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Vos résultats de la recherche (2450)

Sweet Potato Ridge

Sweet Potato Ridge [Ethiopia]

Earth embankment formed by digging a channel and pile the soil to form a ridge on which potato is planted.

  • Compilateur : Daniel Danano
Graded Soil bund

Graded Soil bund [Ethiopia]

It is an embankment of soil with no gradient along the contour and stablized with grasses, tree/shrub plant species.

  • Compilateur : Unknown User
Irrigation par les crues et le ruissellement

Irrigation par les crues et le ruissellement [Ethiopia]

L'irrigation par les crues et le ruissellement est une pratique de détournement d'eau provenant de différentes sources à fin d'irriguer des légumes, arbres fruitiers et cultures de grande valeur.

  • Compilateur : Daniel Danano
Integrated Farm Land Conservation

Integrated Farm Land Conservation [Ethiopia]

Integrated Farm Land Conservation (IFLC) comprises of farm terrace (bund) construction, construction of drainage structures, bund stabilization and livestock exclosure,

  • Compilateur : Yismaw Wuletaw
Closed Area Management in Abagerima Learning Watershed

Closed Area Management in Abagerima Learning Watershed [Ethiopia]

Closed area management is an area within a watershed into which human and livestock access is limited, and the area is left for natural recovery of vegetation and soil. Management relates to activities by the community to ensure such protection and to support regeneration, such as constructing drainage and retention …

  • Compilateur : Melese Bililign
Homestead Development

Homestead Development [Ethiopia]

Homestead development is a diverse, dynamic and interesting horticultural area; it appears as an agroforestry plot in a cultivated landscape surrounding it, and it is more productive than single cropping, since harvesting is continuous over a great portion of the growing season and beyond.

  • Compilateur : Sewalem Salele