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Результаты поиска (2450)

Sistemas de Riego Predial Regulados con Microreservorios en las provincias de Cajamarca, San Marcos y Cajabamba del Departamento de Cajamarca Peru.|

Sistemas de Riego Predial Regulados con Microreservorios en … [Peru]

“Cosecha de agua” es la recolección y almacenamiento de agua para el abastecimiento doméstico o producción de cultivos. La fuente de agua puede ser la escorrentía superficial de las lluvias, el caudal de un pequeño arroyo, un canal, un manantial, o una combinación de estas fuentes. Como sea, todas dependen …

  • Составитель: UNCCD PRAIS
Social Enterprise (SE)

Social Enterprise (SE) [Philippines]

Social Enterprise (SE) aimed to provide social protection among its members and generate additional family income. Above all, this approach will encourage the conservation, preservation and protection of the resources available in the community.

  • Составитель: Keeshia Lynn Marie Austria
Soil Conservation Guided Farm System

Soil Conservation Guided Farm System [Philippines]

Soil Conservation Guided Farming System (SCGFS) is a land use management approach that integrates technologies: terracing, agro-pastoral technology, multi-storey cropping, and contouring within the socio-economic and bio-physical limitations of upland areas for optimum development of soil and water resource in a sustainable manner.

  • Составитель: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Conservation Farming Village

Conservation Farming Village [Philippines]

A modality in mobilizing resources for sustainable upland development which utilizes a basket of strategies, technologies, and interventions to catalyze the widespread transformation of traditional upland farming systems into resilient and sustainable upland production systems.

  • Составитель: Philippine Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies
Community-Based Forest Management

Community-Based Forest Management [Philippines]

Community-Based Forest Management (CBFM) refers to the organized efforts to work with communities in and near public forestlands with the intent to protect, rehabilitate, manage, conserve, and utilize the resources in partnership with the Local Government Units (LGUs) and other stakeholders.

  • Составитель: Isabelita Austria

Woodlot [Philippines]

Woodlot is a forest management approach which aims the to provide food, wood for fule, construction and material for woodcarving and to provide a steady source of water for the lower-hilly riceland area.

  • Составитель: Unknown User