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Your search results (56)

Dyker System

Dyker System [Switzerland]

The Dyker consists of a set of wheels with three to four inclined shovels each. Attached to the rear end of the planting machine, it digs holes into the bottom of the furrows between the potato hills.

  • Compiler: Deborah Niggli
Hangunterteilung durch Ackersaum

Hangunterteilung durch Ackersaum [Switzerland]

Das von Erosion betroffene und gefährdete Feld wurde mittels eines Ackersaums so abgegrenzt, dass Bodenverlust und off-site Schäden durch zukünftige Ereignisse vermindert oder verhindert werden.

  • Compiler: Deborah Niggli
Slope division for erosion control

Slope division for erosion control [Switzerland]

A field at risk for erosion by water is divided so that a grass strip prevents soil loss and further damage to the field and the streets during a heavy rainfall.

  • Compiler: Joana Eichenberger