Sustainable Land Management in Nangarparkar by mobilizing communities [Paquistão]

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Entidade relatora: Society for Conservation & Protection of Environment

Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade: Sim

Comentários: SCOPE Pakistan

Completude: 74%

Informações gerais

Informações gerais

Título de melhores práticas:

Sustainable Land Management in Nangarparkar by mobilizing communities



Entidade relatora:

Society for Conservation & Protection of Environment

Direitos de propriedade

Esclarecer se a tecnologia descrita no modelo, ou uma parte dela, está coberta por direitos de propriedade:


Favor fornecer informações relevantes sobre o titular dos direitos:

SCOPE Pakistan


Uso do solo predominante no local especificado

  • Terra de cultivo
  • Pastagem
  • Floresta
  • Terra improdutiva
  • Assentamento humano

range land, sparse forest, thorny bushes, hilly

Contribuição para medidas de Desertificação, Degradação da Terra e Seca (DDTS)

  • Prevenção
  • Mitigação
  • Adaptação
  • Reabilitação

Contribuição para os objetivos estratégicos

  • Para melhorar as condições de vida das populações afetadas
  • Para melhorar as condições dos ecossistemas afetados
  • Gerar benefícios globais através da implementação efetiva da Convenção

Ligações com os outros temas de melhores práticas

  • Capacitação e conscientização
  • Monitoramento e avaliação/ pesquisa DDTS e GST
  • Gestão do conhecimento e apoio à decisão
  • Participação, colaboração e trabalho em rede


Seção 1. Contexto das melhores práticas: condições de enquadramento (ambiente natural e humano)

Breve descrição da melhor prática

Nangarparkar, Tharparkar is a fragile arid and semiarid ecosystem which is subjected to desertification due to frequent droughts, pressure on natural vegetative cover due to exploitation by human and livestock (for fodder, timber, firewood, gum resin, medicinal herbs extraction etc.) and limited water resources. Desertification threatened livelihood of about 1.3 million inhabitants and 5 million livestock.
The major causes of desertification are felling of trees and removal of vegetative cover in the result of deforestation and overgrazing. Destruction of Camiphora mukal (gum yielding shrub), by tukka (chemical cut) method, is a major cause of desertification and land degradation here, particularly in Nagarparkar area which is rich in this shrub.
The project aimed at reducing pressure on land and forest resources which is caused by illegal tree chopping, and destruction of natural plantations of guglan (Camiphora mukal) for gum resin extraction. SCOPE organized local communities and other stakeholders to resist illegal gum extraction, which was causing elimination of vegetation


Nangarparkar is an ecologically sensitive area in District Tharparkar in the South East of Pakistan along with India-Pakistan boarder. Tharparkar District is a fragile arid ecosystem in southeast of Pakistan, spread over 19,000 sq. Km, hosting 1 million people and 4 million livestock|

Se o local tiver limites bem definidos, especifique sua extensão em hectares:


Estimativa da população que vive no local:


Breve descrição do ambiente natural dentro do local especificado.

The soils are generally infertile and because of severe wind erosion are overblown with sand.
hilly terrain
he desert vegetation is mostly herbaceous, or of stunted scrub; trees occasionally dot the landscape. The grasses form the main natural resources of the desert and provide nutritive and palatable pasturage. Human and natural induced causes such as deforestation and drought are main causes of land degradation or desertification.  Wind and water erosion are furthering this process. Massive scale illegal, wildlife present with some threatened species|

Condições socioeconômicas prevalecentes das pessoas que vivem no local e/ou nas proximidades

some land is private, while most of the land belongs to state i.e. forest department, local people get the cultivated land on 1 year lease for cultivtion purposes|
livestock, subsistence farming|
People live below poverty line, mostly pastoralists and subsistence farmers |

Com base em quais critérios e/ou indicadores (não relacionados com a Estratégia) a prática proposta e a tecnologia correspondente foram considerados como "melhores"?

Simply because project was able to motivate and mobilize local people to resist against destruction of camiphora mukal shrub. The local youth were organized in the form of Green Guards, who were trained in natural resources management, rangeland management and combating desertification. |

Seção 2. Problemas abordados (causas diretas e indiretas) e objetivos das melhores práticas

Principais problemas abordados pelas melhores práticas

- community was disorganized and involved in indiscriminate gum extraction which was eliminating camiphora mukal
- the influential people were backing this gum extraction by making a lot of money by selling the gum in wholesale market
- trees were also chopped down, wildlife was hunted and poached |

Esboçar problemas específicos de degradação do solo abordados pelas melhores práticas

- deforestation

Especificar os objetivos das melhores práticas

a.Motivate, organize  and enable local community organizations for sustainable land management (SLM), in order to combat desertification
b.Immediate halt of deforestation and organized destruction of guglan (Camiphora mukal) shrub cover, in the district through local action
c.Rangeland health assessment and rehabilitation
d. Reintroduce and strengthen traditional Gochar (rangeland) management system through consensus and participation
e Create livelihood opportunities for indigenous people
|through sustainable harvesting of gugral (gum from guglan shrub)
f. Cooperate with Sindh Forest Department and local government to protect forest and rangeland

Seção 3. Atividades

Breve descrição das principais atividades, por objetivo

- Consultation, writing  and adaptation of “traditional gochar (rangeland)  management system” and its wider publicity and adoption by all stakeholders particularly the  District  assembly,  Community Green Groups (CGGs)|
a. Objective: Motivate, organize  and enable local community organizations for sustainable land management (SLM), in order to combat desertification
- Community consultation and brainstorming in about 50 main villages of Union Councils of Maijthy, Joro, Bhakao (tehsil Mithi), Jharmario|Baliari (tehsil Diplo), Nagarparkar, Pithapoor, and Haroo (tehsil Nagarparkar), Chilhar, Kantio, of Tehsil Chachro of District Tharparkar on state of natural resources, pressures on land, responsible strategy to reduce pressure and identification of a community action plan to reduce pressure on land|responsible strategy to reduce pressure and identification of a community action plan to reduce pressure on land and remove hurdles
- Formation of village “Community Green Groups (CGGs)”, in 50 villages, as the task force which will work on combating desertification with SCOPE on long term basis. |The CGGs will be well represented by notables, village headmen, youth and women
- Training and orientation of Community Green Groups (CGGs) on sustainable land management including rangeland health assessment, methods of rehabilitation by seed broadcast, protection of woodlots, rotational grazing, |avoiding unsustainable agricultural practices such as use of tractor, pesticides and chemical fertilizers
- Joint rangeland scouting / assessment survey by Community Green Groups (CGGs), along with SCOPE, Forest department, AZRI and assessment of the health of rangeland, carrying capacity, identification of problems, mapping of hotspots under supervision of experts from AZRI and Rangeland section of |Sindh Forest Department
- Development of rangeland rehabilitation action plan, identification of responsibilities,  arrangement of material (seeds from AZRI), seed broadcasting
- Stakeholders dialogue on the issue, identification of culprits and their modes operandi
- Formation of District’s  Joint Action Committee (JAC) consisting on community members, political representatives, District Government, Police, NGOs, media and Forest Department to ensure a complete ban on |commercial tree chopping and destruction of guglan plantations
- Ensuring immediate practical ban on deforestation under section 144

Seção 4. Instituições/atores envolvidos (colaboração, participação, papel das partes interessadas)

Nome e endereço da instituição que desenvolve a tecnologia

Society for Conservation and Protection of Environment (SCOPE),
|D-141 (annexy) Block 2, P.E.C.H.S
Karachi-75400 Pakistan

A tecnologia foi desenvolvida em parceria?


Especificar a estrutura dentro da qual a tecnologia foi promovida

  • Iniciativa local

A participação das partes interessadas locais, incluindo as OSCs, foi fomentada no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?


Lista das partes interessadas locais envolvidas:

local communities, forest department, rangeland research institutions, police, district administration, NGOs, CBOs|

Para os participantes listados acima, especifique seu papel no projeto, início, uso e manutenção da tecnologia, se houver.

community: take part in guarding range land and forest
forest department:cooperation
Arid zone rangeland research institute (AZRI)rangeland management technologies
Administrtin: cooperation
people and CBOs: full participation

A população que vive no local e/ou nas proximidades estava envolvida no desenvolvimento da tecnologia?


Por meio de quê?
  • Consulta
  • Abordagens participativas

full ownership of the project, by setting a defensive mechanism against forest clearing


Seção 5. Contribuição para o impacto

Descreva os impactos no local (os dois principais impactos por categoria)

-regeneration can be seen
-fresh cuts to sgrub are not seen
-people are highly motivated

Descreva os dois principais impactos fora do local (isto é, não ocorrendo no local, mas nas áreas circunvizinhas)

- awareness among stakeholders
- shortage of wood in local saw mills, because trees are not being chopped |

Impacto sobre a biodiversidade e a mudança climática

Explique as razões:

- density of tree cover increasing
- hunting poaching of animals stopped
definitely, |
The carbon sequestration capacity increases by the sving of trees and vegetation and cultivation of more shrubs

Seção 7. Lições aprendidas

Relacionado a recursos humanos

people can understand very well their long term benefit if proper mobilization is done

Relacionado a aspectos técnicos

regeneration of vegetation in the rangeland is possible thrugh controlled natural resouces management
