وحدها البيانات المعلنة عامة هي مرئية.

نتائج بحثك (2448)

Stone bund of Tigray

Stone bund of Tigray [Ethiopia]

an allignment of stone along the contour line which stabilzes with grass species

  • جامع المعلومات: Unknown User
Boreda Soil Bund

Boreda Soil Bund [Ethiopia]

Structure constructed by digging a shallow channel on the upper hill side and putting the excavated soil on the down side to build the embankment

  • جامع المعلومات: Unknown User
Hararghie Soil Bund

Hararghie Soil Bund [Ethiopia]

an embankment of soil constructed along the contour to reduce runoff and maintain soil moisture.

  • جامع المعلومات: Unknown User
Stone faced level bund

Stone faced level bund [Ethiopia]

Stone faced bund is embankment constructed from stone & soil along the contour at upper part to reduce velocity of run of & length of slope with collection ditch in the uper part.

  • جامع المعلومات: Unknown User
Paved and grassed waterways

Paved and grassed waterways [Ethiopia]

A waterway is an artficial drainage channel constructed along the steepest slope to receive runoff from cutoff drains and graded structures and drain to the natural waterway safely.

  • جامع المعلومات: Berhanu Fentaw
Soil Bund with Contour Cultivation

Soil Bund with Contour Cultivation [Ethiopia]

It is a structural measure with an embankment of soil or stones or soil and stones, constructed along the contour and stablized with vegetative measures (grass and fodder trees).

  • جامع المعلومات: Unknown User
Rehabilitation of degraded lands

Rehabilitation of degraded lands [Ethiopia]

Activities that help maintain the productive potentials of soils through prevention and reduction of erosion, enhancing of rehabilitation rate by practicing measures such as microbasins, trench, eyebrow terrace, terraces, pitting and plantation of trees.

  • جامع المعلومات: Unknown User