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Your search results (2448)


Trashlines [Kenya]

Trashlines are lines of crop residuals that remain after harvesting, they are formed along the contours.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Boundary Hedgerows

Boundary Hedgerows [Kenya]

A hedgerow is a line of closely spaced shrubs and tree species, planted and trained to form a barrier or to mark the boundary of an area.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Micro-catchments for rainwater harvesting

Micro-catchments for rainwater harvesting [Kenya]

Ox-ploughed furrow micro-catchments are intentionally built as part of seedbed preparation to harvest rainwater. Commonly used in dryland environments, the micro-catchment prolong water availability for seed germination and growth and development of the emerging seedlings.

  • Compiler: Kevin Mganga
Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM)

Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) [Kenya]

The Social Tenure Domain Model (STDM) is about people and their relationships with land. The tool as applied secures tenure through the recognition of tenure diversity and social contexts. In the management of land and resources use, STDM facilitates proper land use and management to minimize practices that lead to …

  • Compiler: Ken Otieno
Kitui Sand dams

Kitui Sand dams [Kenya]

Masonry dam in seasonal watercourse or river that stores water in the sand which accumulates above it.

  • Compiler: Unknown User
Agroforestry system (intercropping beans/maize) with contour ditches, strips of Napier grass, manure and organic fertilizers.

Agroforestry system (intercropping beans/maize) with contour ditches, strips … [Kenya]

The technology is a combination of agricultural (e.g. intercropping, manure/compost/mulching), vegetative (e.g. Napier grass strips, trees planting) and structural (e.g. ditches) measures which aim to maximise the overall land yield in a sustainable manner (e.g. reducing soil erosion and increasing soil quality).

  • Compiler: Laura D'Aietti
Conservation Agriculture

Conservation Agriculture [Kenya]

Conservation Agriculture is a concept for resource-saving agricultural crop production that strives to achieve acceptable profits together with high and sustained production levels while concurrently conserving the environment.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Retention ditches

Retention ditches [Kenya]

Retention ditches, also called infiltration ditches, are larger ditches designed to catch and retain all incoming runoff for infiltration into the soil.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga