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Your search results (2437)

Lining irrigation canals

Lining irrigation canals [Mali]

Lining canals is a powerful way to save irrigation water by minimising seepage losses, and to reduce pumping time and costs.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Dams with water-spreading weirs

Dams with water-spreading weirs [Mali]

The role of small dams with weirs is to raise the water table, expand rice growing areas and extend the availability of water in lowland areas to complete the agricultural cycle of lowland areas (rice and vegetable growing).

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Cyclopean concrete micro-dams

Cyclopean concrete micro-dams [Mali]

A water reservoir for growing off-season increases the farmed area, yields and production. A second growing season thus becomes possible.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Masonry micro-dams

Masonry micro-dams [Mali]

The role of masonry micro-dams is to raise the level of the water table so as to supply wells and create water reserves for off-season farming activities.

  • Compiler: Dieter Nill
Appui à la foresterie villageoise et l'utilisation durable des terres dans le terroir villageois de Bassibougou - Kita.

Appui à la foresterie villageoise et l'utilisation durable … [Mali]

Il s'agit d'un projet d'appui partant d'une initiative villageoise visant à mettre fin à l'exploitation d'un patrimoine forestier commun et à la sauvegarde des terres agricoles dans les environs du village. Il s'agissait de préserver une trentaine d'ha de terre tout autour du village par la mise en défens et …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS