
Use of organic matter (manure and compost) [Burkina Faso]

Apport de matière organique (French)

technologies_1220 - Burkina Faso

Completeness: 73%

1. General information

1.2 Contact details of resource persons and institutions involved in the assessment and documentation of the Technology

Key resource person(s)

SLM specialist:
{'additional_translations': {}, 'value': 'Dieter Nill', 'user_id': '2699', 'unknown_user': False, 'template': 'raw'}
SLM specialist:

Dorlöchter-Sulser Sabine



SLM specialist:

Sani Mamadou Abdou

Programme d’Appui à l’agriculture Productive


{'additional_translations': {}, 'value': 1004, 'label': 'Name of project which facilitated the documentation/ evaluation of the Technology (if relevant)', 'text': 'Programme d’Appui à l’agriculture Productive (GIZ / PROMAP)', 'template': 'raw'} {'additional_translations': {}, 'value': 1145, 'label': 'Name of the institution(s) which facilitated the documentation/ evaluation of the Technology (if relevant)', 'text': 'Misereor - Germany', 'template': 'raw'} {'additional_translations': {}, 'value': 1145, 'label': 'Name of the institution(s) which facilitated the documentation/ evaluation of the Technology (if relevant)', 'text': 'Misereor - Germany', 'template': 'raw'}

1.3 Conditions regarding the use of data documented through WOCAT

The compiler and key resource person(s) accept the conditions regarding the use of data documented through WOCAT:


1.4 Declaration on sustainability of the described Technology

Is the Technology described here problematic with regard to land degradation, so that it cannot be declared a sustainable land management technology?


2. Description of the SLM Technology

2.1 Short description of the Technology

Definition of the Technology:

Soils treated with compost or manure produce better yields, because they retain water better and are more fertile.

2.2 Detailed description of the Technology


The regular application of manure and/or compost in sufficient quantities makes farming more intensive and reduces the need to bring more land under cultivation. Manure is used on cropland and compost is recommended particularly for market gardening.

Purpose of the Technology: The use of organic matter on cropland has three major effects: it reactivates biological activity, increases soil fertility by providing nutrients and improves soil structure by increasing the amount of organic matter in it. The improved soil structure also increases the infiltration of water into the soil. These effects favour crop growth and increase yields. The denser vegetation and improved soil structure make the land more resistant to water and wind erosion.

Establishment / maintenance activities and inputs: There are two methods for obtaining organic matter for use as a fertiliser: the production of compost and the collection of manure. Manure is collected from improved livestock pens or sheds where livestock is kept on litter or bedding. Compost can be made in the dry season or in the rainy season. Biodegradable matter is mixed with animal waste for rapid decomposition or just with millet, sorghum or other plant stalks for slow decomposition. Both types of compost can be enriched with ash and/or natural phosphate. The biodegradable matter is placed in a pit. In the dry season, it is regularly sprinkled with water until decomposition is complete. It is then spread evenly over the land before sowing or planting.
Unlike compost, manure collected from improved pens or livestock sheds is not completely decomposed, and the decomposition process continues over several years.
The recommended amount varies depending on the type of soil the availability of manure and compost: 6 t/ha every third year (heavy clayey soils), 3t/ha every two years (sandy-clayey soils) or 2t/ha every year (light soils).

Natural / human environment: The use of compost and manure is recommended in conjunction with all other SWC/SPR measures to achieve the maximum benefit from investments in land improvement.

2.3 Photos of the Technology

2.5 Country/ region/ locations where the Technology has been applied and which are covered by this assessment


Burkina Faso

Region/ State/ Province:

Burkina Faso, Niger

Specify the spread of the Technology:
  • evenly spread over an area
{'is_geometry': True, 'configuration': 'technologies', 'additional_translations': {}, 'key': 'Map', 'value': '{"type":"FeatureCollection","features":[{"type":"Feature","id":1498564787323,"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[-1.564083144345615,12.242017053280492]},"properties":null},{"type":"Feature","id":1498564794915,"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[8.081816203704875,17.611674908590018]},"properties":null}]}', 'questionnaire_object': <Questionnaire: {"qg_name": [{"name": {"en": "Use of organic matter (manure and compost)", "fr": "Apport de mati\u00e8re organique"}, "name_local": {"en": "Apport de mati\u00e8re organique (French)", "fr": "Apport de mati\u00e8re organique (French)"}}], "qg_photos": [{"image": "c4034115-ab3f-4f1b-9dad-62e2f304512d", "image_caption": {"en": "Use of manure in a field with stone bunds pierreux.", "fr": "Application de fumier dans un champ avec cordons pierreux"}, "image_photographer": {"en": "PATECORE", "fr": "PATECORE"}}], "tech_qg_1": [{"tech_definition": {"en": "Soils treated with compost or manure produce better yields, because they retain water better and are more fertile.", "fr": "Gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 leur meilleure capacit\u00e9 de r\u00e9tention d\u2019eau et leur meilleure fertilit\u00e9, les sols trait\u00e9s avec du compost ou du fumier ont de meilleurs rendements et am\u00e9liorent ainsi la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 alimentaire des m\u00e9nage et leur r\u00e9silience."}}], "tech_qg_2": [{"tech_description": {"en": "The regular application of manure and/or compost in sufficient quantities makes farming more intensive and reduces the need to bring more land under cultivation. Manure is used on cropland and compost is recommended particularly for market gardening.\r\n\r\nPurpose of the Technology: The use of organic matter on cropland has three major effects: it reactivates biological activity, increases soil fertility by providing nutrients and improves soil structure by increasing the amount of organic matter in it. The improved soil structure also increases the infiltration of water into the soil. These effects favour crop growth and increase yields. The denser vegetation and improved soil structure make the land more resistant to water and wind erosion.\r\n\r\nEstablishment / maintenance activities and inputs: There are two methods for obtaining organic matter for use as a fertiliser: the production of compost and the collection of manure. Manure is collected from improved livestock pens or sheds where livestock is kept on litter or bedding. Compost can be made in the dry season or in the rainy season. Biodegradable matter is mixed with animal waste for rapid decomposition or just with millet, sorghum or other plant stalks for slow decomposition. Both types of compost can be enriched with ash and/or natural phosphate. The biodegradable matter is placed in a pit. In the dry season, it is regularly sprinkled with water until decomposition is complete. It is then spread evenly over the land before sowing or planting. \r\nUnlike compost, manure collected from improved pens or livestock sheds is not completely decomposed, and the decomposition process continues over several years.\r\nThe recommended amount varies depending on the type of soil the availability of manure and compost: 6 t/ha every third year (heavy clayey soils), 3t/ha every two years (sandy-clayey soils) or 2t/ha every year (light soils).\r\n\r\nNatural / human environment: The use of compost and manure is recommended in conjunction with all other SWC/SPR measures to achieve the maximum benefit from investments in land improvement.", "fr": "L\u2019application r\u00e9guli\u00e8re de fumier et/ou de compost en quantit\u00e9 suffisante contribue \u00e0 l\u2019intensification de l\u2019agriculture et r\u00e9duit ainsi le besoin d\u2019agrandissement des surfaces cultiv\u00e9es.\r\nFumier est utilis\u00e9 en toute terre \u00e0 vocation agricole et compost est surtout recommand\u00e9 pour le mara\u00eechage.\r\n\r\nBut de la technologie: L'apport de mati\u00e8res organiques aux champs \u00e0 trois principaux facteurs: la restauration de l'activit\u00e9 biologique, l'am\u00e9lioration de la fertilit\u00e9 par l'apport d'\u00e9l\u00e9ments nutritifs et une meilleure structure du sol gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 l'esprit Augmentation de la mati\u00e8re organique. La meilleure structure du sol favorise l'infiltration de l'eau. Ces effets facilitent la croissance des cultures et augmentent les rendements. La v\u00e9g\u00e9tation plus dense qui soutient et la meilleure structure des sols les rendent plus r\u00e9sistants \u00e0 l'\u00e9rosion hydrique et \u00e9olienne.\r\n\r\nActivit\u00e9s d'\u00e9tablissement / maintenance et intrants: Il existe deux m\u00e9thodes d'apport de mati\u00e8re organique: (i) la fabrication de compost et (ii) l'utilisation de fumier. Le fumier provient des parcs am\u00e9lior\u00e9s ou d'\u00e9tables o\u00f9 les animaux s\u00e9journent sur les liti\u00e8res.\r\nLe compost est fabriqu\u00e9 soit en saison s\u00e8che ou en hivernage. Des quantit\u00e9s de mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables sont trait\u00e9es par une d\u00e9composition acc\u00e9l\u00e9r\u00e9e en m\u00e9lange avec les d\u00e9jections des animaux ou par une d\u00e9composition lente. On lit les tiges de mil, de sorgho et d'autres v\u00e9g\u00e9taux sont utilis\u00e9s. Les deux types de compost peuvent \u00eatre enrichis de cendre et / ou de phosphate naturel.\r\nLes mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables sont mis dans une fosse et - en saison s\u00e8che - arros\u00e9s de fa\u00e7on r\u00e9guli\u00e8re jusqu'\u00e0 la d\u00e9composition compl\u00e8te. Ensuite, le compost est \u00e9pandu sur le champ avant sa mise en culture. Selon le type du sol, des quantit\u00e9s de 6 t / ha tous les trois ans (sols lourds argileux), de 3 t / ha tous les deux ans (sols sablo-argileux) ou de 2 t / ha tous les ans (sols l\u00e9gers ) Sont recommand\u00e9es.\r\n\r\nEnvironnement naturel / humain: L\u2019utilisation du compost et du fumier est recommand\u00e9e en compl\u00e9ment de toutes les mesures de CES/DRS et contribue \u00e0 la valorisation maximale de ces investissements."}}], "tech_qg_4": [{"tech_spread_tech": "tech_spread_evenly"}], "tech_qg_5": [{"tech_who_implemented": ["implementation_externally"], "tech_who_implemented_comments": {"en": "Developed, implemented and disseminated as part of projects and programmes undertaken from the 1980s onwards to combat desertification and improve natural resource management. Implemented by GIZ (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation), PDRT (Projet de d\u00e9veloppement rural de Tahoua - Tahoua Rural Development Project), PASP (Projet de protection int\u00e9gr\u00e9e des ressources agro-sylvo-pastorales Tillab\u00e9ri-Nord - Project for the Integrated Protection of Agricultural, Forest and Rangeland Resources in Tillab\u00e9ri-Nord), and PATECORE (project for land development and resource conservation in Plateau Central Burkina Faso)", "fr": "D\u00e9velopp\u00e9, mis en \u0153uvre et diffus\u00e9 dans le cadre de projets et de programmes entrepris \u00e0 partir des ann\u00e9es 1980 pour lutter contre la d\u00e9sertification et am\u00e9liorer la gestion des ressources naturelles. Mis en \u0153uvre par GIZ (Entreprise f\u00e9d\u00e9rale allemande pour la coop\u00e9ration internationale), PDRT (Projet de d\u00e9veloppement rural de Tahoua - Projet de d\u00e9veloppement rural de Tahoua), PASP (Projet de protection int\u00e9gr\u00e9e des ressources agro-sylvo-pastorales Tillab\u00e9ri-Nord - Projet de protection int\u00e9gr\u00e9e de Ressources agricoles, foresti\u00e8res et de p\u00e2turages \u00e0 Tillab\u00e9ri-Nord), et PATECORE (projet de d\u00e9veloppement foncier et de conservation des ressources au Plateau Central Burkina Faso)"}}], "tech_qg_6": [{"tech_main_purpose": ["main_purpose_production"], "tech_main_purpose_other": {"en": "improve fertility", "fr": "am\u00e9liorer la fertilit\u00e9"}}], "tech_qg_7": [{"tech_lu_comments": {"en": "Major land use problems (compiler\u2019s opinion): low biological activity, low soil fertility, bad soil structure, low amount of organic matter, surface runoff, aridification, erosion by water and wind\r\nConstraints of common grazing land\r\nConstraints of forested government-owned land or commons", "fr": "Principaux probl\u00e8mes d'utilisation des sols (avis du compilateur): Faible activit\u00e9 biologique, terre peu fertile, mauvaise structure du sol, faible quantit\u00e9 de mati\u00e8re organique, ruissellement de surface, aridification, \u00e9rosion hydrique et \u00e9olienne\r\nContraintes de p\u00e2turages commune\r\nContraintes de terres bois\u00e9es (gouvernement) ou communes"}}], "tech_qg_8": [{"tech_measures": ["tech_measures_agronomic"]}], "tech_qg_9": [{"tech_landuse_2018": ["tech_lu_cropland"]}], "qg_sources": [{"sources_used": ["source_field", "source_interviews_landusers"]}], "tech_qg_10": [{"tech_growing_seasons": "growing_season_1", "tech_lu_cropland_sub": ["lu_cropland_ca"], "tech_growing_seasons_specify": {"en": "Longest growing period in days: 120; Longest growing period from month to month: August to October", "fr": "La plus longue p\u00e9riode de croissance en jours: 120; P\u00e9riode de croissance la plus longue de mois en mois: Ao\u00fbt - Octobre"}}], "tech_qg_20": [{"tech_slm_group": ["tech_slm_group_soilfertility"]}], "tech_qg_21": [{"tech_measures_agronomic_sub": ["measures_agronomic_a2"]}], "tech_qg_26": [{"tech_measures_comments": {"en": "Type of agronomic measures: manure / compost / residues", "fr": "Type de mesures agronomiques: fumier / compost / r\u00e9sidus"}}], "tech_qg_27": [{"tech_degradation": ["degradation_erosion_water", "degradation_erosion_wind", "degradation_chemical", "degradation_biological", "degradation_water"]}], "tech_qg_28": [{"degradation_erosion_water_sub": ["degradation_wt"]}], "tech_qg_29": [{"degradation_erosion_wind_sub": ["degradation_et"]}], "tech_qg_30": [{"degradation_chemical_sub": ["degradation_cn"]}], "tech_qg_32": [{"degradation_biological_sub": ["degradation_bq", "degradation_bl"]}], "tech_qg_33": [{"degradation_water_sub": ["degradation_ha"]}], "tech_qg_34": [{"degradation_comments": {"en": "Main causes of degradation: crop management (annual, perennial, tree/shrub) (Unadapted landuse methods, reduced or abandoned fallow periods), floods, droughts, population pressure (rapidly growing population increasing pressure on land), land tenure (insecure access to land)", "fr": "Principales causes de d\u00e9gradation: Gestion des cultures (annuelles, p\u00e9rennes, arbre/buissons) (inadapt\u00e9es m\u00e9thodes d'utilisation des terres, p\u00e9riodes de jach\u00e8re r\u00e9duits), inondations, s\u00e9cheresses, pression de la population (pression d\u00e9mographique, augmentation de la pression sur les terres), r\u00e9gime foncier (ins\u00e9curit\u00e9 de l'acc\u00e8s \u00e0 la terre)"}}], "tech_qg_35": [{"tech_prevention": ["intervention_reduce_ld", "intervention_rehabilitate"]}], "tech_qg_43": [{"tech_maint_activity": {"en": "Biodegradable matter is mixed with animal waste for rapid decomposition or just with millet, sorghum or other plant stalks for slow decomposition", "fr": "Des quantit\u00e9s de mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables sont trait\u00e9es par une d\u00e9composition acc\u00e9l\u00e9r\u00e9e en les m\u00e9langeant avec les d\u00e9jections des animaux ou par une d\u00e9composition lente lorsque seules les tiges de mil, de sorgho et d\u2019autres v\u00e9g\u00e9taux sont utilis\u00e9es."}}, {"tech_maint_activity": {"en": "The biodegradable matter is placed in a pit.", "fr": "Les mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables sont mis dans une fosse"}}, {"tech_maint_activity": {"en": "In the dry season, it is regularly sprinkled with water until decomposition is complete", "fr": "en saison s\u00e8che arros\u00e9s de fa\u00e7on r\u00e9guli\u00e8re jusqu\u2019\u00e0 la d\u00e9composition compl\u00e8te"}}, {"tech_maint_activity": {"en": "It is then spread evenly over the land before sowing or planting.", "fr": "Ensuite le compost est \u00e9pandu sur le champ avant sa mise en culture."}}], "tech_qg_52": [{"tech_input_maint_comments": {"en": "Machinery/ tools: shovel, wheelbarrow, etc.", "fr": "Machines / outils: pelle, brouette, etc."}}], "tech_qg_54": [{"tech_rainfall": ["tech_rainfall_501_750", "tech_rainfall_751_1000"]}], "tech_qg_55": [{"tech_agroclimatic_zone": ["tech_agroclimatic_zone_semiarid"], "tech_agroclimatic_zone_specifications": {"en": "Thermal climate class: subtropics", "fr": "Thermal climate class: subtropics"}}], "tech_qg_56": [{"tech_slopes": ["tech_slopes_gentle", "tech_slopes_moderate"], "tech_landforms": ["tech_landforms_footslopes"], "tech_altitudinalzone": ["tech_altitudinalzone_500_1000"]}], "tech_qg_58": [{"tech_soil_depth": ["tech_soil_depth_veryshallow", "tech_soil_depth_shallow"], "tech_soil_texture_topsoil": ["tech_soil_texture_medium", "tech_soil_texture_fine"]}], "tech_qg_59": [{"tech_soil_comments": {"en": "Soil fertility is low - medium\r\nSoil drainage / infiltration is poor - medium\r\nSoil water storage capacity is low - medium", "fr": "La fertilit\u00e9 du sol est faible - moyenne\r\nLe drainage des sols / infiltration est m\u00e9diocre - moyen\r\nLa capacit\u00e9 de stockage d'eau du sol est faible - moyenne"}}], "tech_qg_60": [{"tech_groundwater": "tech_groundwater_5_50m", "tech_surfacewater": "tech_surfacewater_medium"}], "tech_qg_65": [{"tech_water_comments": {"en": "Ground water table: > 10 m\r\nAvailability of surface water: Surface runoff generated by limited but intense rainfalls", "fr": "Profondeur estim\u00e9e de l\u2019eau dans le sol: > 10 m\r\nDisponibilit\u00e9 de l\u2019eau de surface: \u00c9coulement de surface g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9 par des pluies limit\u00e9es mais intenses"}}], "tech_qg_66": [{"tech_speciesdiversity": "measure_low"}], "tech_qg_71": [{"tech_gender": ["gender_men"], "tech_wealth": ["tech_wealth_verypoor", "tech_wealth_poor"]}], "tech_qg_72": [{"tech_land_size_relative": ["tech_size_smallscale"]}], "tech_qg_73": [{"tech_ownership": ["tech_ownership_state"], "tech_landuserights": ["tech_userights_communal"], "tech_wateruserights": ["tech_userights_communal"]}], "tech_qg_75": [{"tech_ownership_comments": {"en": "traditional land use rights on fields, communal land on pasture and forest land", "fr": "droits traditionnels d'utilisation des terres, terres communales sur les p\u00e2turages et les terres foresti\u00e8res (collecte du bois et d'autres produits (fruits, plantes m\u00e9dicinales))"}}], "tech_qg_76": [{"tech_impacts_cropproduction": 7}], "tech_qg_77": [{"tech_landuser_comments": {"en": "Population density: 10-50 persons/km2\r\nAnnual population growth: 3% - 4% (mostly poor households below poverty line).\r\nOff-farm income specification: men migrate temporarily or permanently to cities for off-farm income", "fr": "Densit\u00e9 de la population: 10 \u00e0 50 personnes / km2\r\nCroissance annuelle de la population: 3% - 4%\r\nSp\u00e9cification du revenu hors ferme: Les hommes migrent temporairement ou d\u00e9finitivement vers les villes"}}], "tech_qg_95": [{"tech_input_determinate_factors": {"en": "Production of compost:\r\n\u2022 constructing pits or basins\r\n\u2022 water\r\n\u2022 equipment (shovel, wheelbarrow, etc.).\r\nUse of compost:\r\n\u2022 transportation to plot by cart (100 kg of manure per donkey cartload)\r\n\u2022 transportation to plot in head baskets (20 kg of manure per basket)\r\n\u2022 spreading the compost on the plot (labour).", "fr": "\u00c9l\u00e9ments de co\u00fbt\r\nProduction du compost, construction des fosses ou bassins, eau ; petit mat\u00e9riel (pelle, brouette, etc.) ;\r\nUtilisation du compost :\r\ntransport au champ avec charrette (100 kg par charrette asine) ;\r\ntransport au champ sur la t\u00eate (20 kg par panier) ;\r\n\u00e9pandage sur le champ (main-d\u2019\u0153uvre)."}}], "qg_location": [{"country": "country_BFA", "state_province": {"en": "Burkina Faso, Niger", "fr": "Burkina Faso, Niger"}}], "tech_qg_103": [{"tech_impacts_expenses": 6}], "tech_qg_104": [{"tech_impacts_farmincome": 6}], "tech_qg_107": [{"tech_impacts_workload": 2}], "tech_qg_108": [{"tech_impacts_foodsecurity": 6}], "tech_qg_115": [{"tech_impacts_slmknowledge": 6}], "tech_qg_120": [{"tech_impacts_harvestingwater": 6}], "tech_qg_121": [{"tech_impacts_surfacerunoff": 6}], "tech_qg_125": [{"tech_impacts_soilmoisture": 6}], "tech_qg_126": [{"tech_impacts_soilcover": 7}], "tech_qg_127": [{"tech_impacts_soilloss": 6}], "tech_qg_129": [{"tech_impacts_soilcrusting": 6}], "tech_qg_131": [{"tech_impacts_nutrientcycling": 7}], "tech_qg_140": [{"tech_impacts_biomass": 7}], "tech_qg_144": [{"tech_impacts_windvelocity": 6}], "tech_qg_145": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "The use of partially decomposed manure also exposes crops to certain pests and to the risk of being scorched", "fr": "L'utilisation de fumier partiellement d\u00e9compos\u00e9 expose \u00e9galement les cultures \u00e0 certains parasites et risque d'\u00eatre br\u00fbl\u00e9e"}, "tech_impacts_pestcontrol": 3}], "tech_qg_147": [{"tech_impacts_downstreamflooding": 6}], "tech_qg_149": [{"tech_impacts_downstreamsiltation": 6}], "tech_qg_152": [{"tech_impacts_windtransportedsediments": 6}], "tech_qg_156": [{"tech_sustainability": 0}], "tech_qg_160": [{"tech_implementation_decades": "implemenation_10_50"}], "tech_qg_168": [{"tech_exposure_incrdecr": "increase", "tech_exposure_sensitivity": "cope_well"}], "tech_qg_179": [{"tech_exposure_sensitivity": "cope_not_well"}], "tech_qg_181": [{"tech_costbenefit_est_long": "costbenefit_verypositive", "tech_costbenefit_est_short": "costbenefit_positive"}], "tech_qg_182": [{"tech_costbenefit_est_long": "costbenefit_verypositive", "tech_costbenefit_est_short": "costbenefit_verypositive"}], "tech_qg_184": [{"user_id": "2699", "user_resourceperson_type": "resourceperson_slmspecialist"}, {"country": "country_DEU", "person_gender": "gender_female", "person_lastname": {"en": "Dorl\u00f6chter-Sulser", "fr": "Dorl\u00f6chter-Sulser"}, "person_firstname": {"en": "Sabine", "fr": "Sabine"}, "person_institution_name": {"en": "Misereor", "fr": "Misereor"}, "user_resourceperson_type": "resourceperson_slmspecialist"}, {"country": "country_NER", "person_gender": "gender_male", "person_lastname": {"en": "Sani", "fr": "Sani"}, "person_firstname": {"en": "Mamadou Abdou", "fr": "Mamadou Abdou"}, "person_institution_name": {"en": "Programme d\u2019Appui \u00e0 l\u2019agriculture Productive", "fr": "Programme d\u2019Appui \u00e0 l\u2019agriculture Productive"}, "user_resourceperson_type": "resourceperson_slmspecialist"}], "tech_qg_185": [{"tech_drawing": "e584e97f-f539-483d-bb09-8386f395fb62", "tech_drawing_author": {"en": "PASP", "fr": "PASP"}, "tech_specifications": {"en": "Biodegradable matter is mixed with animal waste for rapid decomposition or just with millet, sorghum or other plant stalks for slow decomposition. The biodegradable matter is placed in a pit. In the dry season, it is regularly sprinkled with water until decomposition is complete. It is then spread evenly over the land before sowing or planting.\r\n\r\nTechnical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate\r\nTechnical knowledge required for land users: low\r\n\r\nMain technical functions: improvement of ground cover, improvement of surface structure (crusting, sealing), improvement of topsoil structure (compaction), increase in organic matter, increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,\u2026), increase of infiltration, increase / maintain water stored in soil, increase of biomass (quantity), promotion of vegetation species and varieties (quality, eg palatable fodder)\r\nSecondary technical functions: water harvesting / increase water supply, sediment retention / trapping, sediment harvesting, reduction in wind speed\r\n\r\nManure / compost / residues\r\nMaterial/ species: Biodegradable matter, animal waste, plant stalks, ash and/or natural phosphate, manure collected", "fr": "Le compost est fabriqu\u00e9 soit en saison s\u00e8che ou en hivernage. Des quantit\u00e9s de mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables sont trait\u00e9es par une d\u00e9composition acc\u00e9l\u00e9r\u00e9e en les m\u00e9langeant avec les d\u00e9jections des animaux ou par une d\u00e9composition lente lorsque seules les tiges de mil, de sorgho et d\u2019autres v\u00e9g\u00e9taux sont utilis\u00e9es. Les deux types de compost peuvent \u00eatre enrichis de cendre et/ou de phosphate naturel.\r\nLes mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables sont mis dans une fosse et \u2013 en saison s\u00e8che \u2013 arros\u00e9s de fa\u00e7on r\u00e9guli\u00e8re jusqu\u2019\u00e0 la d\u00e9composition compl\u00e8te. Ensuite le compost est \u00e9pandu sur le champ avant sa mise en culture\r\n\r\nConnaissances techniques requises pour le personnel de terrain / conseillers: moyen\r\nConnaissances techniques requises pour les utilisateurs des terres: faible\r\n\r\nPrincipales fonctions techniques: am\u00e9lioration de la couverture du sol, am\u00e9lioration de la structure du sol en surface (encro\u00fbtement, battance du sol), am\u00e9lioration de la structure de la couche arable du sol (tassement, compaction), augmentation de la mati\u00e8re organique, augmentation De la disponibilit\u00e9 des nutriments (r\u00e9serve, recyclage, ...), augmentation de l'infiltration, augmentation / maintien de la r\u00e9tention d'eau dans le sol, augmentation de la biomasse (quantit\u00e9), d\u00e9veloppement des esp\u00e8ces v\u00e9g\u00e9tales et de la vari\u00e9t\u00e9 , Ex: fourrage app\u00e9tent)\r\nFonctions techniques secondaires: r\u00e9cup\u00e9ration de l'eau / augmentation des r\u00e9serves d'eau, r\u00e9tention / capture des s\u00e9diments, recueil des s\u00e9diments, r\u00e9duction de la vitesse du vent\r\n\r\nSommier / compost / r\u00e9sidus\r\nMat\u00e9riel / esp\u00e8ce: mat\u00e9riaux biod\u00e9gradables, d\u00e9jections des animaux, cendre et/ou de phosphate naturel etc."}}], "tech_qg_187": [{"tech_impacts_specify": {"en": "The use of compost and manure improves yields and output, thereby improving food security. The sale of surplus production also increases household income", "fr": "Le compost et le fumier am\u00e9liorent les rendements et la production, et par cons\u00e9quent la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 alimentaire et, en cas de surplus de production commercialisables, les revenus."}, "tech_impacts_other_measure": 6, "tech_impacts_other_specify": {"en": "livelihood and human well-being", "fr": "moyens de subsistance et bien-\u00eatre humain"}, "tech_impacts_other_labelleft": {"en": "reduced", "fr": "r\u00e9duit"}, "tech_impacts_other_labelright": {"en": "improved", "fr": "am\u00e9lior\u00e9"}}], "tech_qg_191": [{"tech_adoption_comments": {"en": "There is a little trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology\r\nComments on adoption trend: transporting manure and compost poses a major hurdle for poor farmers who do not have a cart. This is a particularly serious problem when plots are at a distance from the village (outfields)", "fr": "Il y a une petite tendance vers l'adoption spontan\u00e9e de la technologie\r\nCommentaires sur la tendance \u00e0 l'adoption: Le transport du fumier /compost est une difficult\u00e9 pour les cat\u00e9gories pauvres de paysans ne disposant pas de charrettes. Cela pose surtout probl\u00e8me pour les champs \u00e9loign\u00e9s du village (champs de brousse)."}}], "tech_qg_197": [{"tech_exposure_sensitivity": "cope_well"}], "tech_qg_202": [{"tech_exposure_sensitivity": "cope_well"}], "tech_qg_205": [{"tech_exposure_sensitivity": "cope_not_well"}], "tech_qg_214": [{"tech_exposure_sensitivity": "cope_well"}], "tech_qg_226": [{"tech_access_roads": 1, "tech_access_water": 1, "tech_access_energy": 1, "tech_access_health": 1, "tech_access_markets": 1, "tech_access_education": 1, "tech_access_financial": 1, "tech_access_employment": 1, "tech_access_techassistance": 1}], "tech_qg_250": [{"date_documentation": "01/07/2012"}], "qg_references": [{"references_title": {"en": "Good Practices in Soil and Water Conservation. A contribution to adaptation and farmers\u00b4 resilience towards climate change in the Sahel. Published by GIZ in 2012.", "fr": "Good Practices in Soil and Water Conservation. A contribution to adaptation and farmers\u00b4 resilience towards climate change in the Sahel. Published by GIZ in 2012."}, "references_source": {"en": "", "fr": ""}}], "qg_location_map": [{"location_map": "{\"type\":\"FeatureCollection\",\"features\":[{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"id\":1498564787323,\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[-1.564083144345615,12.242017053280492]},\"properties\":null},{\"type\":\"Feature\",\"id\":1498564794915,\"geometry\":{\"type\":\"Point\",\"coordinates\":[8.081816203704875,17.611674908590018]},\"properties\":null}]}"}], "qg_funding_project": [{"funding_project": 1004}], "qg_accept_conditions": [{"accept_conditions": 1}], "qg_strengths_compiler": [{"strengths_compiler": {"en": "reactivates biological activity, increases soil fertility by providing nutrients and improves soil structure by increasing the amount of organic matter in it", "fr": "la restauration de l\u2019activit\u00e9 biologique, l\u2019am\u00e9lioration de la fertilit\u00e9 par l\u2019apport d\u2019\u00e9l\u00e9ments nutritifs et une meilleure structure du sol gr\u00e2ce \u00e0 l\u2019augmentation de la mati\u00e8re organique"}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "The improved soil structure also increases the infiltration of water into the soil", "fr": "La meilleure structure du sol favorise l\u2019infiltration de l\u2019eau."}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "The use of compost and manure improves yields and output, thereby improving food security. The sale of surplus production also increases household income.", "fr": "Le compost et le fumier am\u00e9liorent les rendements et la production, et par cons\u00e9quent la s\u00e9curit\u00e9 alimentaire et, en cas de surplus de production commercialisables, les revenus."}}, {"strengths_compiler": {"en": "The denser vegetation and improved soil structure make the land more resistant to water and wind erosion.", "fr": "la v\u00e9g\u00e9tation plus dense qu\u2019ils supportent et la meilleure structure des sols les rendent plus r\u00e9sistants \u00e0 l\u2019\u00e9rosion hydrique et \u00e9olienne."}}], "qg_funding_institution": [{"funding_institution": 611}, {"funding_institution": 1145}], "qg_weaknesses_compiler": [{"weaknesses_compiler": {"en": "Manure and compost are often not available in sufficient quantities", "fr": "La disponibilit\u00e9 de quantit\u00e9s suffisantes de fumier ou de compost fait souvent d\u00e9faut."}, "weaknesses_overcome": {"en": "In spite of these drawbacks, manure is the form of fertilisation most commonly used by farmers, as it requires less work than compost.", "fr": "N\u00e9anmoins, l\u2019utilisation de fumier est la pratique privil\u00e9gi\u00e9e par les paysans car elle demande moins de travail que le compost."}}, {"weaknesses_compiler": {"en": "Water is required to moisten compost during the dry season in order to ensure that it is kept at the right temperature for the decomposition of the biomass", "fr": "un arrosage suffisant est n\u00e9cessaire pendant la saison s\u00e8che pour atteindre une temp\u00e9rature propice \u00e0 la d\u00e9composition de la biomasse."}}, {"weaknesses_compiler": {"en": "transporting manure and compost poses a major hurdle for poor farmers who do not have a cart. This is a particularly serious problem when plots are at a distance from the village (outfields).", "fr": "le transport du fumier /compost est une difficult\u00e9 pour les cat\u00e9gories pauvres de paysans ne disposant pas de charrettes. Cela pose surtout probl\u00e8me pour les champs \u00e9loign\u00e9s du village (champs de brousse)."}}, {"weaknesses_compiler": {"en": "farmers are deterred from composting in the dry season because a nearby supply of water is needed and it involves a considerable amount of work", "fr": "la n\u00e9cessit\u00e9 de disposer d\u2019une source d\u2019eau proche, ainsi que le besoin de main-d\u2019\u0153uvre, limite l\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat du compostage en saison s\u00e8che."}}, {"weaknesses_compiler": {"en": "The use of manure on farmland entails some risks and disadvantages. As the manure is only partially decomposed \u2013 decomposition starts after the first rains begin \u2013 crops do not have enough nitrogen for a time. The use of partially decomposed manure also exposes crops to certain pests and to the risk of being scorched.", "fr": "Son application sur le champ pr\u00e9sente quelques inconv\u00e9nients et risques : comme la d\u00e9composition n\u2019est pas termin\u00e9e, car elle d\u00e9marre seulement apr\u00e8s les premi\u00e8res pluies, on constate une carence temporaire d\u2019azote au niveau des cultures. \u00c9galement, compte tenu de sa d\u00e9composition partielle, son application expose les plantes cultiv\u00e9es \u00e0 certains parasites et au risque de br\u00fblure."}}]}>, 'map_url': '/en/wocat/technologies/view/technologies_1220/map/', 'template': 'raw'}

2.6 Date of implementation

If precise year is not known, indicate approximate date:
  • 10-50 years ago

2.7 Introduction of the Technology

Specify how the Technology was introduced:
  • through projects/ external interventions
Comments (type of project, etc.):

Developed, implemented and disseminated as part of projects and programmes undertaken from the 1980s onwards to combat desertification and improve natural resource management. Implemented by GIZ (German Federal Enterprise for International Cooperation), PDRT (Projet de développement rural de Tahoua - Tahoua Rural Development Project), PASP (Projet de protection intégrée des ressources agro-sylvo-pastorales Tillabéri-Nord - Project for the Integrated Protection of Agricultural, Forest and Rangeland Resources in Tillabéri-Nord), and PATECORE (project for land development and resource conservation in Plateau Central Burkina Faso)

3. Classification of the SLM Technology

3.1 Main purpose(s) of the Technology

  • improve production
  • improve fertility

3.2 Current land use type(s) where the Technology is applied



  • Annual cropping
Number of growing seasons per year:
  • 1

Longest growing period in days: 120; Longest growing period from month to month: August to October


Major land use problems (compiler’s opinion): low biological activity, low soil fertility, bad soil structure, low amount of organic matter, surface runoff, aridification, erosion by water and wind
Constraints of common grazing land
Constraints of forested government-owned land or commons

3.5 SLM group to which the Technology belongs

  • integrated soil fertility management

3.6 SLM measures comprising the Technology

agronomic measures

agronomic measures

  • A2: Organic matter/ soil fertility

Type of agronomic measures: manure / compost / residues

3.7 Main types of land degradation addressed by the Technology

soil erosion by water

soil erosion by water

  • Wt: loss of topsoil/ surface erosion
soil erosion by wind

soil erosion by wind

  • Et: loss of topsoil
chemical soil deterioration

chemical soil deterioration

  • Cn: fertility decline and reduced organic matter content (not caused by erosion)
biological degradation

biological degradation

  • Bq: quantity/ biomass decline
  • Bl: loss of soil life
water degradation

water degradation

  • Ha: aridification

Main causes of degradation: crop management (annual, perennial, tree/shrub) (Unadapted landuse methods, reduced or abandoned fallow periods), floods, droughts, population pressure (rapidly growing population increasing pressure on land), land tenure (insecure access to land)

3.8 Prevention, reduction, or restoration of land degradation

Specify the goal of the Technology with regard to land degradation:
  • reduce land degradation
  • restore/ rehabilitate severely degraded land

4. Technical specifications, implementation activities, inputs, and costs

4.1 Technical drawing of the Technology

{'additional_translations': {}, 'content_type': 'image/jpeg', 'preview_image': '/media/c6/a/c6a469d9-4326-42e7-ac37-ce5c81502d6f.jpg', 'key': 'Technical drawing', 'value': '/media/e5/8/e584e97f-f539-483d-bb09-8386f395fb62.jpg', 'template': 'raw'}
Technical specifications (related to technical drawing):

Biodegradable matter is mixed with animal waste for rapid decomposition or just with millet, sorghum or other plant stalks for slow decomposition. The biodegradable matter is placed in a pit. In the dry season, it is regularly sprinkled with water until decomposition is complete. It is then spread evenly over the land before sowing or planting.

Technical knowledge required for field staff / advisors: moderate
Technical knowledge required for land users: low

Main technical functions: improvement of ground cover, improvement of surface structure (crusting, sealing), improvement of topsoil structure (compaction), increase in organic matter, increase in nutrient availability (supply, recycling,…), increase of infiltration, increase / maintain water stored in soil, increase of biomass (quantity), promotion of vegetation species and varieties (quality, eg palatable fodder)
Secondary technical functions: water harvesting / increase water supply, sediment retention / trapping, sediment harvesting, reduction in wind speed

Manure / compost / residues
Material/ species: Biodegradable matter, animal waste, plant stalks, ash and/or natural phosphate, manure collected



4.5 Maintenance/ recurrent activities

Activity Timing/ frequency
1. Biodegradable matter is mixed with animal waste for rapid decomposition or just with millet, sorghum or other plant stalks for slow decomposition
2. The biodegradable matter is placed in a pit.
3. In the dry season, it is regularly sprinkled with water until decomposition is complete
4. It is then spread evenly over the land before sowing or planting.

4.6 Costs and inputs needed for maintenance/ recurrent activities (per year)


Machinery/ tools: shovel, wheelbarrow, etc.

4.7 Most important factors affecting the costs

Describe the most determinate factors affecting the costs:

Production of compost:
• constructing pits or basins
• water
• equipment (shovel, wheelbarrow, etc.).
Use of compost:
• transportation to plot by cart (100 kg of manure per donkey cartload)
• transportation to plot in head baskets (20 kg of manure per basket)
• spreading the compost on the plot (labour).

5. Natural and human environment

5.1 Climate

Annual rainfall
  • < 250 mm
  • 251-500 mm
  • 501-750 mm
  • 751-1,000 mm
  • 1,001-1,500 mm
  • 1,501-2,000 mm
  • 2,001-3,000 mm
  • 3,001-4,000 mm
  • > 4,000 mm
Agro-climatic zone
  • semi-arid

Thermal climate class: subtropics

5.2 Topography

Slopes on average:
  • flat (0-2%)
  • gentle (3-5%)
  • moderate (6-10%)
  • rolling (11-15%)
  • hilly (16-30%)
  • steep (31-60%)
  • very steep (>60%)
  • plateau/plains
  • ridges
  • mountain slopes
  • hill slopes
  • footslopes
  • valley floors
Altitudinal zone:
  • 0-100 m a.s.l.
  • 101-500 m a.s.l.
  • 501-1,000 m a.s.l.
  • 1,001-1,500 m a.s.l.
  • 1,501-2,000 m a.s.l.
  • 2,001-2,500 m a.s.l.
  • 2,501-3,000 m a.s.l.
  • 3,001-4,000 m a.s.l.
  • > 4,000 m a.s.l.

5.3 Soils

Soil depth on average:
  • very shallow (0-20 cm)
  • shallow (21-50 cm)
  • moderately deep (51-80 cm)
  • deep (81-120 cm)
  • very deep (> 120 cm)
Soil texture (topsoil):
  • medium (loamy, silty)
  • fine/ heavy (clay)
If available, attach full soil description or specify the available information, e.g. soil type, soil PH/ acidity, Cation Exchange Capacity, nitrogen, salinity etc.

Soil fertility is low - medium
Soil drainage / infiltration is poor - medium
Soil water storage capacity is low - medium

5.4 Water availability and quality

Ground water table:

5-50 m

Availability of surface water:


Comments and further specifications on water quality and quantity:

Ground water table: > 10 m
Availability of surface water: Surface runoff generated by limited but intense rainfalls

5.5 Biodiversity

Species diversity:
  • low

5.6 Characteristics of land users applying the Technology

Relative level of wealth:
  • very poor
  • poor
  • men
Indicate other relevant characteristics of the land users:

Population density: 10-50 persons/km2
Annual population growth: 3% - 4% (mostly poor households below poverty line).
Off-farm income specification: men migrate temporarily or permanently to cities for off-farm income

5.7 Average area of land used by land users applying the Technology

  • < 0.5 ha
  • 0.5-1 ha
  • 1-2 ha
  • 2-5 ha
  • 5-15 ha
  • 15-50 ha
  • 50-100 ha
  • 100-500 ha
  • 500-1,000 ha
  • 1,000-10,000 ha
  • > 10,000 ha
Is this considered small-, medium- or large-scale (referring to local context)?
  • small-scale

5.8 Land ownership, land use rights, and water use rights

Land ownership:
  • state
Land use rights:
  • communal (organized)
Water use rights:
  • communal (organized)

traditional land use rights on fields, communal land on pasture and forest land

5.9 Access to services and infrastructure

  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
technical assistance:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
employment (e.g. off-farm):
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
roads and transport:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
drinking water and sanitation:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good
financial services:
  • poor
  • moderate
  • good

6. Impacts and concluding statements

6.1 On-site impacts the Technology has shown

Socio-economic impacts


crop production

Income and costs

expenses on agricultural inputs


farm income




Socio-cultural impacts

food security/ self-sufficiency


SLM/ land degradation knowledge


livelihood and human well-being

Comments/ specify:

The use of compost and manure improves yields and output, thereby improving food security. The sale of surplus production also increases household income

Ecological impacts

Water cycle/ runoff

harvesting/ collection of water


surface runoff


soil moisture


soil cover


soil loss


soil crusting/ sealing


nutrient cycling/ recharge

Biodiversity: vegetation, animals

biomass/ above ground C


pest/ disease control

Comments/ specify:

The use of partially decomposed manure also exposes crops to certain pests and to the risk of being scorched

Climate and disaster risk reduction

wind velocity


6.2 Off-site impacts the Technology has shown

downstream flooding


downstream siltation


wind transported sediments


6.3 Exposure and sensitivity of the Technology to gradual climate change and climate-related extremes/ disasters (as perceived by land users)

Gradual climate change

Gradual climate change
Season increase or decrease How does the Technology cope with it?
annual temperature increase well

Climate-related extremes (disasters)

Meteorological disasters
How does the Technology cope with it?
local rainstorm not well
local windstorm well
Climatological disasters
How does the Technology cope with it?
drought well
Hydrological disasters
How does the Technology cope with it?
general (river) flood not well

Other climate-related consequences

Other climate-related consequences
How does the Technology cope with it?
reduced growing period well

6.4 Cost-benefit analysis

How do the benefits compare with the establishment costs (from land users’ perspective)?
Short-term returns:


Long-term returns:

very positive

How do the benefits compare with the maintenance/ recurrent costs (from land users' perspective)?
Short-term returns:

very positive

Long-term returns:

very positive

6.5 Adoption of the Technology


There is a little trend towards spontaneous adoption of the Technology
Comments on adoption trend: transporting manure and compost poses a major hurdle for poor farmers who do not have a cart. This is a particularly serious problem when plots are at a distance from the village (outfields)

6.7 Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities of the Technology

Strengths/ advantages/ opportunities in the compiler’s or other key resource person’s view
reactivates biological activity, increases soil fertility by providing nutrients and improves soil structure by increasing the amount of organic matter in it
The improved soil structure also increases the infiltration of water into the soil
The use of compost and manure improves yields and output, thereby improving food security. The sale of surplus production also increases household income.
The denser vegetation and improved soil structure make the land more resistant to water and wind erosion.

6.8 Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks of the Technology and ways of overcoming them

Weaknesses/ disadvantages/ risks in the compiler’s or other key resource person’s view How can they be overcome?
Manure and compost are often not available in sufficient quantities In spite of these drawbacks, manure is the form of fertilisation most commonly used by farmers, as it requires less work than compost.
Water is required to moisten compost during the dry season in order to ensure that it is kept at the right temperature for the decomposition of the biomass
transporting manure and compost poses a major hurdle for poor farmers who do not have a cart. This is a particularly serious problem when plots are at a distance from the village (outfields).
farmers are deterred from composting in the dry season because a nearby supply of water is needed and it involves a considerable amount of work
The use of manure on farmland entails some risks and disadvantages. As the manure is only partially decomposed – decomposition starts after the first rains begin – crops do not have enough nitrogen for a time. The use of partially decomposed manure also exposes crops to certain pests and to the risk of being scorched.

7. References and links

7.1 Methods/ sources of information

  • field visits, field surveys
  • interviews with land users
When were the data compiled (in the field)?


7.2 References to available publications

Title, author, year, ISBN:

Good Practices in Soil and Water Conservation. A contribution to adaptation and farmers´ resilience towards climate change in the Sahel. Published by GIZ in 2012.

Available from where? Costs?

Links and modules

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