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Your search results (548)

Promoting the Network for Integrated Management on Salt-Affected Soils

Promoting the Network for Integrated Management on Salt-Affected … [Thailand]

The multi-agency approach for promoting the network of integrated management on salt-affected soils has been conducted in Ban Hua Nong, Hua Nong subdistrict, Ban Phai district, Khon Kaen province since 2007. For this approach to succeed there must be a strong and selfless group leader. In addition, members of the …

  • Compiler: supranee sritumboon

กลุ่มเกษตรธรรมชาติสัมพันธ์ [Thailand]

กลุ่มเกษตรธรรมชาติสัมพันธ์ เป็นการรวมกลุ่มของเกษตรกรที่ดำเนินการทำเกษตรอินทรีย์บนพื้นที่ลาดเชิงเขา โดยได้จัดให้มีศูนย์ถ่ายทอดด้านเกษตรอินทรีย เพื่อเป็นแหล่งศึกษา เรียนรู้ร่วมกัน

  • Compiler: Kukiat SOITONG
Vegetative approach of using a halophyte ("Dixie grass", Sporobolus virginicus)) to rehabilitate severely salt-affected land.

Vegetative approach of using a halophyte ("Dixie grass", … [Thailand]

The government promotes a halophyte (Dixie grass) to control severely salt-affected land, rehabilitate the ecosystem and prevent the spread of salt in soil - with the cooperation of land owners, livestock farmers, the local administration, the local government agency, Land Development Department researchers and with specialists/ technical advisors in various …

  • Compiler: Kamontip Sasithorn
Cut-off drain

Cut-off drain [Thailand]

This approach is the 'way' or 'how' the cut-off drain has been implemented on steepland in northern Thailand.

  • Compiler: Samran Sombatpanit
Small bench terrace

Small bench terrace [Thailand]

This approach is 'the way' or 'how' the small bench terrace has been implemented on sloping land in northern Thailand.

  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner
TEST's the thing's

TEST's the thing's [Togo]

C'est une approche de participation villageoise au développement rural

  • Compiler: Christine Hauert


No description available.

  • Compiler: Philippe Zahner