
你的搜索结果 (2448)

Holistic Rangeland Management combined with high end tourism

Holistic Rangeland Management combined with high end tourism [Kenya]

The establishment of a community wildlife conservancy facilitates (1) 'holistic rangeland management' refering to a to the implementation of a suite of management practices aimed at sustaining and/or improving rangeland productivity such as 'bunched grazing' (livestock concentrated for short duration intensive grazing), short-term 'bomas' (livestock corrals occupied for ~7 days), …

  • 编制者: Harry Wells
Mugie Resource Sharing  and Livestock to Markets Program

Mugie Resource Sharing and Livestock to Markets Program [Kenya]

Selected livestock are bought from the communities, then fattened and marketed by the Mugie conservancy management on a ‘resource sharing’ basis – generating income for both the conservancy and the community. This encourages the development of local value chains and market-based incentives for better rangeland management and animal husbandry outside …

  • 编制者: Peter Tyrrell
Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP)

Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP) [Kenya]

Government of Kenya (GoK) is implementing the Kenya Livestock Insurance Program (KLIP). KLIP is a GoK funded drought insurance program for vulnerable pastoralists located in the Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) of Kenya. KLIP’s overall objective is to reduce the risk of livestock mortality emanating from drought. This is intended …

  • 编制者: Duncan Collins Khalai
Stabilization Through Conservation ('StabilCon') approach

Stabilization Through Conservation ('StabilCon') approach [Kenya]

The 'StabilCon' approach is a non-aggressive, low-intensity stabilization model that seeks to reconcile the needs of both humans and their natural environment. To achieve this, StabilCon aims to co-develop two mutually beneficial elements: sustainable natural resource management and human security in rural areas.

  • 编制者: Harry Wells
Inclusive strategic planning for water, energy and climate change in the rangelands

Inclusive strategic planning for water, energy and climate … [Kenya]

Inclusive strategic planning for water, energy and climate change in the rangelands at county, sub-county, ward and location levels. This involves convening stakeholder groups and reviewing databases to prepare for future needs for rangeland, water and other resources under changing climatic conditions.

Empowering Dedha institutions in governing the natural resources of Isiolo rangelands

Empowering Dedha institutions in governing the natural resources … [Kenya]

This approach – driven by communities and supported by various agencies - aims to revive and strengthen the traditional natural resource management institutions of Boran pastoralists in Northern Kenya. The traditional system, which was devised by the Boran pastoral community and honed over centuries to suit the challenges of the …