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Your search results (2450)

Environmentally-friendly rural practices

Environmentally-friendly rural practices [Moldova, Republic of]

Various environmentally-friendly rural practices have been developed and applied in vineyards and orchards. These included contour tillage, strip cropping and buffer strips, as well as barriers to impede runoff made from straw and brushwood etc. There are also forest belts, channels for water retention and discharge, dams, and grassed waterways; …

  • Compiler: Valentin Ciubotaru
Environment-Friendly Community Practices

Environment-Friendly Community Practices [Moldova, Republic of]

The community area development plans were developed for six communities for the period of 2008-2028, taking into consideration the main problems, opportunities, necessities and wishes of the local population. The special attention is paid to environment impact assessment of all actions in order to harmonize the economic and social development …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Agro-Forestry Practices

Agro-Forestry Practices [Moldova, Republic of]

The status of existing forests as well as other forest vegetation in the pilot area was assessed, including water bodies’ protective buffer strips, forest protective belts against erosion, windbreaks, shelterbelts, and others. Based on this data the shrub and tree planting program was prepared and developed. The main components of …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Rehabilitation of degraded land

Rehabilitation of degraded land [Moldova, Republic of]

The land management plan was developed together with local population, than it was implemented. Degraded areas (landslides and heavy eroded soils) are excluded from agricultural production for afforestation and grassland. The following soil and water conservation practices were applied in vineyards and orchards: • Contour farming, • Utilisation of minimal …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Good Agricultural Practices

Good Agricultural Practices [Moldova, Republic of]

The adoption of good agricultural practices was promoted in order to improve agricultural production while reducing soil loss and nutrient discharge into water bodies. Technical assistance and financial support was provided for sustainable agricultural practices, including: (i) nutrient management – the application of animal waste materials on agricultural land areas …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Environmentally friendly rural practices

Environmentally friendly rural practices [Moldova, Republic of]

The following environmentally friendly rural practices were developed and applied in vineyards and orchards: • Contour tillage, • Forest belts; • The channels for water retention and evacuation which are built with a secondary inclination of up to 1.5 degrees as opposed to the slope inclination; • The land dams …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Conservation agriculture to restore abandoned cropland

Conservation agriculture to restore abandoned cropland [Mongolia]

This technology aimed to restore abandoned cropland which was used for crop and fodder production during the 1970s-1980s. Since 2016, the farmer applied conservation agriculture and mixed cropping to reduce land degradation, revive cropping practices, increase land productivity for agriculture and enhance soil health.

  • Compiler: Otgontsetseg Davaanyam
'Green Gold' Pasture Ecosystem Management, Mongolia|

'Green Gold' Pasture Ecosystem Management, Mongolia| [Mongolia]

The current legal status of grasslands as an open-access resource is one main obstacle to improving grassland management practices. Since 2004, SOC has supported the Mongolian Society for Range Management (MSRM) through the Green Gold Project to introduce Pasture User Groups (PUGs) and Associations of PUGs as service NGOs to …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS
Fostering the sustainable livelihoods of herders in Mongolia via collective action

Fostering the sustainable livelihoods of herders in Mongolia … [Mongolia]

The best practice is addressed how to generate sustainable livelihoods in the Mongolian herder economy. Sustainable rural livelihoods depend on the sustainability of economic, social, environmental and institutional factors and investigates whether technical solutions exist to reduce pasture degradation and desertification, such as restoring proper seasonal movements, resting and other …

  • Compiler: UNCCD PRAIS