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Your search results (35)

Maintenance of forest cover in headwaters

Maintenance of forest cover in headwaters [Belgium]

Forests in headwater areas benefit water quality and hydrologic cycling. Furthermore, maintaining and restoring the forest cover in headwater catchments offers other, multiple benefits such as increased soil water retention, intercepted pollution pathways, improved soil, maintained biodiversity and captured carbon dioxide.

  • Compiler: Marie Anne Eurie Forio
Drainage Biofilter

Drainage Biofilter [Czech Republic]

Biofilters or “bioreactors” connected to agricultural tile drains are relatively inexpensive and space-saving measures with considerable potential to improve the quality of drainage water.

  • Compiler: Antonín Zajíček
Grassing of Recharge Areas

Grassing of Recharge Areas [Czech Republic]

Grassing recharge zones of agricultural drainage systems significantly improves the quality of drainage water. It can be a useful, effective and relatively cheap measure for improvement of shallow groundwater quality.

  • Compiler: Antonín Zajíček
Constructed wetland with tile drainage

Constructed wetland with tile drainage [Czech Republic]

A constructed wetland connected to tile drains that slows drainage flow, removes nitrogen and pesticides from drainage waters, and improves biodiversity. Formed from a substrate of matured birch chips and gravel, and is planted with reeds (Phalaris arundinacea) and reed manna grass (Glyceria maxima).

  • Compiler: Petr Fučík
Detention ponds

Detention ponds [Germany]

Detention ponds are artificially excavated basins that collect stormwater runoff and eroded sediment from the upstream catchment. The water stored in these ponds is slowly released into a water body or it infiltrates into the groundwater – or both. Their primary functions are flood control, erosion control and water quality …

  • Compiler: Felix Witing
Riparian buffer strip with naturally recovered vegetation

Riparian buffer strip with naturally recovered vegetation [Germany]

Riparian buffer strips refer to the permanent greening of arable land alongside streams and other water bodies. By slowing down runoff water from the land, they help to protect water bodies from diffuse pollution. Riparian buffer strips have multiple other environmental benefits, but disadvantages also.

  • Compiler: Felix Witing
Grassed waterways

Grassed waterways [Germany]

A grassed waterway is a strip of grass and other permanent low growing vegetation that is established along in the main drainage line (the thalweg) of an agricultural field to discharge water safely and prevent gully development.

  • Compiler: Felix Witing

Strip-till [Germany]

Strip-till is a form of precision farming and conservation agriculture that combines minimum tillage in strips with no-till on the remainder of the field. The soil over the whole field is protected by a growing crop or mulch from sunlight, and especially from the direct impact of raindrops by providing …

  • Compiler: Felix Witing
Freezing winter cover crops

Freezing winter cover crops [Germany]

Freezing winter cover crops are planted to cover the soil rather than for the purpose of being harvested. They improve soil structure, diversify cropping systems, suppress weeds and pests, and prevent nutrient loss.

  • Compiler: Michael Strauch