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Таны хайлтын үр дүн (547)

Participatory learning

Participatory learning [Uganda]

Participatory learning approach involves all stakeholders to cooperate with researchers during innovation process

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Iwona Piechowiak
Catchment Based Integrated Water Resources Management

Catchment Based Integrated Water Resources Management [Uganda]

Catchment based integrated water resources management is a process which promotes the coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources in order to maximise economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compromising the sustainability of vital eco systems

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Philip Tibenderana
Soil management initiative

Soil management initiative [United Kingdom]

An independent organisation that promotes the adoption of appropriate soil management practices, especially conservation agriculture, within England.

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Alastaire Leake
Soil pH management

Soil pH management [United Kingdom]

Acidification treatments were applied to improved pastures in an attempt to restore plots to low-intensity grazing land

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Tandra Fraser
Полевые школы фермеров в орошаемой зоне

Полевые школы фермеров в орошаемой зоне [Uzbekistan]

Обучение фермеров агротехническим и мелиоративным приемам улучшения почв и повышения их производительной способности специально подготовленными инструкторами (из местных специалистов) в рамках созданной неформальной общественной организации - Полевых фермерских школ (в рамках ИСЦАУЗР).

  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан: Rustam Ibragimov