មានតែទិន្នន័យដែលបានប្រកាសជាសាធារណៈ ទើបអាចមើលឃើញ។

លទ្ធផលស្វែងរករបស់អ្នក (442)

إقامة المشاريع الحرجية

إقامة المشاريع الحرجية [Kuwait]

تعتبر مشاريع التحريج المقامة في عدة مناطق من أفضل الممارسات التي قامت بها دولة الكويت وذلك نظرا لمساهمتها الفعالة و المملوسة في تخفيف حدة التصحر و وقف تدهور الأراضي

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS
      إعادة تأهيل منطقة مقالع الصلبوخ باللياح

إعادة تأهيل منطقة مقالع الصلبوخ باللياح [Kuwait]

استزراع عدة صفوف من أشجار متعددة مقاومة للجفاف مثل الصفصاف والأثل والسدر بطول 6 كيلومترا ونباتات صحراوية في مناطق متفرقة تتميز بتحملها للبيئة الصحراوية الحارة و الجافة وذلك لتحسين خصوبة التربة واستقطاب الطيور والحيوانات البرية.

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS
Адаптация к отсутствию поверхностной поливной воды и изменению климата. Капельное орошение помидоров на пустынных землях Кыргызской Республики

Адаптация к отсутствию поверхностной поливной воды и изменению … [Kyrgyzstan]

В селе Чат-Булак (Родник в Ущелье) жители на своих огородах выращивают помидоры (фото 1). Фермер Муратали Пакыров при содействии НПО “Социум” попал в программу Баткенской сельской консультационной службы (СКС), которая испытывала системы капельного орошения “Непал” (Индия). Система была собрана на приусадебном участке фермера (0,12 га) на площади 0,01 га (8х12 …

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS
Flood Risk Management and Water Harvesting for Livelihood Recovery in Baalback-Hermel

Flood Risk Management and Water Harvesting for Livelihood … [Lebanon]

Assisting the Government of Lebanon in its recovery efforts in the conflict-affected and high-poverty region of Baalbeck-Hermel through land management practices, namely flood risk reduction and improved access to irrigation water and networks to achieve crop diversification and improve productivity|

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS
Promotion of industrial Hemp in the framework of Sustainable Land Management Programme for Livelihood Development in Lebanon

Promotion of industrial Hemp in the framework of … [Lebanon]

The Sustainable Land Management Programme for Livelihood Development in Lebanon will assist the Lebanese Government in identifying the specific problems and obstacles encountered in the long-term process of reducing land degradation and achieving sustainable land management. The programme will focus on integrated rural livelihood development by integrating sustainable natural resource …

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS
Sustainable management of wild stocks of aromatic and medicinal plants (MAP) in Lebanon

Sustainable management of wild stocks of aromatic and … [Lebanon]

Lebanon lies within an important centre of flowering plant biodiversity, with approximately 2,600 species and an endemism rate of 12%. Around 365 medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are found and utilised in Lebanon. The MAP and herb domestic markets are worth approximately US$35 millions per year and wild stocks supply …

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS
Integrated Watershed/Catchment Management

Integrated Watershed/Catchment Management [Lesotho]

It involves participation of all stakeholders found within the area. It encompases training of different levels of stakeholders and community participation. It necessitates biological activities such as grass planting etc and physical activities such as construction of stone terraces, silt-traps etc|

  • អ្នកចងក្រង៖ UNCCD PRAIS