មានតែទិន្នន័យដែលបានប្រកាសជាសាធារណៈ ទើបអាចមើលឃើញ។

លទ្ធផលស្វែងរករបស់អ្នក (1459)

Intercropping Soya and Maize

Intercropping Soya and Maize [Uganda]

Soybean (Glycine max) and maize (Zea Mays) and planted together in the same field to increase soil fertility, production and household income.

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ Kamugisha Rick Nelson
Piggery-Banana-Coffee technology

Piggery-Banana-Coffee technology [Uganda]

The "Piggery-Banana-Coffee" sustainable land management technology is a proven practice that significantly improves soil fertility and productivity in an integrated farming system for smallholder farmers in Uganda.

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ Tonny Kyambadde
Создание экологически-сбалансированных агроландшафтов для повышения плодородия орошаемых почв и получения качественной сельскохозяйственной продукции.

Создание экологически-сбалансированных агроландшафтов для повышения плодородия орошаемых почв … [Ukraine]

Оптимальное соотношение культур в севооборотах в разных природно-сельскохозяйственных регионах Украины (зерновых и зернобобовых культур – 40-82%, технических культур – 5-35%, овощных и баштанных культур – до 20%, кормовых – до 60%, многолетних трав – 17-44% ), сохранение отрасли животноводства и внесение навоза в количестве 3-7 т/га.

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ Rayisa Vozhehova
Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle

Silvopastoral Agroforestry with Cattle [United Kingdom]

A mixture of silvopastoral agroforestry approaches, including extensive and rotational cattle grazing around trees, provide benefits for biodiversity as well as leaf fodder for cattle, edible fruits and nuts, and wood fuel.

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ Alan Radbourne
Silvopastoral Agroforestry – Perry pears and timber with mob grazed young dairy stock

Silvopastoral Agroforestry – Perry pears and timber with … [United Kingdom]

Silvopastoral Agroforestry in a natural farmed environment – This is an alley cropping system with rows of Perry pears and timber trees inter-planted with coppiced willow and alder. The pasture in between the rows is mob grazed with young dairy stock.

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ Alan Radbourne