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Your search results (55)

Multigrain Nutrient Ball

Multigrain Nutrient Ball [India]

Introducing a multigrain flour to prevent malnutrition of rural communities, enhancing community resilience to natural disasters such as floods.

  • Compiler: MARIA ROSELIN
FMNR implementation approach

FMNR implementation approach [Kenya]

After consultations with local stakeholders, experts (from NEMA, ICRAF, KFS, Wildlife Kenya) and Homabay County Government representatives the FMNR approach is being introduced by World Vision through a public funded project. The aim of the approach is to promote FMNR and sustainable land and natural resource management through disseminating the …

  • Compiler: Thomas Kalytta
Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR)

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) [Kenya]

Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is a proven SLM Technology to restore degraded wasteland and improve depleted farmland. The farmer regu- lates and facilitates the re-growth of existing trees stumps, or self-sown seeds in the soil, and thus promotes soil fertility and through better ground cover, increases protection from runoff …

  • Compiler: Thomas Kalytta
Rock catchment

Rock catchment [Kenya]

A rock catchment system is a water harvesting structure comprising a bare sloping rock surface (impounded area), a constructed concrete wall at a strategic point (weir), pipeline from the weir to the storage tank(s), storage tanks and water kiosk(s) connected to the water tanks by pipelines.

  • Compiler: Fredrick Ochieng
Consensus-based management of the rangelands of Guidan Issa (Niger)

Consensus-based management of the rangelands of Guidan Issa … [Niger]

The consensus-based management of the area of Guidan Issa consists of rehabilitating this resource for agro-pastoral livelihoods in a participatory and inclusive way, by considering the various actors involved in the exploitation and management of this rangeland area.

  • Compiler: Judith Macchi
Training and awareness raising in the use of improved agricultural techniques

Training and awareness raising in the use of … [Niger]

This approach consists of disseminating improved agricultural techniques to increase the agricultural production. Producers are trained to demonstrate the techniques, and demonstration events are organised to make other producers aware of the use of these improved techniques.

  • Compiler: Judith Macchi
Improved millet variety HKP

Improved millet variety HKP [Niger]

The millet variety HKP, "Haini Kire Précoce" in Djerma language (finger millet in English), is a high-yielding millet variety, adapted to the Sahelian context

  • Compiler: Judith Macchi
Multi-Nutritional Fodder Blocks for livestock

Multi-Nutritional Fodder Blocks for livestock [Niger]

Multi-Nutritional Blocks for livestock are an alternative animal feed for all seasons. They are a concentrate of nutritious elements prepared from crop residues such as stalks, pods, etc.

  • Compiler: Judith Macchi