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Vos résultats de la recherche (2450)

Improved grazing land management

Improved grazing land management [Ethiopia]

Rehabilitation of communal grazing lands, through planting of improved grass and fodder trees and land subdivision, to improve fodder and consequently livestock production.

  • Compilateur : Daniel Danano
Hillside Terracing

Hillside Terracing [Ethiopia]

A hillside terrace is a structure along the contour, where a strip of land is levelled for tree planting.

  • Compilateur : Hans Hurni
Multiple Cropping

Multiple Cropping [Ethiopia]

Multiple cropping is an agronomic practice of growing two or more crops on the same land simultaneously in a given growing season

  • Compilateur : Unknown User
Stone faced trench bund

Stone faced trench bund [Ethiopia]

It is an allignment of stones embankment at the lower/downslope of the trench dug to form earth embankment following a contour.

  • Compilateur : Unknown User
Stone wall check dam

Stone wall check dam [Ethiopia]

Stone wall check dams are built across a gully to collect alluvial soil and hinder further gully erosion.

  • Compilateur : Simon Bach
Haraghie Stone Bund

Haraghie Stone Bund [Ethiopia]

It is constructed along the contour to minimize soil erosion and prevent runoff damage from down stream fields.

  • Compilateur : Unknown User
Desho Grass Soil Bund

Desho Grass Soil Bund [Ethiopia]

Desho grass strip is a vegetative SWC measure used for stablizing the bund and provide fodder for animals.

  • Compilateur : Daniel Danano