
Small Watershed Comprehensive Control [中国]

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approaches_2398 - 中国

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1. 一般信息

1.2 参与方法评估和文件编制的资源人员和机构的联系方式


Department of Resources and Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University (Department of Resources and Environmental Science, Beijing Normal University) - 中国

1.3 关于使用通过WOCAT记录的数据的条件


1.4 SLM技术问卷的参考

Small Watershed Comprehensive Development

Small Watershed Comprehensive Development [中国]

Controlling a small watershed comprehensively with structural, vegetative, management, and agronomic measures based on harvesting area of ground water and underground water, to improve the production and conservation of land.

  • 编制者: Jun XIA

2. SLM方法的描述

2.1 该方法的简要说明

Controlling a small watershed comprehensively with structural, vegetative, management, and agronomic measures based on harvesting area of ground water and underground water, to improve the production and conservation of land.

2.2 该方法的详细说明


Aims / objectives: The overall purpose of the approach is to prevent soil and water loss and better environment. The aim of the approach is to control soil and water loss by combined measures.

Stages of implementation: (1) Structural measure; (2) Combine vegetative measure, agronomic measure and management measures.

2.5 采用该方法的国家/地区/地点




Hubei province

2.6 该方法的开始和终止日期



2.7 方法的类型

  • 基于项目/方案

2.8 该方法的主要目的/目标

The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities ( Prevent Flooding, Irrigation, Breed aquatic biology)

The main objectives of the approach were achieving the more sustainable soil and water use by the ways and means which support a SWC technology.

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: Financing Inadequate

2.9 推动或妨碍实施本办法所适用的技术的条件

  • 阻碍

Substantive investment in small basin development could produce inconspicuous benefit at first 1-2 years for land users, so changing land use pattern so as to get quick benefit as early as possible.

Treatment through the SLM Approach:

  • 启动

The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights moderately helped the approach implementation: In China, state has land ownership and farmers have land use rights a period of time by land contract and leasing land from communities. This is helpful to the small watershed comprehensive development.

  • 阻碍

There is not a mature and universal SWC design being followed.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Experts are invited to constitute programming design by summarizing experiences.

3. 相关利益相关者的参与和角色

3.1 该方法涉及的利益相关者及其职责

  • 当地土地使用者/当地社区

Existing groups of land users; Working land users were mainly men (Men are the main labours in the SWC implementation.)

  • 教师/学龄儿童/学生
  • 国家政府(规划者、决策者)

Most of them are agricultural and water resource departments of the county.

3.2 当地土地使用者/当地社区参与该方法的不同阶段
当地土地使用者/当地社区的参与 指定参与人员并描述活动
启动/动机 外部支持 public meetings; They were involved in the program by taking part in public meeting to understand the approach.
计划 互动 public meetings; Participating
实施 外部支持 responsibility for major steps; Participating
监测/评估 互动
Research 互动 Casual labor.

3.4 有关SLM技术选择的决策

  • 主要是SLM专家,咨询土地使用者之后


Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by by politicians / leaders. consultative.

4. 技术支持、能力建设和知识管理

4.1 能力建设/培训


  • 土地使用者
  • 农民对农民
  • 示范区域
  • 公开会议

Teaching them how to implement SWC items and soil & water conservation knowledge, etc.

4.2 咨询服务


  • 在固定中心

Small Watershed Integrated Harness; Key elements: Fund from government, Water and soil loss very severely, Aid by local government; 1) Advisory service was carried out through: government's existing extension system 2) Advisory service was carried out through: government's existing extension system; Extension staff: mainly government employees 3) Target groups for extension: planners; Activities: training

Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; At each government level, there is a SWC division which is in charge of SWC activities including extension.

4.3 机构强化(组织发展)

  • 是,非常
  • 本地
  • 财务
  • 能力建设/培训

4.4 监测和评估



bio-physical aspects were regular monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: None

technical aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: None

socio-cultural aspects were ad hoc monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: None

economic / production aspects were regular monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: None

area treated aspects were None monitored by 0 through measurements; indicators: None

no. of land users involved aspects were None monitored by 0 through observations; indicators: None

There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: None

4.5 研究


  • 经济/市场营销
  • 生态学
  • 技术

Research was carried out both on station and on-farm

5. 融资和外部物质支持

5.1 该方法中SLM组成部分的年度预算

  • 100,000-1,000,000

Approach costs were met by the following donors: government (national - Central government): 60.0%; other (-): 40.0%

5.2 为土地使用者提供财政/物质支援


5.3 对特定投入的补贴(包括劳动力)

  • 设备
具体说明哪些投入得到了补贴 程度如何 对补贴做出具体说明
机械 充分融资
工具 充分融资
  • 农业
具体说明哪些投入得到了补贴 程度如何 对补贴做出具体说明
种子 充分融资
化肥 充分融资
seedlings and biocides 充分融资
  • 基建
具体说明哪些投入得到了补贴 程度如何 对补贴做出具体说明
community infrastructure 充分融资
  • 以现金支付

5.4 信用



Interest rate charged: 2.0%

Interest was lower than market rate.

6. 影响分析和结论性陈述

6.1 方法的影响

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

Reconstructing the slope land to terraces and planting much more cash crops and fruit trees instead of traditional food crops.

  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

The policies of land contract distribute land to individuals so that land users who involved in SWC activities need to be organized together for implementation of the SWC. The organization need much time and hard work. The problem is likely to be overcome in the near future. Farmers worry that their land would be transferred to others.

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • 是,很少
  • 是,中等
  • 是,支持力度很大

6.3 方法活动的可持续性

  • 不确定

If a SWC investment exceeds the benefit, farmers will lose interest.

6.4 该方法的长处/优点

SWC approach is mainly actualized by government, the land users do not concern much.
The comprehensive SWC measues being applied in a small basin producing farthest benefit. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: More demonstration areas and experiences need to set up to extend in large area.)
Government organize programming design, so that the benefit of the user and society are more obvious. (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Making out SWC favourablepolicies and strengthening propaganda and education in order that everyone could concern eco-environment protection and construction.)

6.5 该方法的弱点/缺点以及克服它们的方法

土地使用者认为的弱点/缺点/风险 如何克服它们?
Cost much!!
编制者或其他关键资源人员认为的弱点/缺点/风险 如何克服它们?
Comprehensive development of a small watershed is a systematic engineering, it need scientific planning and much more input. It is difficult for farmers themselves to do these. Enhancing training local SWC staffs and technicians.
