Арга барилууд

SLM Focal Village [Бутан]

  • Шинийг нээх:
  • Шинэчлэх:
  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан:
  • Редактор:
  • Хянагч:

approaches_2490 - Бутан

Бүрэн гүйцэд байдал: 86%

1. Ерөнхий мэдээлэл

1.2 Арга барилыг баримтжуулах болон үнэлгээ хийхэд оролцсон хүн эсвэл байгууллагын холбоо барих хаяг

Мэдээлэл өгсөн хүн(с)

ГТМ мэргэжилтэн :
Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байгууллага(ууд)-ын нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
MoA (MoA) - Бутан
Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байгууллага(ууд)-ын нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
National Soil Services Centre (National Soil Services Centre) - Бутан

1.3 WOCAT-аар баримтжуулсан өгөгдлийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцөл

Мэдээллийг хэзээ (газар дээр нь) цуглуулсан бэ?


Эмхэтгэгч болон гол мэдээлэгч хүн(хүмүүс) WOCAT аргачлалаар баримтжуулсан мэдээллийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцлийг хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн.


1.4 ГТМ-ийн технологийн асуулгын(д) суурь мэдээлэл(д)

2. ГТМ Арга барилын тодорхойлолт

2.1 Арга барилын товч тодорхойлолт

Focused support to a single village community to promote the widespread integrated implementation of SLM interventions.

2.2 Арга барилын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт

Арга барилын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт :

Aims / objectives: A SLM Focal Village is an approach to focus support to a particular village where a whole range of integrated SLM interventions is showcased in order to create visual impact and to serve as a demonstration site. The concept of a SLM Focal Village was developed in order to tackle the concern of dilution of impact caused by inclusion of all the villages and the households that are geographically very scattered and dispersed. Focal villages are selected at geog (block) level based on their accessibility, visibility for visitors and passers-by, severity of land degradation issues and interest shown by the village community.

Methods: Participatory SLM Action Planning is used to identify land-based problems, their causes and to discuss, select and prioritize specific targeted SLM interventions into a chiog (village) SLM action plan. Additional support is given to the village community to convert larger complexes of clustered land to more sustainable use with locally suited SLM practices. Popular interventions are stone bunding, grass hedgerows, bench terracing, bamboo and tree plantation and fodder development. The for-mation of labour-sharing groups is promoted in the SLM Focal Villages to ease high labour requirement for some SLM activities.

Stages of implementation: Where possible, integrated approaches are adopted, linking increasing vegetative cover of degraded or vulnerable areas with fodder development in marginal slope segments. FYM shed construction is combined with breed improvement and transition to stall feeding, providing manure for cropland. The SLM Focal Villages are used as demonstration sites and interested farmer groups on study tours and other visitors can get a quick impression of a variety of SLM activities showcased in a limited geographical area.

Role of stakeholders: The SLM Focal Villages are used as demonstration sites and interested farmer groups on study tours and other visitors can get a quick impression of a variety of SLM activities showcased in a limited geographical area.

Other important information: SLM Focal Villages require more guidance and monitoring by local extension staff and relatively higher budgets as the areas of land converted to SLM practices are often larger and thus related expenses for seeds, seedlings and other incentives like tools. In some focal villages additional labour-saving machinery is supplied, for example maize flour mill, oil expeller, rice huller, cornflake machine, etc. as an incentive to the community for taking up SLM interventions on comparatively larger scale..

2.3 Арга барилын зурагууд

2.5 Арга барил нэвтрүүлсэн улс орон / бүс нутаг / байршил

Улс :



Chhukha Dzongkhag

Байршлын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт:

Phuntsholing geog, Serina chiog

2.6 Арга барилыг эхлэх, дуусах огноо

Эхлэх жилийг тэмдэглэ:


Хугацаа дуусах жил (Хэрэв арга барил удаанаар ашиглаагүй бол):


2.7 Арга барилын төрөл

  • төсөл / хөтөлбөр дээр үндэслэсэн

2.8 Арга барилын үндсэн зорилго, зорилтууд

The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (Advocay of implementation of various SLM techniques through focus village (chiog) approach)

- Creating a visible and tangible impact at chiog level through widespread implementation of SLM technologies
- Convert present fallow land and former slash-and-burn practice areas to more sustainable cropland with an improved fodder base
- Improve community sense and enhance sustainability of SLM approaches through group support

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: - Inclusion of all households at village level in a large and geographically dispersed geog leads to dilution of (visual) impact and benefits.
- Targeting individual households makes it more difficult to create a focused demonstration area to showcase SLM interventions at village level

2.9 Арга барилын хүрээнд хэрэгжсэн Технологи/Технологиудад дэмжсэн эсвэл саад учруулсан нөхцлүүд

Бүтэц зохион байгуулалт
  • Хазаарлалт

Transition of focus from individual household approach to labour-sharing approach, uniting lager groups of community members

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Group support, targeted training and guidance/monitoring

Хууль, эрхзүйн хүрээ (газар эзэмшил, газар, ус ашиглах эрх)
  • Идэвхижүүлэх

The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights greatly helped the approach implementation: Individual titled land tenure greatly help implementation of SLM activities as the land users have great commitment and feeling of ownership, getting direct benefits and leading in decision-making process.

ажлын багтаамж, хүн хүчний нөөц бололцоо
  • Хазаарлалт

Larger areas to be treated with SLM interventions requires substantial work load of all households

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Labour-sharing groups to ease labour constraint and promote/enhance community bonding/sense

  • Хазаарлалт

Lack of direct tangible impact of long-term SLM interventions

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Combining long-term SLM activities with short-term inputs and incentives and additional capacity building / awareness raising

3. Оролцогч талуудын оролцоо ба үүргүүд

3.1 Арга барилд оролцогч талууд болон тэдгээрийн үүргүүд

  • Орон нутгийн газар ашиглагч / орон нутгийн иргэд

Serina chiog community

Households from vulnerable groups (lower “well-being class” after chiog “well-being ranking”) are involved as much as possible in SLM interventions.

  • ГТМ-ийн мэргэжилтэн/ хөдөө аж ахуйн зөвлөх
  • Орон нутгийн захиргаа

Dzongkhag, geog and chiog administration together with the RNR extension staff and GSPs

  • Засгийн газар (шийдвэр гаргагч, төлөвлөгч)


  • Олон улсын байгууллага
Хэрэв хэд хэдэн оролцогч талууд оролцсон бол голлох төлөөлөгчийг зааж өгнө үү:

developed as result of internal review of project progress and impact

3.2 Арга барилын янз бүрийн үе шатанд орон нутгийн газар ашиглагчид / бүлэглэлүүдийг татан оролцуулах
Орон нутгийн газар ашиглагч / орон нутгийн иргэдийн оролцоо Хэн оролцсоныг тодорхойлж, үйл ажиллагааг тайлбарлана уу
санаачлага/идэвхжүүлэлт интерактив Initial meetings to sensitize farmers and to create awareness of SLM issues
Төлөвлөгөө интерактив Participatory SLM action planning at chiog level; annual planning cycle, repeated for 3 years
Хэрэгжилт интерактив Based on the chiog SLM action plan SLM interventions are implemented with input support and incentives; guidance and capacity building by municipality extension staff and geog SLM planners
Мониторинг/ үнэлгээ интерактив Participatory Monitoring & Evaluation meetings carried out by geogSLM planning team (GSPT)
Research үгүй

3.3 Диаграм (хэрэв боломжтой бол)

Тодорхойлолт :

SLM focal village and its linkage with support providers

Зохиогч :

Hans van Noord (Schoutenkamp 43 Heteren The Netherlands)

3.4 ГТМ-ийн технологи/технологиуд сонгох шийдвэр

Хэрэгжүүлэх Технологи/Технологиудын сонголтыг хийж шийдвэр гаргасан хүнийг тодорхойлно уу:
  • ГТМ-ийн мэргэжилтнүүдийн дэмжлэгтэйгээр, голчлон газар ашиглагчид
Тайлбар :

the annual participatory SLM Action Planning is key approach used to identify and prioritize SLM technologies for implementation at village level.

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by mainly by SLM specialists with consultation of land users. based on the SLM Action plan for the village and amended, if necessary, by the findings of M&E meetings

4. Техникийн дэмжлэг, чадавхи бүрдүүлэх, мэдлэгийн менежмент

4.1 Чадавхи бэхжүүлэх/сургалт

Газар эзэмшигчид / бусад оролцогч талуудад сургалт явуулсан уу?


Хэн сургалтанд хамрагдсан бэ:
  • Газар ашиглагчид
Хэрэв шаардлагатай бол хүйс, нас, яс үндэс, гэх мэт. нэмнэ үү:

Whole community involved with SLM: inclusive approach to all 44 households

Сургалтын хэлбэр :
  • фермерээс -фермер
  • үзүүлэнгийн талбай
  • Олон нийтийн уулзалт
Хамрагдсан сэвдүүд:

A series of awareness raising activities related to identification of local land-based problems, its causes and possible SLM interventions through an annual SLM action planning and following implementation. This is combined with specific technical trainings focused on the SLM activities prioritized in the village SLM action plan.

4.2 Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ

Газар ашиглагчдад зөвлөх үйлчилгээ авах боломжтой байдаг уу?


Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ үзүүлсэн эсэхийг тогтоо:
  • Газар ашиглагчийн талбай дээр
Тодорхойлолт / тайлбар:

Name of method used for advisory service: Field visits and meetings; Key elements: technical guidance, awareness raising and group formation support

Advisory service is inadequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities

4.3 Институцийг бэхжүүлэх (байгууллагын хөгжил)

Арга барилаар дамжуулан институц байгуулагдаж эсвэл бэхжсэн үү?
  • Тийм, дунд зэрэг
Байгууллагууд бэхжиж, үүсэн бий болсон түвшин(үүд)-г тодорхойлно уу:
  • Орон нутгийн
Дэмжлэгийн төрлийг ялга:
  • Санхүүгийн
  • чадавхи бэхжүүлэх / сургалт
  • Тоног төхөөрөмж
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг өгнө үү:

Yes, SLM focal village development is a direct form of local institution support.

4.4 Мониторинг ба үнэлгээ

Мониторинг болон үнэлгээ нь арга барилын хэсэг үү?



bio-physical aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: terrace area increase and area treated with stone bunds

bio-physical aspects were ad hoc monitored by project staff, land users through measurements; indicators: terrace area increase and area treated with stone bunds

technical aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: Regular observations by project staff with land users of specific SLM interventions: progress, problems, areas for improvement

socio-cultural aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: Regular observations on community / focal village approach through participatory M&E meetings; community sense, conflicts etc.

economic / production aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements by project staff and land users: crop yields, income, fodder and animal production

area treated aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements by project staff and land users: area of SLM interventions (hedgerows, stone bunds, bench terraces, # of check dams tec.)

no. of land users involved aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through measurements; indicators: Regular measurements by project staff and land users: number of households participating in each specific training and event (male/female)

management of Approach aspects were regular monitored by project staff, land users through observations; indicators: Regular observations by project staff and land users during participatory M&E meetings; ad hoc meetings with project management staff

There were few changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Adjustment of technical interventions due to farmer feedback during participatory M&E meetings; review of annual SLM action plan leads to readjusted action plans based on evaluation with community on progress and issues.

There were few changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation: Adjustment of technical interventions due to farmer feedback during participatory M&E meetings; review of annual SLM action plan leads to readjusted action plans based on evaluation with community on progress and issues.

5. Санхүүгийн болон гадаад материаллаг дэмжлэг

5.1 ГТМ-ийн Арга барилын бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгийн жилийн төсөв

Хэрэв жилийн төсөв тодорхойгүй бол хягаарыг тодруулна уу:
  • 10,000-100,000
Тайлбар (жнь: санхүүжилтийн гол эх үүсвэр / гол хандивлагчид):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: international (World Bank GEF): 60.0%; government (RGoB): 20.0%; local community / land user(s): 20.0%

5.2 Газар ашиглагчдад санхүүгийн / материаллаг дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн

Технологи / технологийг хэрэгжүүлэхэд газар ашиглагчид санхүүгийн / материаллаг дэмжлэг авсан уу?


5.3 Тодорхой зардлыг даахад чиглэсэн дэмжлэгт (хөдөлмөрийн хүчийг оролцуулаад)

  • Тоног төхөөрөмж
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу
maize floor mill, green net sheds, water drums хэсэгчлэн санхүүждэг
  • Хөдөө аж ахуй
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу
Үр, үрсэлгээ Бүрэн санхүүждэг maize, paddy, vegetables
  • Барилга байгууламж
Ямар хөрөнгө оруулалт татаасаар олгогдсоныг заана уу Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу
CGI sjeets, water drums and houses Бүрэн санхүүждэг
  • Бусад
Бусад (тодорхойлно уу) Ямар талбайн хэмжээнд Тэтгэмж, урамшууллыг тодорхойлно уу
incentive payment хэсэгчлэн санхүүждэг per unit area of hedge row and stone bunding
Хэрэв газар ашиглагчийн хөдөлмөрийн хүч чухал байсан бол энэ нь аль хэлбэр байсан:
  • сайн дурын

Labour is mainly voluntary contribution by household, but partly compensated with cash and other material support for the more labour-intensive interventions such as stone bunding and hedgerow establishment; labour-saving groups also supported with tool sets

Tool sets partly financed; seeds and seedlings mostly fully financed; CGI sheets, green net and drums for FYM sheds, green net sheds and water collection drums fully financed; some labour-saving machinery fully financed such as maize flour mill as community incentive.

5.4 Кредит

Арга барилын хүрээнд ГТМ-ийн үйл ажиллагаанд зориулж зээлд хамрагдсан уу?


6. Нөлөөллийн дүн шинжилгээ ба дүгнэлт

6.1 Арга барилын нөлөөллүүд

Арга барил нь ГТМ-ийн технологийг хэрэгжүүлж, хадгалахад газар ашиглагчдад тусласан уу?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

Increased area under SLM treatment with improved fodder availability and formation of SLM related groups (labour-saving group etc.); former slash-and-burn practice area now converted into more sustainable land use; water sources protected and degraded areas afforested.

Арга барил нь ГТМ-ийн технологийг хэрэгжүүлэхэд саад учруулсан газрын эзэмшил / ашиглах эрхийг сайжруулахад чиглэсэн үү?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

Absentee land owners can complicate a full coverage of SLM interventions. The problem is unlikely to be overcome in the near future. Land ownership is a private matter, which is difficult to change land use without permission of abent land owner

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их
Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

In terms of increased yield, improved fodder availability and quality and increased production area; enhanced community bonding through group activities and related easing of labour constraints (labour-saving groups).

Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

Through inclusion in labour-sharing groups labour constraint of vulnerable households addressed. Focus of hands-on training on land of most vulnerable households to give them first benefit and ensure inclusion.

6.2 ГТМ-ийг хэрэгжүүлэх газар ашиглагчидын гол санаачилга

  • үйлдвэрлэл нэмэгдсэн

Small immediate increase, but good increase in long-term

  • Ашиг нэмэгдсэн (боломж), зардал-үр ашгийн харьцаа сайжирсан
  • Ажлын ачаалал бууруулсан

labour-sharing groups: Reduced workload through improved land (with hedgerows, stone b

  • төлбөр / татаас

incentives and inputs

  • дүрэм журам (торгууль) / сахиулах

enforcement through GSPT/community

  • Байгаль орчны ухамсар

environmental awareness

  • well-being and livelihoods improvement

wish to improve food self-sufficiency and increase of continuous cropping area

6.3 Арга барилын үйл ажиллагааны тогтвортой байдал

Газар ашиглагчид арга барилаар дамжуулан хэрэгжүүлсэн арга хэмжээг тогтвортой хадгалж чадах уу (гадны дэмжлэггүйгээр)?
  • Тийм
Хэрэв тийм бол яаж гэдгийг тайлбарлана уу:

Village communities express commitment to continue focal village approach, but it remains to be seen if they actually are able to continue with various SLM activities without support post-project. The communities are intending to continue to convert ex slash-and-burn area to annual cropland, making use of labour-sharing group. This old traditional system is rejuvenated and therefore is more likely to be sustainable post-project.

6.4 Арга барилын тогтвортой/давуу тал/боломжууд

Газар ашиглагчдын тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд
reduced dependency on forest and tseri

(How to sustain/ enhance this strength: maintenance of new annual crop land

more annual cropland through SLM interventions (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: maintenance of new annual crop land)
better workability of developed cropland (stone bunding / hedgerows etc.)
(How to sustain/ enhance this strength: maintenance of new annual crop land)
short-term inputs and subsidies enable the poorer households to take up log-term SLM interventions (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: targeted support to vulnerable households to maintain an inclusive approach)
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд
Holistic integrated village development enabling to showcase a variety of SLM interventions
(How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Regular technical guidance and targeted capacity building efforts

Enables to convert larger areas of previous fallow land, or previously under slash-and-burn practice, to more sustainable cropland and reduces dependency on forest and slash-and-burn (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Regular technical guidance and targeted capacity building efforts, combined with input support and guidance of labour-saving groups)
Pressure on communities to change land-use through governmental rule to stop slash-and-burn practice makes them very interested in adopting SLM (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Regular technical guidance and targeted capacity building efforts, combined with short-term incentives)
Group formation process enables labour-sharing approach, which is very well appreciated (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Regular technical guidance and targeted capacity building efforts)

6.5 Арга барилын дутагдалтай/сул тал/аюул болон тэдгээрийн хэрхэн даван туулах арга замууд

Газар ашиглагч нарын тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ?
Increase of work load combined with demand for labour of other developmental activities (rural water supply, road construction etc.). Therefore 'underperformance' against set targets Better seasonal planning, try to avoid busy agricultural season.
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ?
Risk of dependency on incentives/inputs: spoon-feeding syndrome Continued support to community and labour-saving groups to support land conversion efforts
Focus and concentration of efforts to one community might cause dissatisfaction among neighbouring villages
Continue SLM support to other villages as planned; communicate reasons of selection clearly: transparency at municipality level.
Requires considerable input of labour by community, but clashes with other requirement of developmental activities such as drinking water supply, irrigation channel construction, electrification and farm road construction Labour-sharing group to ease labour constraint

7. Суурь мэдээлэл болон холбоосууд

7.1 Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр/аргууд

  • Хээрийн уулзалт, судалгаа
  • Газар ашиглагчтай хийсэн ярилцлага
