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Contour small bench terraces with permanent green cover in vineyards [Швейцария]

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technologies_1011 - Швейцария

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1. Общая информация

1.2 Контактные данные специалистов и организаций, участвующих в описании и оценке Технологии

Ответственный (-ые) специалист (-ы)

Специалист по УЗП:
Специалист по УЗП:

Weissenbach Peter

+41 (0)43 783 61 11


Federal Research Station for fruit-growing, viticulture and horticulture-FAW

Postfach 185, 8820 Wädenswil, Switzerland


Специалист по УЗП:

Spring Jean-Laurent

+41(0)22 363 44 44


Federal Research Station for fruit-growing, viticulture and horticulture-RAC

CP 254 1260 Nyon 1, Switzerland



Louis Hannes

+41 (32) 315 14 41


Louis Weinbau

Schafisweg 37a, 2514 Schafis, Switzerland



Hasler Lukas

Hasler Weinbau

Moos 43, 2513 Twann, Switzerland


Название организации (-ий), содействовавших документированию/оценке Технологии (если применимо)
Federal Research Station for fruit-growing, viticulture and horticulture (FAW/RAC) - Швейцария
Название организации (-ий), содействовавших документированию/оценке Технологии (если применимо)
CDE Centre for Development and Environment (CDE Centre for Development and Environment) - Швейцария

1.3 Условия, регламентирующие использование данных, собранных ВОКАТ

Когда были собраны данные (на местах)?


Составитель и ответственный(-ые) специалист(-ы) согласны с условиями, регламентирующими использование собранных ВОКАТ данных:


1.5 Ссылка на Анкету (-ы) по Подходам УЗП

2. Описание Технологии УЗП

2.1 Краткое описание Технологии

Определение Технологии:

Contour small bench terraces with stabilising permanent green cover in steep sloping vineyards.

2.2 Подробное описание Технологии


Description: The vineyards of the region are all, for micro-climatc reasons, more or less sloped. The technology is applied on steep to very steep slopes. It ist characterised by two elements: 1) small bench terrace with one contour-oriented vine row per terrace and 2) an initially sown all-year green cover of the soil surface for stabilisation reasons (green cover is also used between vine rows which are oriented up and down the slope, eg not terraced, see SWI01).
Purpose: Main purpose of the terrace construction is a possible mechanisation on steep to very steep slopes. Direct purpose of the green cover is the stabilisation of the small terraces, indirect but important purpose is the prevention of soil degradation, especially soil erosion by water and - secondary - to protect soil surface from compactation when using mechanised equipment.
Establishment: The terraces are constructed by external specialists and heavy machinery (walking excavator, type "Menzi Muck") and are considered to serve for a whole life cycle of the vine (20-40 years). The green cover is sown since stabilisation is needed from the very beginning on. The duration of the establishment is 3 years. Because of insufficient root length of young vines agronomic and vegetative measures differ from the "normal" measures: For reasons of competition the space around the freshly planted vines is kept free from vegetation with a hoe.
Maintenance: the topsoil is ripped from time to time with fuel driven machine (spade machine tracked by tractor). Cover vegetation is either cut or chopped and serves as mulching . Herbicides are applied around the vines. Minimum tillage and cutting / mulching may additionally serve to mobilise nutrients and to increase organic matter content or to eliminate competition of cover vegetation.
Natural environment: the vineyards are mainly placed on mountain or hill slopes, below 600 m a.s.l., annual rainfall is around 1000 mm with at least one erosive storm per year. The geological underground is limy, locally layered by Molasse (type of conglomerate). Soil properties are strongly influenced by anthropogenic activities (viticulture). Main degradation problem without green cover is erosion by water.
Human environment / land use: the region has a strong wine growing tradition (several centuries), belongs to the important Swiss wine growing regions and is not very densly populated.
First experiments with green cover in Switzerland were done in the 70ies around Zürich on contour small bench terraces, in the region of the lake of Biel contour small bench terraces with green cover started to be implemented in the 80ies

2.3 Фотографии, иллюстрирующие Технологию

2.5 Страна/ регион/ места, где применяется Технология, информация о которых собрана в данной Анкете



Административная единица (Район/Область):

Canton of Berne

Более точная привязка места:

Lake of Biel


The technology is applied in all winegrowing regions of Switzerland, but under different conditions.

2.6 Сколько лет применяется данная Технология

Если год начала применения Технологии достоверно неизвестен, дайте примерную оценку:
  • менее 10 лет назад (недавняя)

2.7 Внедрение Технологии

Укажите, как именно Технология УЗП была внедрена:
  • через проекты/ внешнее вмешательство
Пояснения (тип проекта и т.д.):

The development of contour small bench terraces with green cover in vineyards was (also on the international level) essentially promoted and supported by the Federal Research Station for fruit-growing, viticulture and horticulture in Wädenswil (Canton of Zürich) and Changins (Canton of Vaud)

3. Классификация Технологии УЗП

3.2 Текущий(-ие) тип(-ы) землепользования на территории, где применяется Технология

Пахотные угодья и плантации

Пахотные угодья и плантации

  • Древесные и кустарниковые культуры
Основные сельскохозяйственные культуры (товарные и продовольственные):

Major cash crop perennial tree/shrub cropping: Vine grape


Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): The main problem was decreasing soil fertility, especially throug soil erosion by water with negative off-site effects like sand- /sediment deposition and contamination of groundwater by nutrients. It became a serious problem since the 60ies when the fact became visible that the traditional labour-intensive cultivation system, which was strongly dependent on external inputss, could no longer be sustained within an industrialised agriculture system.

Type of cropping system and major crops comments: a vine plantation is established for a period of 20-40 years (lifetime of a vine). Some farmers make one year of fallow between the destruction of the old and the establishment of a new plantation.

3.3 Дополнительная информация о землепользовании


Water supply: rainfed, mixed rainfed - irrigated

Число урожаев за год:
  • 1

Longest growing period in days: 210Longest growing period from month to month: Apr - Oct

3.4 Категория УЗП, к которой относится Технология

  • Улучшение почвенного/ растительного покрова
  • мероприятия по влагозадержанию и снижению эрозии почв на склонах
  • Stabilisation of terraces

3.5 Распределение Технологии по площади


The technology is applied in all winegrowing regions of Switzerland, but under different conditions. The technology described (SWI02) is based on a case study of one region

3.6 Мероприятия УЗП, выполняемые в рамках Технологии

3.7 Основные проблемы деградации земель, на решение которых направлена Технология

водная эрозия почв

водная эрозия почв

  • ВЭп: поверхностная эрозия/смыв верхних почвенных горизонтов
  • ВЭд: косвенное воздействие водной эрозии
ухудшение химических свойств почв

ухудшение химических свойств почв

  • Хп: Снижение плодородия и уменьшение содержания органического вещества (вызванное не эрозией, а другими причинами)
  • Хз: загрязнение почв
ухудшение физических свойств почв

ухудшение физических свойств почв

  • Фу: уплотнение
  • Фк: растрескивание и коркообразование

Main type of degradation addressed: Wt: loss of topsoil / surface erosion, Wo: offsite degradation effects

Secondary types of degradation addressed: Cn: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content, Cp: soil pollution, Pc: compaction, Pk: sealing and crusting

Main causes of degradation: other human induced causes (specify) (agricultural causes: fast changing basic conditions of viticulture in the last 100 years), education, access to knowledge and support services (lack of knowledge), fast changing basic conditions of viticulture (economy, laws)

3.8 Предотвращение и снижение деградации земель, или восстановление нарушенных земель

Укажите цель Технологии по отношению к деградации земель :
  • снижение деградации земель

Main goals: mitigation / reduction of land degradation

4. Технические характеристики, мероприятия по практической реализации, вложения и стоимость

4.1 Технический рисунок, иллюстрирующий Технологию


Nicole Güdel, Berne, Switzerland

4.2 Спецификация / пояснения к техническому рисунку

Technical drawing of small contour bench terraces with permanent green cover. A = width of terrace, B = tractor area, C = distance between vine plant and terrace edge, D = gradient of terrace riser, E = distance of vine rows, F = orignal slope, G = zone of application of herbicides (10-40 cm).

Date: June 2003

Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: high

Technical knowledge required for land users: moderate

Main technical functions: control of dispersed runoff: retain / trap, reduction of slope angle, reduction of slope length, improvement of ground cover

Secondary technical functions: control of raindrop splash, increase of surface roughness, increase in organic matter, increase of infiltration, increase / maintain water stored in soil, improvement of soil structure, increase in soil fertility

Material/ species: cut or chopped cover vegetation
Remarks: dispersed over the whole surface; if possible cutting/chopping (alternating)

Agronomic measure: removing less vegetation cover
Material/ species: cut or chopped cover vegetation, vine leaves and cut branches
Remarks: between vine rows

Manure / compost / residues
Material/ species: compost
Remarks: only sporadically (every 5-10 year or less)

Mineral (inorganic) fertilizers
Material/ species: nitrogen
Quantity/ density: 0-50 kg/ha
Remarks: normally rather little nitrogen

Agronomic measure: mineral (inorganic) fertilizers
Material/ species: potassium
Quantity/ density: 0-20 kg/ha

Agronomic measure: mineral (inorganic) fertilizers
Material/ species: magnesium
Quantity/ density: 0-25 kg/ha

Agronomic measure: mineral (inorganic) fertilizers
Material/ species: phosphorus
Quantity/ density: 0-20 kg/ha

Breaking compacted subsoil
Remarks: only on terrace, if possible only every second row/terrace (alternating)

Scattered / dispersed
Vegetative material: G : grass

Grass species: different grass species, taraxacum, veronica, legumes, calystegia, geranium...

Terrace: bench level
Vertical interval between structures (m): 1.3 m
Spacing between structures (m): 2.5 m

Construction material (earth): only earth of parcel

Slope (which determines the spacing indicated above): 60%

Lateral gradient along the structure: 0%

Vegetation is used for stabilisation of structures.

4.4 Мероприятия, необходимые для начала реализации

Деятельность Тип мероприятия Сроки
1. sowing cover vegetation on the terrace riser (for stabilisation) (nonrecurring) Мероприятия с использованием растительности winter/spring, usually at the same time as a new plantation is established
2. letting grow natural cover vegetation on terrace (nonrecurring) Мероприятия с использованием растительности winter/spring, usually at the same time as a new plantation is established
3. Removing vegetation around vines (diameter of vegetation-free zone: 10 - 40 cm) Мероприятия с использованием растительности during season (Mai – October), 2 - 4 times, when necessary.
4. removing old vines Инженерные winter/spring
5. deep tillage Инженерные winter/spring
6. construction of terraces Инженерные winter/spring
7. support of construction of terraces Инженерные winter/spring

4.5 Вложения и затраты, необходимые для начала реализации


Duration of establishment phase: 36 month(s)

4.6 Поддержание/ текущее обслуживание

Деятельность Тип мероприятия Сроки/ повторяемость проведения
1. cuting and not removing vine leaves and branches Агрономические winter / annual
2. fertilising (mineral or manure/compost) Агрономические April/May / annual
3. cutting / chopping and then mulcihng cover vegetation Агрономические during cropping season (first time April/May) / each row 2-4 times during cropping season
4. cuting and not removing vine leaves and branches Агрономические during cropping season / several times during cropping season
5. breaking compacted topsoil Агрономические April/May / each row every 4-8 years
6. application of herbicides (glyphosates) Мероприятия с использованием растительности beginning of season (May), if necessary second time in Aug./Sept /once (if necessary twice) during s
7. putting back earth which war fallen from the terrace riser to the terrace Инженерные winter/spring/if necessary
8. slightly reshaping terraces Инженерные winter/spring/if necessary

4.7 Стоимость поддержания/ текущего обслуживания ( в год)


Machinery/ tools: e.g.: walking excavator, hoe, mower with tracked vehicle or portable motor scythe, spading machine with tracked vehicle; knapsack sprayer or biocide t

4.8 Наиболее значимые факторы, влияющие на стоимость затрат

Опишите наиболее значимые факторы, влияющие на стоимость затрат:

(manual) labour

5. Природные и социально-экономические условия

5.1 Климат

Среднегодовое количество осадков
  • < 250 мм
  • 251-500 мм
  • 501-750 мм
  • 751-1000 мм
  • 1001-1500 мм
  • 1501-2000 мм
  • 2001-3000 мм
  • 3001-4000 мм
  • > 4000 мм
Пояснения/ комментарии по осадкам:

Average: Biel: 1200 mm. Region of Bielersee: 1000 - 1200 mm. Neuchâtel: 930 mm.

Агроклиматическая зона
  • Умеренно-влажная

Thermal climate class: temperate

5.2 Рельеф

Склоны (преобладающие):
  • пологие (0-2%)
  • покатые (3-5%)
  • покато-крутые (6-10%)
  • крутые (11-15%)
  • очень крутые (16-30%)
  • чрезвычайно крутые (31-60%)
  • обрывистые (>60%)
Формы рельефа:
  • плато/ равнины
  • гребни хребтов/холмов
  • склоны гор
  • склоны холмов
  • подножья
  • днища долин
Зона высотной поясности:
  • 0-100 м над уровнем моря
  • 101-500 м н.у.м.
  • 501-1000 м н.у.м.
  • 1001-1500 м н.у.м.
  • 1501-2000 м н.у.м.
  • 2001-2500 м н.у.м.
  • 2501-3000 м н.у.м.
  • 3001-4000 м н.у.м.
  • > 4 тыс. м н.у.м.
Комментарии и дополнительные сведения по условиям рельефа/ топографии :

Altitudinal zone: 501-1000 m a.s.l. (For climatic reasons vines grow hardly above 600 m a.s.l. in Switzerland)
Landforms: Hill slopes (most of them southeastward sloping hills (part of the Jura mountain range))
Slopes on average: Steep (31-60%) (Vines are planted on different slopes. But contour small bench terraces are applied at steep slopes)

5.3 Почвы

Средняя мощность почв:
  • поверхностные (0-20 см)
  • неглубокие (21-50 см)
  • умеренно глубокие (51-80 см)
  • глубокие (81-120 см)
  • очень глубокие (> 120 см)
Гранулометрический состав (верхнего горизонта):
  • средние фракции (суглинистый, супесчаный)
Содержание органического вещества в верхнем горизонте:
  • среднее (1-3%)
Если возможно, приложите полное описание почв или укажите доступную информацию, например тип почв, рH/ кислотность почв, ёмкость катионного обмена, содержание азота, содержание солей и т.д.

Soil depth: From shallow to very deep (Soil depth is very irregular, at some places limestone rocks appear at the surface, at other places soil can be quite deep.But if soil is very shallow for the whole parcel contour small bench terraces)
Soil fertilits is medium (Vines are normally grown on rather marginal spots. Compared to the general productivity these soils have a medium fertility. (If measured at the vine itself, soil fertility is sufficient/high))
Topsoil organic matter is medium (loamy,silty) (without / before SWC (green cover))
Soil drainage/infiltration is mostly good, at some spots medium (depressions; when high percentage of clay)
Soil water storage capacity is medium (without / before SWC (green cover)), high (without / before SWC (green cover)) or low (without / before SWC (green cover). Depressions; when high percentage of clay)

5.6 Характеристика землепользователей, применяющих Технологию

Рыночная ориентация производства:
  • товарное/ рыночное хозяйство
Доходы из других источников:
  • < 10% всех доходов
Относительный уровень достатка:
  • средний
Уровень механизации:
  • ручной труд
  • механизировано/ есть автотранспорт
Укажите другие важные характеристики землепользователей:

Population density: 200-500 persons/km2
Annual population growth: 0.5% - 1%
Off-farm income specification: This is representative for the full time winegrowers. The majority of winegrowers do winegrowing beside a regular off-farm job as a hobby. Nearly all winegrowers have implementeted the SWC technology. Probably there is no difference in hobby-winegrowers and full-time-winegrowers concernring implementation of the SWC technology.
Level of mechanization: Manual labour (most of the work in the vineyard is done by hand (especially harvest)) or mechanised (some of the activities are carried out with fuel driven equipment. But mechanisation is moderate since big and heavy machines cannot been applied in these vineyards).
Market orientation is commercial/market (in the region of the lake of Biel the majority of grapes are pressed to wine an then and sold directly from the farm's wine cellar)

5.7 Средний размер земельных участков, арендуемых или находящихся в собственности землепользователей, применяющих Технологию

  • < 0,5 га
  • 0,5-1 га
  • 1-2 га
  • 2-5 га
  • 5-15 га
  • 15-50 га
  • 50-100 га
  • 100-500 га
  • 500-1000 га
  • 1000-10000 га
  • > 10000 га

Average area of land owned or leased by land users applying the Technology: 0.5-1 ha, 1-2 ha, 2-5 ha, 5-15 ha (only winegrowing land!)

5.8 Собственность на землю, права на земле- и водопользование

  • индивидуальная, оформленная в собственность
Право землепользования:
  • индивидуальное

6. Воздействия и заключительные положения

6.1 Влияние Технологии УЗП в пределах территории ее применения

Социально-экономическое воздействие


производство сельскозяйственных культур

Комментарий/ пояснения:

maximum production capacity is reduced due to 1. Plantation density is smaller and 2. Capacity per vine is reduced due to slight competition of water and nutrients, intensified in the terrace riser under dry conditions

качество урожая

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Reduced quality of wine occurs when strong competition of water and nutrients happen and nothing is done against it.

риск потери продуктивности

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Higher susceptibility to fungal decay due to higher evapotranspiration rate with green cover and therefore humid microclimatic conditions. Other problems are competition over water and nutrients or danger of frost - negligible - only in depressions or plains (due to higher evapotranspiration rate)

Доходы и затраты

доходы хозяйства

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Primarily due to less costs, especially resulting from less erosion damages in the long term (because of green cover). Secondary due to marketing argument "ecological agricultural production", subsidies related to green cover (direct payment which is only

объем работ

Комментарий/ пояснения:

More and specific knowledge necessary

Другое социально-экономическое воздействие

Inputs for mechanisation

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Special machines needed, mechanisation is almost a must to be economically successful in the long term

Социальное и культурное воздействие

состояние здоровья

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Healthier than without SWC, less application of biocides and more comfortable and healty posture of body.

местное самоуправление

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Increased exchange of knowledge and contacts in winegrowers society

институты госуправления

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Research stations gained new knowledge and attention

знания в области УЗП/ деградации земель

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Among winegrowers, but perhaps also slightly among consumers (through an ecological marketing argument) or walkers (walking through a green vineyard may arise interest in green cover).

смягчение конфликтов

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Between generations or between farmers applying green cover and others. Reason: farmers are differently attached to traditional values and norms (i.e.: traditionally every plant was seen as unuseful weed and fought with a hoe).

Personal satisfaction / challenge

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Many farmers apply green cover see green cover as a personal satisfaction or challenge for an ecologically and economically sustainable viticulture

Acceptance by society

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Landscape and appearance of Landscape & appearance of vineyard as cultural heritage. Different values an norms of "how a vineyard should look like". Traditionally vines were planted very dense with no vegetation cover in between. Contour small bench terraces are quite new to the area (20-30 years)

Экологическое воздействие


влажность почв

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Especially through improved water retention capacity (due to improved soil structure)

почвенный покров


утрата почв

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Mainly due to green cover (rather than terraces)

уплотнение почв

Биоразнообразие: растительность, животный мир

инвазивные чужеродные виды

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Undesirable plant and animal species (i.e. mice (can hamper stability of terrace riser and terrace itself))

борьба с вредителями/ болезнями

Комментарий/ пояснения:

Through beneficial animals

Климат и снижение риска стихийных бедствий

скорость ветра

Другие экологические последствия


Комментарий/ пояснения:

High diversity due to different habitats (extensively managed terrace riser and terrace)

Soil fertility


6.2 Влияние Технологии за пределами территории ее применения

подтопление ниже по течению


отложение наносов ниже по течению


загрязнение подземных/ речных вод


отложения, переносимые ветром


6.4 Анализ эффективности затрат

Насколько получаемый результат сопоставим с первоначальными вложениями (с точки зрения землепользователей)?
Эффективность затрат в краткосрочной перспективе:

крайне отрицательно

Эффективность затрат в долгосрочной перспективе:

влияние незаметно

Насколько получаемый результат сопоставим с текущими расходами по поддержанию технологии (с точки зрения землепользователей)?
Эффективность затрат в краткосрочной перспективе:

слабо отрицательное

Эффективность затрат в долгосрочной перспективе:

влияние незаметно

6.5 Внедрение Технологии

Среди применяющих Технологию землепользователей, какова доля лиц, применяющих её по собственной инициативе, т.е. без какого-либо материального стимулирования со стороны?
  • 90-100%

10% of land user families have adopted the Technology with external material support

Comments on acceptance with external material support: estimates

90% of land user families have adopted the Technology without any external material support

Comments on spontaneous adoption: estimates

There is a strong trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology

Comments on adoption trend: Contour small bench terraces with green cover are seen as good opportunity for viticulture in steep slopes. Adoption is done mainly spontaneous
