
ผลลัพธ์ที่คุณค้นหา (2450)

Ponds to establish micro catchments, harvest runoff water and reduce soil erosion.

Ponds to establish micro catchments, harvest runoff water … [South Africa]

Semi-circular ponds are depressions constructed in the soil to harvest water, reduce runoff, increase infiltration, break soil sealing and crusting, capture organic material and seed where sheet erosion is predominant in degraded, low gradient hillslopes. The opening of the semi-circular pond is up-slope for runoff water to flow into the …

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Lehman Lindeque
Restoration of degraded rangeland

Restoration of degraded rangeland [South Africa]

Eradication of invasive species and revegetation of degraded rangelands by different treatments, including oversowing with grass seed mixture, supplementing with lime, cattle dung, and "brush packing" (laid out branches).

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Klaus Kellner
Rangeland Rehabilitation

Rangeland Rehabilitation [South Africa]

Rangeland rehabilitation where we use perennial grasses to rehabilitate the footslopes in a semi-arid region on a clay loam soil

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Franci Petra Jordaan