Сайн туршлагын товч тодорхойлолт
Arc Gis is a new gis mapping pakage. full picture of mapping information in Tonga and all characteristics as far as resources are concerned could be applied. for example most vulnerable areas for drought could be identified using this arc gis.
the whole of Tonga island
Хэрэв байршил хил хязгаартай бол түүнийг га-гаар илэрхийлнэ үү:
Байршилд амьдарч буй хүн амын тооцоо:
Заасан байршлын байгаль орчны товч тодорхойлолт.
mainly volcanic ash from 20,000-50,000 years old. soil type determine by younger ash in different locations.|
mostly flat except for high island in the northern parts of Tonga. few volcanic islands with height of 30m. 1m high mostly experience by the rest of Tonga
tropic with mean temperature of 25 degree celcius. summer and winter seasons. wettest months January and February. Mean annual rainfall 1800mm. trade wind is south easterly wind.
Энэ байршилд эсвэл ойролцоо амьдардаг хүмүүсийн нийгэм, эдийн засгийн нөхцөл байдал
this is for the whole of tonga. from the king to the poorest person in Tonga
lands belongs to estate - king, nobles, and government. people may request for land from the 3 three estates mention above. people can register land include lease. |
government and farmers, fishermen|
Ямар үзүүлэлт, шалгуур(ууд)-ын үндсэн дээр (Стратегид үл хамаарах) санал болгож буй туршлага, түүнд харгалзах технологи "шилдэг" гэж тодорхойлогдсон бэ?
new technology