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Your search results (2433)

Crop Production

Crop Production [Türkiye]

Adopting of the strip cropping-fallow-strip cropping system by farmers, with support from local SWC specialists and state agricultural organisations.

  • Compiler: Mehmet Zengin
Traditional Cisterns

Traditional Cisterns [Türkiye]

Cisterns are water collection structures which form part of a cultural heritage dating back some 2000 years. While cisterns are commonly used to store drinking water, in the sloping fields of Tarsus they serve as a form of water insurance structure for orchards during dry periods.

  • Compiler: Erhan Akca
Fodder Crop Production

Fodder Crop Production [Türkiye]

Production of fodder crops every year both for feeding livestock and increasing soil fertility.

  • Compiler: Faruk Ocakoglu
Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation [Türkiye]

Drip irrigation is a method designed for minimum use of water and labour for the optimum irrigation of plants in arid and semi-arid regions.

  • Compiler: Faruk Ocakoglu
Woven Wood Fences

Woven Wood Fences [Türkiye]

Wooden fences are an effective and relatively cheap way of conserving soil from water erosion by decreasing overland flow. They also increase crop yield by encouraging better infiltration.

  • Compiler: Faruk Ocakoglu
Strip farming

Strip farming [Türkiye]

Strip farming is a kind of an agriculture method that cereals are sowed as strips which are 50 m witdh (strip-fallow-strip). Strips are perpendicular to wind direction in dropugth areas.

  • Compiler: Mehmet Zengin
MADDO SLM approach

MADDO SLM approach [Uganda]

This integrated soil fertility management approach aims at identifying and promoting practices in land management that can increase soil fertility, reduce land degradation and improve production. Under this specific example, organic manure from a piggery was applied to banana and coffee plantations.

  • Compiler: Tonny Kyambadde