
ผลลัพธ์ที่คุณค้นหา (2450)

Irrigated agro-biodiversity system in arid high mountain area

Irrigated agro-biodiversity system in arid high mountain area [Tajikistan]

An individual farmer family, has changed an overgrazed pasture area on a steep slope in the upper part of the village into an irrigated agro-biodiversity system, by constructing an irrigation canal, by tilling and removing stones from the terraces for crop production and afforesting the surrounding area with fruit trees …

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Gulniso Nekushoeva
Gully rehabilitation

Gully rehabilitation [Tajikistan]

Gullies are stabilized through the establishment of a gabion and the plantation of spanish drok (Spartium junceum L).

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Qobiljon Shokirov
Cultivation of local juniper species for rehabilitation of degrading woodland pastures

Cultivation of local juniper species for rehabilitation of … [Tajikistan]

The local species of juniper trees (Juniperus seravschanica, Juniperus turkestanica and Juniperus semiglobosa) are rarely rejuvenating under conditions of intensive grazing and are difficult to propagate in nurseries. The technology describes the propagation of these important trees from locally collected seeds and their cultivation.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Stefan Michel