Сайн туршлагын товч тодорхойлолт
Sustainable Ground Water Management through reducing pumping of the ground water to the extent of recharge. was integral part of the cropping system. The net effect of natural groundwater recharge conditions and demand side management of groundwater was visualized through static water level in the monitoring wells. Changing cropping patterns with low water requiring crops was the most crucial issue. Need based watering at critical stages of crop growth, check basin, sprinklers and drips methods in place of flooding Soil moisture conservation practices such as leveling, mulching, weeding, intercultural etc. Artificial groundwater recharge by trapping flash floods in abandoned open wells/bore wells or behind check dams, percolation pond and recharge structures.|
Nandyal, Distt. Karnool, Andhra Pradesh |
Заасан байршлын байгаль орчны товч тодорхойлолт.
Level land with less than 1-3% slope
Heavy soils , Vertisols with more than 30- 35% clay
Semi- arid,receiving 650 to 800 mm annual rainfall|
Энэ байршилд эсвэл ойролцоо амьдардаг хүмүүсийн нийгэм, эдийн засгийн нөхцөл байдал
Main income sources; are Agriculture and related activities, Agricultural labor, Dairying, Vegetable cultivation. |
Many owe their land and a few have taken land on lease from big farmers.
Farmers are poor and majority of them are below poverty line.
Ямар үзүүлэлт, шалгуур(ууд)-ын үндсэн дээр (Стратегид үл хамаарах) санал болгож буй туршлага, түүнд харгалзах технологи "шилдэг" гэж тодорхойлогдсон бэ?
Sustainable ground water management is mitigation strategy for combating DLDD. Ground water is the sole source of drinking water for survival. The practice will improve livelihood of the poor farmers. It will help improving land cover and carbon sequestration.