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Your search results (2433)

Farmer Initiated Pine Tree Planting

Farmer Initiated Pine Tree Planting [Uganda]

Farmer owned initiated pine tree planting approach is an individual initiative promoted by a farmer with the aim of establishing modern tree nurseries for raising seedlings for other farmers and communal learning

  • Compiler: betty adoch
Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Demonstration Plots

Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of Demonstration Plots [Uganda]

In Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation of demonstrations, all the players or stakeholders involved in the implementation of the demonstration come together to carry out a joint monitoring and evaluation of the performance of the technology being implemented.

  • Compiler: Sunday Balla Amale
Promoting intercropping through baby demos

Promoting intercropping through baby demos [Uganda]

A demonstration site is established where farmers come and learn about good intercropping practices. They are then tasked to replicate this practice at their homes in the baby demos.

  • Compiler: Sunday Balla Amale
Promoting farmer innovation

Promoting farmer innovation [Uganda]

Identification of farmer innovators in SWC and water harvesting, and using them as focal points for visits from other farmers to spread the practices and stimulate the process of innovation.

  • Compiler: Kithinji Mutunga
FFS/SLM Community Initiative

FFS/SLM Community Initiative [Uganda]

Farmers are organized to promote adoption of sustainable land management best practices within the community

  • Compiler: Wilson Bamwerinde
Extension advisory service

Extension advisory service [Uganda]

Increasing farmers' outputs through use of extension advisory service on flat area of land.

  • Compiler: Wilson Bamwerinde
Afforestation/Tree planting

Afforestation/Tree planting [Uganda]

Tree planting carried out by individual land users on hilly slopes to improve soil cover ,reduce wind strength , provide wood fuel & household income.

  • Compiler: Wilson Bamwerinde