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Your search results (2448)

Lolldaiga Hills Ranch: Rotational Grazing and Boma-Based Land Reclamation

Lolldaiga Hills Ranch: Rotational Grazing and Boma-Based Land … [Kenya]

Lolldaiga Hills ranch is a private ranch and conservancy with livestock production and tourism. Rotational grazing is used to manage livestock on semi-arid lands with limited water resources. Bare land is recovered by a "Boma” technology – strategic corralling of animals overnight on degraded land.

  • Compiler: Michael Herger
Index Based Livestock Insurance

Index Based Livestock Insurance [Kenya]

Index-Based Livestock Insurance (IBLI) is a product that was designed to help protect pastoralists and their livestock against the effects of prolonged forage scarcity. IBLI triggers payment to pastoralists when the forage situation deteriorates to levels considered to be severe, as compared to historical conditions over time.

  • Compiler: Duncan Collins Khalai
Dedha grazing system as a natural resource management technology

Dedha grazing system as a natural resource management … [Kenya]

The Dedha grazing system is an ancient, traditional governance system for land and its resources practiced by Boran pastoralists. It carefully balances how pastoralists use rangeland resources. The basis of the technology is three grazing rangeland governance zones: wet season grazing, dry season grazing, and drought reserves. There is also …

  • Compiler: IBRAHIM JARSO
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) [Kenya]

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a proven SLM Technology to restore degraded wasteland and improve depleted farmland. The farmer regu- lates and facilitates the re-growth of existing trees stumps, or self-sown seeds in the soil, and thus promotes soil fertility and through better ground cover, increases protection from runoff …

  • Compiler: Thomas Kalytta
Productive use of the riparian area using Napier grass and protection of the riverbank with indigenous trees at Kapingazi River

Productive use of the riparian area using Napier … [Kenya]

A riparian area that is frequently flooded requires a special treatment because conventional agriculture is not possible. Trees along the riverbank and Napier grass on the remaining space still allow a productive use despite the difficult circumstances.

  • Compiler: Manuel Fischer
Crop Rotation

Crop Rotation [Kenya]

Crop rotation is the practice of growing a series of different types of crops in the same area in sequential seasons.

  • Compiler: Paul Kahiga
Ecosystem-wide seasonal grazing management in community land

Ecosystem-wide seasonal grazing management in community land [Kenya]

Livestock movements are managed through community governance systems to maintain spatial and temporal heterogeneity of pasture, creating a gradient of quality and quantity of pasture across the landscape. This is achieved through clearly designated seasonal grazing areas for livestock and tight controls on settlement areas, grazing patterns and water points. …

  • Compiler: Peter Tyrrell