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Your search results (53)

Project of check-dam for land

Project of check-dam for land [China]

Approach of check dam for land is a kind of soil and water conservation activity to reduce the sediment discharge and improve the agricultural condition through building a dam across the valley in order to silt the sediment from upstream untill it convert to land with few soil erosion and …

  • Compiler: Fei WANG
Fulfilling of Year-after-year terraced land

Fulfilling of Year-after-year terraced land [China]

Year-after-year terraced land is a kind of practice to enlarge the flat land step by step with the growing up of new planted trees in order to reduce runoff generation and improve the water moisture of the soil and the yield as well.

  • Compiler: Fei WANG
Bench terraces on loess soil

Bench terraces on loess soil [China]

A Terrace is a structural SLM practice with a raised flat platform built on the slope to reduce soil loss and runoff on the slope, increase the rainfall infiltration and yield.

  • Compiler: Fei WANG
Check dam for land

Check dam for land [China]

Check dam for land is a structural SLM practice that is constructed in the valley of a watershed in order to slow down the runoff and increase sedimentation. After this, the land quality of the controlling area will increase because soil and water conditions in this place are improved.

  • Compiler: Fei WANG

Terrace [China]

A terrace is a kind of measure to change the slope, which has a raised bank of earth or stone with vertical or sloping sides and a approximately flat top.

  • Compiler: Meili WEN
Biogas Digester for Biomass Energy

Biogas Digester for Biomass Energy [China]

By established facilities and use organic matter of animal manure, human waste, plant straw for anaerobic fermentation to produce inflammable biogas for uses of lighting, cooking with the residue liquid and dreg for high quality organic fertilizer.

  • Compiler: Yaolin Wang
Closed Pipe-conduit

Closed Pipe-conduit [China]

A Rat tunnel is a kind of subdrainage. It is a drainage duct formed through extrusion or oscillation in soil layer by pulling a mole plough with a tractor. The rat tunnels in a field should be used together with a concealed conduit drainage system in order to safely and …

  • Compiler: Mei Zhao