Арга барилууд

Open dialogue platform on sustainable land management [Герман]

  • Шинийг нээх:
  • Шинэчлэх:
  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан:
  • Редактор:
  • Хянагчид: ,

approaches_2605 - Герман

Бүрэн гүйцэд байдал: 92%

1. Ерөнхий мэдээлэл

1.2 Арга барилыг баримтжуулах болон үнэлгээ хийхэд оролцсон хүн эсвэл байгууллагын холбоо барих хаяг

Мэдээлэл өгсөн хүн(с)

ГТМ мэргэжилтэн :
Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн төслийн нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
Book project: Making sense of research for sustainable land management (GLUES)
Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байгууллага(ууд)-ын нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
CC-LandStraD - Герман
Арга барилыг баримтжуулах/үнэлэх ажилд дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн байгууллага(ууд)-ын нэр (шаардлагатай бол)
Thünen Institute (Thünen Institute) - Герман

1.3 WOCAT-аар баримтжуулсан өгөгдлийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцөл

Мэдээллийг хэзээ (газар дээр нь) цуглуулсан бэ?


Эмхэтгэгч болон гол мэдээлэгч хүн(хүмүүс) WOCAT аргачлалаар баримтжуулсан мэдээллийг ашиглахтай холбоотой нөхцлийг хүлээн зөвшөөрсөн.


1.4 ГТМ-ийн технологийн асуулгын(д) суурь мэдээлэл(д)

High-quality inner urban development

High-quality inner urban development [Герман]

A scenario simulation of land use change where high-quality inner urban development is promoted, including the rehabilitation of brownfields, reuse of vacant lots, use of gaps between buildings and the improvement of existing structures.

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Johanna Fick
Grassland preservation

Grassland preservation [Герман]

Grassland preservation by the avoidance of ploughing up of grassland and its transformation into cropland

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Johanna Fick
Adapted management of organic soils

Adapted management of organic soils [Герман]

Re-wetting of organic soils and following adapted management suitable for wet conditions like extensive grazing land or paludiculture.

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Johanna Fick

2. ГТМ Арга барилын тодорхойлолт

2.1 Арга барилын товч тодорхойлолт

Establishing a dialogue platform on sustainable land management which is open to all stakeholders

2.2 Арга барилын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт

Арга барилын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт :

Aims / objectives: The cross-sectoral stakeholder discussion platform on SLM aims to involve all relevant stakeholders in a specific SLM topic, or within a particular region in a dialogue process leading to better understanding and to a sustainable solution where there are multifunctional claims on land. The platform operates in Germany.

Examples of possible topics are to work out, together, the main land use conflicts in a region (e.g. reduced land for agriculture because of increased settlement pressures) and then to jointly develop sustainable solutions for the land use conflicts addressed. The platform was established by a non-governmental group within a transdisciplinary research project (CC-LandStraD) financed by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in Germany. The transdisciplinary research approach is carried out in cooperation with regional authorities.
The platform was established by a non-governmental group of researchers of a transdisciplinary research project financed by the Federal ministery of education and research in cooperation with regional authorities (transdisciplinary approach).

Methods: The platform provides a forum to discuss specific topics cross-sectorally (for example, agriculture, forestry, settlement and transportation, and nature conservation) and for multi-stakeholders (for example land users, advisors, specialists, planners, and decision makers). To establish this platform, a neutral setting and external moderation is helpful. Methods which can be used at the platform include separate sectoral and cross-sectoral workshops, excursions, information events and newsletters. Furthermore, there are simulations of different scenarios on current land use and on land use development and distribution, and at the same time there is cross-sectorial and transdisciplinary learning. This platform is not a single event, but an on-going process. Access barriers, for example an entrance fee, should not exist.

Stages of implementation: To initiate a platform, the most relevant aspects of a region/community and all related stakeholders have to be established through a stakeholder analysis. Interviews and surveys are employed to indicate who the relevant stakeholders are. During interviews the potential stakeholders are asked who they work with regarding land use. Further stages then focus on the most relevant aspects. These may be current land use conflicts like losses of agricultural land because of settlement and transportation infrastructure. Alternatively they can be conflicts regarding production of goods either for food, feed or energy purposes, or disputes concerning intensive or extensive agriculture, with the consequent implications on nature and environment conservation. Depending on which conflict is addressed, the relevant stakeholder and the process which is needed (e.g. sectoral talks, cross-sectoral talks, focus groups) can be identified. To identify the most relevant land use conflicts stakeholder are asked to rank the most relevant land use conflicts that affect them.

Role of stakeholders: Each stakeholder is welcomed and has the opportunity to state his/her opinion in an open-result discussion. The cross-sectoral learning process is an important aspect of this approach. In the case presented case there is interaction between stakeholders from agriculture, forestry and settlement/transport as well as nature conservation, regional and environmental planning and governmental institutions. The stakeholders were asked for the main land use conflicts in their work, relevant measures to resolve the situation, and their design, then discussed the scenario assumption, and selected results and possible implications.

2.3 Арга барилын зурагууд

2.5 Арга барил нэвтрүүлсэн улс орон / бүс нутаг / байршил

Улс :



Germany, Saxony-Anhalt

Байршлын дэлгэрэнгүй тодорхойлолт:

Altmarkkreis Salzwedel and district Stendal (total area of region: 4744 km²)

2.6 Арга барилыг эхлэх, дуусах огноо

Эхлэх жилийг тэмдэглэ:


Хугацаа дуусах жил (Хэрэв арга барил удаанаар ашиглаагүй бол):


2.7 Арга барилын төрөл

  • төсөл / хөтөлбөр дээр үндэслэсэн

2.8 Арга барилын үндсэн зорилго, зорилтууд

The Approach focused mainly on SLM with other activities (different interests on SLM in dialogue, cross-sectoral and with all related interest groups)

A cross-sectoral stakeholder discussion platform on SLM aims at involving all relevant stakeholders around a specific SLM topic, or within a particular region in a dialogue process leading to better understanding and improved, sustainable, solutions. In a “business as usual” situation, generally no cross sectoral talks or interaction take place. With such a platform however, more knowledge and direct talks between stakeholders from different sectors provide the opportunity for solutions.

The SLM Approach addressed the following problems: There are different and competing demands on land which can conflict with the conventional uses for agriculture and forestry. These include biomass for energy, new settlements and transportation infrastructure. Space is also needed for tourism and leisure facilities; and also for measures of environmental protection. All of these can have an impact on the area available for, and the management of, farmland and forests. And there are competing economic interests in land management. As land is a limited resource, problems between different stakeholders are inevitable and becoming more frequent.

2.9 Арга барилын хүрээнд хэрэгжсэн Технологи/Технологиудад дэмжсэн эсвэл саад учруулсан нөхцлүүд

нийгэм / соёл / шашны хэм хэмжээ, үнэт зүйлс
  • Хазаарлалт

All stakeholder have different backgrounds and different levels of knowledge and interests. Sometimes the relevant stakeholders don't know each other.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: A neutral setting, so that no stakeholder has a(n) (dis)advantage and an external
moderation which is accepted by all involved stakeholders, and professional input by experts (e.g. from research institutions) so that a joint learning process starts. Here it is essential to provide a good atmosphere and a common understanding of the key questions.

санхүүгийн нөөц, үйлчилгээний хүртээмж / боломж
  • Хазаарлалт

Different stakeholders have different resources to contribute to this platform (e.g., time, finance, knowledge, equipment like beamer, microfons etc.).

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Trying to keep the barriers as low as possible and equal for each and every stakeholder (e.g. no entrance fee, public invitations in advance, central meeting location, meeting at a suitable time for the stakeholders).

Хууль, эрхзүйн хүрээ (газар эзэмшил, газар, ус ашиглах эрх)
  • Идэвхижүүлэх

The existing land ownership, land use rights / water rights moderately helped the approach implementation: . The land ownership, land use rights/water rights are quite clear in Germany. So it is easy to identify the relevant stakeholders on SLM. But these are only a few target groups. There are much more which are relevant to get a good platform on SLM e.g. nature conservation groups, tourism associations.

ажлын багтаамж, хүн хүчний нөөц бололцоо
  • Хазаарлалт

To implement and run a dialogue platform it takes time and professional skills and resources (e.g. high motivation and high frustration tolerance, moderation and motivation methods, knowledge about group dynamics).

Treatment through the SLM Approach: Be aware of this before the dialogue platform is set-up (such a process is not a one-off short-term, activity: it’s better thought of as medium-long term process).

  • Хазаарлалт

1. Stakeholders have different levels of knowledge and professionality
2. Previous conflicts (some known; some hidden) and other areas of controversy sometimes come to light during discussions.

Treatment through the SLM Approach: 1. It is necessary to make information accessible by moderation and to create common understanding (e.g. sometimes the same term exists in agriculture and forestry but has a different meaning).
2. Be sensitive to nonverbal communication or conflict topics and be prepared to deal with such issues even if not communicated verbally.

3. Оролцогч талуудын оролцоо ба үүргүүд

3.1 Арга барилд оролцогч талууд болон тэдгээрийн үүргүүд

  • Орон нутгийн газар ашиглагч / орон нутгийн иргэд

Farmers, forest owners, counties, municipalities, associations on agriculture, forestry or nature conservation

Participating groups with less financial resources received travel grants

  • ГТМ-ийн мэргэжилтэн/ хөдөө аж ахуйн зөвлөх
  • Засгийн газар (шийдвэр гаргагч, төлөвлөгч)

Regional planners, planners on settlement and transport

On federal and county level

Remark: should include: agricultural, forestal, settlement and transport sector as well nature conservation. It is essentiell to deal with all of these people, that is the important part of this approach

Хэрэв хэд хэдэн оролцогч талууд оролцсон бол голлох төлөөлөгчийг зааж өгнө үү:

We initiated this approach by a non-govenmental group of reseachers in cooperation with regional authorities. But this approach is not related to one body. Either national non-government or government or private sector or local government or local community/a group of land user can start the approach.

3.2 Арга барилын янз бүрийн үе шатанд орон нутгийн газар ашиглагчид / бүлэглэлүүдийг татан оролцуулах
Орон нутгийн газар ашиглагч / орон нутгийн иргэдийн оролцоо Хэн оролцсоныг тодорхойлж, үйл ажиллагааг тайлбарлана уу
санаачлага/идэвхжүүлэлт интерактив scientists working with transdisciplinary processes
Төлөвлөгөө интерактив scientists on transdisciplinary processes and disciplinary scientists on SLM
Хэрэгжилт идэвхигүй all involved stakeholders mentioned above = passive; scientists = interactive
Мониторинг/ үнэлгээ идэвхигүй all involved stakeholders mentioned above, scientists
Research интерактив all involved stakeholders mentioned above and all scientists

3.3 Диаграм (хэрэв боломжтой бол)

Тодорхойлолт :

Time sheet stakeholder participation on national level.
The ‘sub-project' started in the first year with an overview workshop on current and future land use and climate change, followed by face-to-face interviews. The second year focused on the process to identify the most relevant measures for climate mitigation of each sector (agriculture, forestry, settlement and transportation, and nature conservation). The last three years were used to discuss preliminary results and to evaluate the results from the stakeholder perspectives.

Зохиогч :

Meike Hellmich, Annett Steinführer (Thünen-Institut Braunschweig)

3.4 ГТМ-ийн технологи/технологиуд сонгох шийдвэр

Технологи(д) сонгох шийдвэр гаргасан уу?
  • multi-stakeholder dialogue process
Тайлбар :

Land users supported by SLM specialists e.g. an extensive management of grassland
SLM specialists with consultation of land users: practical test phase of new technology or innovative practise
by politicians / leaders (e.g. decisions regarding societal aims like environment protection)

Decisions on the method of implementing the SLM Technology were made by no decisions. No decisions have been made yet.

4. Техникийн дэмжлэг, чадавхи бүрдүүлэх, мэдлэгийн менежмент

4.1 Чадавхи бэхжүүлэх/сургалт

Газар эзэмшигчид / бусад оролцогч талуудад сургалт явуулсан уу?


Хэн сургалтанд хамрагдсан бэ:
  • Газар ашиглагчид
  • хээрийн ажилтан / зөвлөх
  • involved people
Хамрагдсан сэвдүүд:

The activities focused on each level/stage (measures, scenarios, results and implication) to provide knowledge to and with all participants in order to focus on the meeting's objectives and to raise awareness (why are we doing this? why is it important to be here? why should we talk about this topic?).

4.2 Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ

Газар ашиглагчдад зөвлөх үйлчилгээ авах боломжтой байдаг уу?


Тодорхойлолт / тайлбар:

Advisory service is quite adequate to ensure the continuation of land conservation activities; The approach raised awareness and brought people together who normally don’t discuss topics with each other.

4.3 Институцийг бэхжүүлэх (байгууллагын хөгжил)

Арга барилаар дамжуулан институц байгуулагдаж эсвэл бэхжсэн үү?
  • Тийм, бага
Байгууллагууд бэхжиж, үүсэн бий болсон түвшин(үүд)-г тодорхойлно уу:
  • Орон нутгийн
Байгууллага, үүрэг, хариуцлага, гишүүд гэх мэтийг тайлбарлах:

This method can support local institutions via the input and mutual discussions of regional associations and groups. However, certain groups may mutually exclude each other.

4.4 Мониторинг ба үнэлгээ

Мониторинг болон үнэлгээ нь арга барилын хэсэг үү?



socio-cultural aspects were monitored by project staff through observations; indicators: Interviews by scientists at the project end regarding cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary approach

There were no changes in the Approach as a result of monitoring and evaluation

There were no changes in the Technology as a result of monitoring and evaluation

4.5 Судалгаа

Судалгаа арга барилын хэсэг нь байсан уу?


Сэдвийг тодруулна уу:
  • Социологи
  • Эдийн засаг/ зах зээл
  • Экологи
Дэлгэрэнгүй мэдээллийг өгч, хэн судалгаа явуулсныг бичнэ үү:

Simulation of land use development in Germany was undertaken, including simulation of agricultural economics, forest economics and simulation of settlement and transport areas development, of GHG emissions of land use, and a population survey on perceptions of landscapes

Research was carried out on station

5. Санхүүгийн болон гадаад материаллаг дэмжлэг

5.1 ГТМ-ийн Арга барилын бүрэлдэхүүн хэсгийн жилийн төсөв

Хэрэв жилийн төсөв тодорхойгүй бол хягаарыг тодруулна уу:
  • < 2,000
Тайлбар (жнь: санхүүжилтийн гол эх үүсвэр / гол хандивлагчид):

Approach costs were met by the following donors: government: 95.0%; local government (district, county, municipality, village etc): 5.0%

5.2 Газар ашиглагчдад санхүүгийн / материаллаг дэмжлэг үзүүлсэн

Технологи / технологийг хэрэгжүүлэхэд газар ашиглагчид санхүүгийн / материаллаг дэмжлэг авсан уу?


5.3 Тодорхой зардлыг даахад чиглэсэн дэмжлэгт (хөдөлмөрийн хүчийг оролцуулаад)

  • үгүй

Time which was needed to take part in the dialogue platform other inputs not relevant

5.4 Кредит

Арга барилын хүрээнд ГТМ-ийн үйл ажиллагаанд зориулж зээлд хамрагдсан уу?


6. Нөлөөллийн дүн шинжилгээ ба дүгнэлт

6.1 Арга барилын нөлөөллүүд

Арга барил нь ГТМ-ийн технологийг хэрэгжүүлж, хадгалахад газар ашиглагчдад тусласан уу?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

The complex topic land use and climate change (with focus on climate change mitigation) was analysed and presented to the involved stakeholders. The interaction during cross-sectoral workshops gave a more detailed picture on SLM compared with workshops with a sectoral focus. The better knowledge base helps to improve SLM.

Арга барил нь эмзэг бүлгийнхнийг нийгэм, эдийн засгийн хувьд чадавхижуулсан уу?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

Not in the focus

Did other land users / projects adopt the Approach?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

The approach is also used in regional development processes sometimes.

Did the Approach lead to improved livelihoods / human well-being?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

; the awareness of intensive land use in Germany and in our focus regions was raised, especially regarding the interaction between agricultural land use and (for example) water quality because of intensive agriculture including the application of fertilizers, pesticides or herbicides. Often these chemical inputs cannot absorbed by plants or soil so the unused resources concentrate in groundwater and thus needs to purified before drinking. Land use improvements can be achieved by agreeing the division between settlement, transport and land for agricultural production - and also for sustainable land use to reduce GHG emissions in agriculture and forestry.

Did the Approach help to alleviate poverty?
  • Үгүй
  • Тийм, бага зэрэг
  • Тийм, зарим
  • Тийм, их

6.2 ГТМ-ийг хэрэгжүүлэх газар ашиглагчидын гол санаачилга

  • Сүлжээ/ бүлэг төсөл/ хөдөлгөөнд гишүүнээр элсүүлэх

in this approach all land using sectors were involved for the first time

6.3 Арга барилын үйл ажиллагааны тогтвортой байдал

Газар ашиглагчид арга барилаар дамжуулан хэрэгжүүлсэн арга хэмжээг тогтвортой хадгалж чадах уу (гадны дэмжлэггүйгээр)?
  • Тийм
Хэрэв тийм бол яаж гэдгийг тайлбарлана уу:

This approach is suitable for different levels, for different topics or different stakeholders involved.

6.4 Арга барилын тогтвортой/давуу тал/боломжууд

Газар ашиглагчдын тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд
New information, innovative methods and results, current political trends (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Presentation of new information has to be in a language adequate for the target groups.)
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон давуу тал/боломжууд
Added value e.g. research can be needed to get new input (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Clear announcement of added value for different target groups)
All relevant stakeholders are involved (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: make sure that all relevant stakeholders are identified during the initial stakeholder analysis.)
Cross-sectoral and sectoral meetings by turns, depending on specific aspects of the meeting (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Problem and solution oriented talks and meetings)
Neutral setting and external moderation
New information and knowledge by researcher is shared (How to sustain/ enhance this strength: Cooperation with research institution)

6.5 Арга барилын дутагдалтай/сул тал/аюул болон тэдгээрийн хэрхэн даван туулах арга замууд

Газар ашиглагч нарын тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ?
There should be an added value for land user and the added value should be addressed clearly. e.g. new information provided by researcher must be tailored to the different stakeholders.
Эмхэтгэгч, бусад мэдээлэл өгсөн хүмүүсийн өнцгөөс тодорхойлсон сул тал/ дутагдал/ эрсдэл Тэдгээрийг хэрхэн даван туулах вэ?
It takes time to produce the right working atmosphere and to reach a common language. Avoid short-term initiatives.
The moderation has to be accepted by all stakeholders.

7. Суурь мэдээлэл болон холбоосууд

7.1 Мэдээллийн эх үүсвэр/аргууд

  • Хээрийн уулзалт, судалгаа
  • Газар ашиглагчтай хийсэн ярилцлага

7.2 Холбогдох бүтээлийн ишлэл

Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:

Steinhäußer, R. et al. (2015) National and regional land-use conflicts in Germany from the perspective of stakeholders

Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?

Land UsePolicy 49, 183-194

Гарчиг, зохиогч, он, ISBN:

• Lange, A.; Siebert, R.; Barkmann, T. (2016) Incrementality and Regional Bridging: Instruments for Promoting Stakeholder Participation in Land Use Management in Northern Germany.

Хаанаас авч болох вэ? Зардал?

Society & Natural Resources , Jul2016, Vol. 29 Issue 7, p868-879, 12p.
