technologie

pratiques végétales

pratiques végétales

  • V1: Couverture d’arbres et d’arbustes
  • V2: Herbes et plantes herbacées pérennes
structures physiques

structures physiques

  • S2: Diguettes, digues
  • S3: Fossés étagés, canaux, voies d'eau
  • S4: Fossés isohypses, trous
modes de gestion

modes de gestion

  • M1: Changement du type d’utilisation des terres
  • M2: Changement du niveau de gestion / d'intensification

Type of vegetative measures: aligned: -contour, scattered / dispersed, in blocks

3.7 Principaux types de dégradation des terres traités par la Technologie

érosion hydrique des sols

érosion hydrique des sols

  • Wt: perte de la couche superficielle des sols (couche arable)/ érosion de surface
  • Wo: effets hors-site de la dégradation
dégradation chimique des sols

dégradation chimique des sols

  • Cn: baisse de la fertilité des sols et réduction du niveau de matière organique (non causée par l’érosion)
dégradation biologique

dégradation biologique

  • Bc: réduction de la couverture végétale
  • Bh: perte d’habitats

Main causes of degradation: deforestation / removal of natural vegetation (incl. forest fires), overgrazing, population pressure, governance / institutional
Secondary causes of degradation: soil management, over-exploitation of vegetation for domestic use, Heavy / extreme rainfall (intensity/amounts), land tenure, education, access to knowledge and support services

3.8 Prévention, réduction de la dégradation ou réhabilitation des terres dégradées

Spécifiez l'objectif de la Technologie au regard de la dégradation des terres:
  • réduire la dégradation des terres
  • restaurer/ réhabiliter des terres sévèrement dégradées

4. Spécifications techniques, activités, intrants et coûts de mise en œuvre

4.1 Dessin technique de la Technologie


Bekure Melese, WLRC

4.2 Spécification/ explications techniques du dessin technique

Integrated practices of area closure including hillside bunds, trenches, micro-basins, and trees/shrubs
Location: Debre Yacob Learning Watershed. Mecha/West Gojam/Amhara
Date: 2014-5-23

Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate (Field staffs need to acquire technical knowledge on how to integrate different practices and strategies depending on the conditions and degree of degradation.)
Technical knowledge required for land users: low (Land users require low knowledge. Once they implement practices in the closure area, they are able to coordinate and respect the bylaws and equitable distribution of benefits.)

Main technical functions: control of raindrop splash, control of dispersed runoff: retain / trap, control of concentrated runoff: impede / retard, improvement of ground cover, increase of biomass (quantity)
Secondary technical functions: control of concentrated runoff: drain / divert, improvement of topsoil structure (compaction), increase in organic matter, increase / maintain water stored in soil

Aligned: -contour
Vegetative material: T : trees / shrubs, G : grass
Number of plants per (ha): 4000-6000
Spacing between rows / strips / blocks (m): 5
Vertical interval within rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.5-1.0
Width within rows / strips / blocks (m): 0.5

Scattered / dispersed
Vegetative material: T : trees / shrubs
Number of plants per (ha): 160

In blocks
Vegetative material: T : trees / shrubs
Spacing between rows / strips / blocks (m): 2
Vertical interval within rows / strips / blocks (m): 2

Trees/ shrubs species: Gravilia, Susbania, Acacia decurrence
Grass species: Napier
Slope (which determines the spacing indicated above): 20-30%
Gradient along the rows / strips: 0.5%

Diversion ditch/ drainage
Depth of ditches/pits/dams (m): 0.3-0.7
Width of ditches/pits/dams (m): 1.2-2.8
Length of ditches/pits/dams (m): 100-250

Depth of ditches/pits/dams (m): 0.3
Width of ditches/pits/dams (m): 1.5-2.0

Bund/ bank: level
Spacing between structures (m): 5
Height of bunds/banks/others (m): 0.5
Width of bunds/banks/others (m): 1-1.5

Slope (which determines the spacing indicated above): 15-35%
Vegetation is used for stabilisation of structures.

Change of land use type: Initially, the land is highly degraded and waste land. After an increase in vegetation cover and biomass, its use is thus changed from waste/shrub land/open grazing to cut-and-carry grazing system
Change of land use practices / intensity level: The land use management is changed from open access /communal grazing or shrub land to regulated or organized form of land use management

4.3 Informations générales sur le calcul des intrants et des coûts

autre/ monnaie nationale (précisez):


Indiquer le taux de change du dollars en monnaie locale (si pertinent): 1 USD= :


Indiquez le coût salarial moyen de la main d'œuvre par jour:


4.4 Activités de mise en place/ d'établissement

Activité Type de mesures Calendrier
1. Preparation of seedlings Végétale March-May
2. Transporting seedlings Végétale July
3. Transporting grass splits Végétale July
4. Sowing seeds on bunds Végétale July
5. Planting of trees and shrubs Végétale July
6. Planting of grass splits or cuttings Végétale July
7. Construction of bunds or terraces Structurel February-April
8. Construction of cutoff drains and ditches Structurel Fegruary-April
9. Construction of waterways Structurel February-April
10. Surveying or layout of structures Structurel January-March
11. Consultation of the community Modes de gestion
12. Establish bylaws to control free grazing Modes de gestion
13. Establish user groups and arrange equitable benefit sharing Modes de gestion

4.5 Coûts et intrants nécessaires à la mise en place

Spécifiez les intrants Unité Quantité Coûts par unité Coût total par intrant % du coût supporté par les exploitants des terres
Main d'œuvre labour ha 1,0 1766,0 1766,0 80,0
Equipements tools ha 1,0 300,6 300,6 50,0
Matériel végétal seedlings ha 1,0 405,6 405,6 100,0
Matériel végétal seeds ha 1,0 20,0 20,0 100,0
Matériaux de construction stone ha 1,0 1300,0 1300,0 100,0
Coût total de mise en place de la Technologie 3792,2

Duration of establishment phase: 15 month(s)

4.6 Activités d'entretien/ récurrentes

Activité Type de mesures Calendrier/ fréquence
1. Preparation of seedlings Végétale March-May
2. Seedling transportation Végétale July
3. Grass split transportation Végétale July
4. Planting seedlings Végétale July
5. Planting grass splits Végétale July
6. Maintenance of bunds / cutoff drains Structurel
7. Enforcing bylaws Modes de gestion Throught the year
8. Benefit sharing among user groups Modes de gestion Throughout the year

4.7 Coûts et intrants nécessaires aux activités d'entretien/ récurrentes (par an)

Spécifiez les intrants Unité Quantité Coûts par unité Coût total par intrant % du coût supporté par les exploitants des terres
Main d'œuvre labour ha 1,0 624,0 624,0 29,0
Matériel végétal seedlings ha 1,0 250,0 250,0 100,0
Coût total d'entretien de la Technologie 874,0

Machinery/ tools: Spade, pickaxe, crowbar,

4.8 Facteurs les plus importants affectant les coûts

Décrivez les facteurs les plus importants affectant les coûts :

The costs of area closure affected by the labour availability, regeneration capacity of trees on the degraded lands

5. Environnement naturel et humain

5.1 Climat

Précipitations annuelles
  • < 250 mm
  • 251-500 mm
  • 501-750 mm
  • 751-1000 mm
  • 1001-1500 mm
  • 1501-2000 mm
  • 2001-3000 mm
  • 3001-4000 mm
  • > 4000 mm
Zone agro-climatique
  • subhumide

Thermal climate class: subtropics

5.2 Topographie

Pentes moyennes:
  • plat (0-2 %)
  • faible (3-5%)
  • modéré (6-10%)
  • onduleux (11-15%)
  • vallonné (16-30%)
  • raide (31-60%)
  • très raide (>60%)
  • plateaux/ plaines
  • crêtes
  • flancs/ pentes de montagne
  • flancs/ pentes de colline
  • piémonts/ glacis (bas de pente)
  • fonds de vallée/bas-fonds
Zones altitudinales:
  • 0-100 m
  • 101-500 m
  • 501-1000 m
  • 1001-1500 m
  • 1501-2000 m
  • 2001-2500 m
  • 2501-3000 m
  • 3001-4000 m
  • > 4000 m

5.3 Sols

Profondeur moyenne du sol:
  • très superficiel (0-20 cm)
  • superficiel (21-50 cm)
  • modérément profond (51-80 cm)
  • profond (81-120 cm)
  • très profond (>120 cm)
Texture du sol (de la couche arable):
  • moyen (limoneux)
  • fin/ lourd (argile)
Matière organique de la couche arable:
  • faible (<1%)

5.4 Disponibilité et qualité de l'eau

Profondeur estimée de l’eau dans le sol:

> 50 m

Disponibilité de l’eau de surface:


Qualité de l’eau (non traitée):

faiblement potable (traitement nécessaire)

5.5 Biodiversité

Diversité des espèces:
  • faible

5.6 Caractéristiques des exploitants des terres appliquant la Technologie

Orientation du système de production:
  • subsistance (auto-approvisionnement)
Revenus hors exploitation:
  • moins de 10% de tous les revenus
Niveau relatif de richesse:
  • pauvre
  • moyen
Individus ou groupes:
  • groupe/ communauté
  • femmes
  • hommes
Indiquez toute autre caractéristique pertinente des exploitants des terres:

Land users applying the Technology are mainly common / average land users
Difference in the involvement of women and men: Women has their own role in the establishment of the rea closure by collecting stones, support construction and planting activities. In addition they will harvest and transport fodder for livestock
Population density: 200-500 persons/km2
Annual population growth: 2% - 3%
80% of the land users are average wealthy.
20% of the land users are poor.

5.7 Superficie moyenne des terres détenues ou louées par les exploitants appliquant la Technologie

  • < 0,5 ha
  • 0,5-1 ha
  • 1-2 ha
  • 2-5 ha
  • 5-15 ha
  • 15-50 ha
  • 50-100 ha
  • 100-500 ha
  • 500-1 000 ha
  • 1 000-10 000 ha
  • > 10 000 ha
Cette superficie est-elle considérée comme de petite, moyenne ou grande dimension (en se référant au contexte local)?
  • petite dimension

5.8 Propriété foncière, droits d’utilisation des terres et de l'eau

Propriété foncière:
  • état
Droits d’utilisation de l’eau:
  • accès libre (non organisé)
  • communautaire (organisé)

5.9 Accès aux services et aux infrastructures

  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
assistance technique:
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
emploi (par ex. hors exploitation):
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
routes et transports:
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
eau potable et assainissement:
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne
services financiers:
  • pauvre
  • modéré
  • bonne

6. Impacts et conclusions

6.1 Impacts sur site que la Technologie a montrés

Impacts socio-économiques


production fourragère

en baisse
en augmentation
Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Mainly serve for grass harvest

production animale

en baisse
en augmentation
Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Cut and carry improve the production

surface de production

en baisse
en augmentation
Commentaires/ spécifiez:

By improving the land use management, production area for pasture increased

Revenus et coûts

diversité des sources de revenus

en baisse
en augmentation
Commentaires/ spécifiez:

People try to diverse apiculture production in closed areas

charge de travail

en augmentation
en baisse
Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Labor requirement to harvest and transport fodder and pasture increase

Impacts socioculturels

institutions communautaires

Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Establishment of user groups and watershed users association

connaissances sur la GDT/ dégradation des terres

Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Increase the level of awareness that area closure can shortly reverse land degradation

apaisement des conflits

Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Reduce conflict arise due to pasture shortage

situation des groupes socialement et économiquement désavantagés

Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Some rural unemployed youths get employed in apiculture production and fruit production

contribution to human well-being

Commentaires/ spécifiez:

The livestock production is moderately improved due to increase in biomass/ pasture harvest

Impacts écologiques

Cycle de l'eau/ ruissellement

quantité d'eau

en baisse
en augmentation

ruissellement de surface

en augmentation
en baisse

nappes phréatiques/ aquifères

en baisse

humidité du sol

en baisse
en augmentation

couverture du sol


perte en sol

en augmentation
en baisse
Biodiversité: végétale, animale

biomasse/ au dessus du sol C

en baisse
en augmentation

diversité végétale

en baisse
en augmentation

diversité des habitats

en baisse
en augmentation
Réduction des risques de catastrophe et des risques climatiques

risques d'incendies

en augmentation
en baisse

6.2 Impacts hors site que la Technologie a montrés

flux des cours d'eau fiables et stables en saison sèche

en augmentation
Quantité avant la GDT:

End of Nov

Quantité après la GDT:


Commentaires/ spécifiez:

Because of high vegetation cover, the recharrging capacity improved resulting in prolonging the stream flow/baseflow

inondations en aval

en augmentation

envasement en aval

en augmentation
en baisse

6.3 Exposition et sensibilité de la Technologie aux changements progressifs et aux évènements extrêmes/catastrophes liés au climat (telles que perçues par les exploitants des terres)

Extrêmes climatiques (catastrophes)

Catastrophes météorologiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela?
pluie torrentielle locale bien
Catastrophes climatiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela?
sécheresse bien
Catastrophes hydrologiques
Comment la Technologie fait-elle face à cela?
inondation générale (rivière) pas bien

6.4 Analyse coûts-bénéfices

Quels sont les bénéfices comparativement aux coûts de mise en place (du point de vue des exploitants des terres)?
Rentabilité à court terme:

légèrement positive

Rentabilité à long terme:


Quels sont les bénéfices comparativement aux coûts d'entretien récurrents (du point de vue des exploitants des terres)?
Rentabilité à court terme:


Rentabilité à long terme:

très positive


Short term economic benefits can be attained by harvesting forage biomass for livestock while in the long term downstream agricultural productivity can be improved as they witnessed the change in stream flows to be used for irrigation. This is very much pronounced in Aba Gerima watershed where farmers in the downstream get to access more water.

6.5 Adoption de la Technologie


The technology is implemented in group or at community level.
The spontaneous adoption of this technology is possible without integrating plantations of improved trees/shrubs and grasses
There is a moderate trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Adoption to area closure is increasing as it provides better pasture for livestock and benefit those who do not have power or for poor community groups

6.7 Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités de la Technologie

Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue de l'exploitant des terres
Increase in vegetation cover and biomass production for livestock feed
Increase the duration and flow of streams
Decrease erosion
Decrease transmission of animal disease often a problem during open grazing system
Points forts/ avantages/ possibilités du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé
Increase the fodder and grass biomass production for livestock feed
Increase the regeneration of lost plant diversities
Create alternative livelihood options (off farm activities like honey production, timber, tree or fodder seed production)
Enhance the micro-climatic conditions and on-site vegetation cover, organic matter, and soil water holding capacity. In addition it improves off-site surface and subsurface water flows

6.8 Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques de la Technologie et moyens de les surmonter

Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue de l’exploitant des terres Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés?
Land users' perceived that implementation of the technology decreases open access to communal pasture lands to maximize their benefit Awareness creation activities has to be provided
Shortage of labor to harvest and transport forages to feed animals Cost effective technologies to prepare feed, handle and transport forage has to be introduced and adopted. It can be overcomed by organizing service provider groups.
The amount of pasture/fodder produced and shared among users is much less than the feed requirement of all animals hold by a household Introduce fodder species producing high biomass and high quality fodder; decrease livestock number per household.
Faiblesses/ inconvénients/ risques du point de vue du compilateur ou d'une autre personne ressource clé Comment peuvent-ils être surmontés?
Labor constraint for cut-and -carry for stall feeding It can be sustained through organizing service providers groups
Stall feeding restricted the cross breeding of animals in the village easily accessible during open grazing Artificial insemination and bull services and synchronization breeding system has to be promoted

7. Références et liens

7.1 Méthodes/ sources d'information

  • visites de terrain, enquêtes sur le terrain
  • interviews/entretiens avec les exploitants des terres

7.2 Références des publications disponibles

Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:

Sustaining the win-win benefits of improved grazing land management in EthiopiaPost written by Wolde Mekuria, WLE. March 30, 2015

Disponible à partir d'où? Coût?

WLE post

Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:


Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:

Vegetation Improvement in Communal Closed Areas in Tigray, Ethiopia.Sarah Tewolde-Berhan 1,4, Ralph Mitlöhner 2, Bart Muys3 , and Mitiku Haile 4

Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:

Natural Regeneration Practice in Degraded High Lands of Ethiopia Through Area Enclosure Wondie Mebrat, Department of Biology, Adigrat University, Adigrat, Tigray, Ethiopia, 2015

Titre, auteur, année, ISBN:

Area Closure: Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands and Grasslands and its Multiple Benefits. WLRC Brief No. 2. June 2015

Disponible à partir d'où? Coût?

