
ผลลัพธ์ที่คุณค้นหา (2454)

Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin Information Centre

Vu Gia Thu Bon River Basin Information Centre [Viet Nam]

The VGTB River Basin Information Centre (RBIC) offers decision support tools for stakeholders and aims at providing comprehensive information and consulting services to the water and land users according to their demands.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Justyna Sycz
Entertainment-education for ecological engineering

Entertainment-education for ecological engineering [Viet Nam]

Entertainment-education for ecological engineering involves a series of TV pro-grammes that educate rice farmers about ecosystem services, as well as ecologi-cal engineering techniques to conserve biodiversity in rice landscapes.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Monina Escalada
Устойчивое землепользование территории водосборного бассейна Суой Сап

Устойчивое землепользование территории водосборного бассейна Суой Сап [Viet Nam]

Устойчивое управление земельными ресурсами водосборного бассейна Суой Сап. Создание оптимальных условий для снижения деградационных процессов, сохранения почвенного плодородия, повышение ее роли в сельскохозяйственном и лесотехническом производствах.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Valeriy Demidov
Best Practice on Severely Degraded Soil

Best Practice on Severely Degraded Soil [Viet Nam]

Two steps of improving the effective use of degraded land: 1) Sowing or planting leguminous, soil improvement trees/plants in degraded land area 2) Planing large size, native tress to create long-term protection of forest with supporting trees and mized forest planting.|

  • ผู้รวบรวม: UNCCD PRAIS
Coastal Shifting Sand Dunes Fixation

Coastal Shifting Sand Dunes Fixation [Viet Nam]

To provide models for better use of sandy areas through sand use planning introduction via different schemes of agro-forsstry; agro-forestry-irrigation; Silvo-pastoral; Silvo-Fifhery

  • ผู้รวบรวม: UNCCD PRAIS
leveled mountain terraces

leveled mountain terraces [Yemen]

organized collective action at a high pace for building agricultural terraces to improve livelihoods in resource-scarce regions in the ground

  • ผู้รวบรวม: ahmed algalal