Forest based enterprises [ยูกันดา]

  • ผู้สร้างสรรค์:
  • การอัพเดท:
  • ผู้รวบรวม:
  • ผู้เรียบเรียง:
  • ผู้ตรวจสอบ:

รายงานกิจการ: Uganda

Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights: ไม่ใช่

สมบูรณ์: 80%



Title of best practice:

Forest based enterprises






Clarify if the technology described in the template, or a part of it, is covered by property rights:



Prevailing land use in the specified location


Mainly forest land use with small sections for crop land, grazing and settlement

Contribution to Desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD) measures

  • Mitigation
  • การปรับตัว

Contribution to the strategic objectives

  • เพื่อพัฒนาคุณภาพชีวิตให้แก่ประชาชนที่ได้รับผลกระทบ
  • เพื่อพัฒนาคุณภาพให้แก่ระบบนิเวศที่ได้รับผลกระทบ

Linkages with the other best practice themes

  • การสร้างสมรรถภาพหรือการเพิ่มการตระหนักรู้
  • การจัดการความรู้และการช่วยเหลือในการตัดสินใจ
  • นโยบาย เกี่ยวกับกฎหมาย และกรอบขององค์กร
  • เงินทุนและการระดมทรัพยากร
  • การมีส่วนร่วม ความร่วมมือ และการเชื่อมต่อ


Section 1. Context of the best practice: frame conditions (natural and human environment)

คำอธิบายแบบสั้น ๆ ของวิธีปฏิบัติที่ดีที่สุด

Forest based enterprises are based in the forest. They accrue economic benefits without compromising the integrity of the environment and natural resources. Hence, they environmentally friendly, economically viable, socially acceptable.|


Mubende, Kyenjojo districts in the Albertine rift |

If the location has well defined boundaries, specify its extension in hectares:

Hectares (ha) ……0ver 1000 ha …………….

Estimated population living in the location:

over 500

Prevailing socio-economic conditions of those living in the location and/or nearby

Agriculture and trade in forest products such as timber
Land tenure and land use rights: Mailo land tenure with underlying challenges of absentee land lords and sitting tenants i.e. bibanja holders

On the basis of which criteria and/or indicator(s) (not related to The Strategy) the proposed practice and corresponding technology has been considered as 'best'?

Source of income thus contributing to poverty reduction
Sustains the ecosystem thus has environment attributes
Contributes to food security and nutrition at household level
Provides community with alternative livelihood options than entirely depending on the forest.

Section 2. Problems addressed (direct and indirect causes) and objectives of the best practice

Main problems addressed by the best practice

1. deforestation |2. poverty

Outline specific land degradation problems addressed by the best practice

Soil erosion and run off

Specify the objectives of the best practice

1. To contribute to household income
2. Provides alternative livelihood opportunity|2. Provides alternative livelihood opportunity
2. Provides alternative livelihood opportunity

Section 3. Activities

คำอธิบายแบบสรุปของกิจกรรมหลัก ตามวัตถุประสงค์

1. Agri-business and Enterprise development.
Enhancing Institutional Development for producer organization.
1. Awareness about forest degradation and possible    interventions to avert it.
2. Training on management establishment and management
2. Trainings in sustainable forest management.

Section 4. Institutions/actors involved (collaboration, participation, role of stakeholders)

Name and address of the institution developing the technology

Environmental Alert, Ggaba road, sonko lane behind payless supermarket
|P.O.Box 11259 Kampala, Uganda
Fax: +256-41-510 547; P.O. Box 11259 Kampala; Tel: 0414510215; Fax: +256-41-510 547; Email: envalert@envalert.org; Website: www.envalert.org

Was the technology developed in partnership?



1. Environmental Alert
2. Local government
3. Forest dependent communities
4. FORD Foundation

Specify the framework within which the technology was promoted

  • National initiative – non-government-led

Was the participation of local stakeholders, including CSOs, fostered in the development of the technology?



1.  Local government
2. Forest dependent communities

Was the population living in the location and/or nearby involved in the development of the technology?


By means of what?
  • Consultation
  • Participatory approaches


Section 5. Contribution to impact

Describe on-site impacts (the major two impacts by category)

1. Enterprise groups have been linked to marketing outlets for sale of their produce at competitive prices. They are now selling honey to Kabalore Beekeepers Association,  Joint Effort to Save the Environment a local Community Based Organization, Supermarkets, NAADS and the private sector.|
2. Through training in nursery management, fruit tree growing, and beekeeping PFOs and farmers are able to raise their own grafted seedlings, manage own tree nurseries, and make modern bee hives locally. The cost of a seedling has consequently reduced to UGX 1500 (US$0.8) from UGX 3,000($1).|
1. Over 900 acres of forests on private land in Mubende and Kyenjojo districts are sustainably managed, while aproximately 1200 acres of private land is under conservation due to better understanding and application of sustainable land use practices.|
1. Honey production increased by over 60%. There exists a variety of improved grafted fast growing fruits in the area ranging from mangoes, oranges and avocadoes |
2. Realised establishment of 15 Private Forest Owners producer associations managing fruit trees and apiary enterprises for household income. These are recognized as key players in advancing sustainable forest management at community level.

Impact on biodiversity and climate change

Explain the reasons:

Promotes conservation of forests given that they can co-exist and adds to forest vegetation in the case of fruit trees growing in degraded forest patches

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out?

Has a cost-benefit analysis been carried out?


Section 6. Adoption and replicability

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations?

Was the technology disseminated/introduced to other locations?



In neighboring sub counties within the districts of Mubende and Kyenjojo|West Nile region in the districts of Moyo, Yumbe and Adjumani and in Eastern Uganda in Tororo district

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided?

Were incentives to facilitate the take up of the technology provided?


Specify which type of incentives:
  • Policy or regulatory incentives (for example, related to market requirements and regulations, import/export, foreign investment, research & development support, etc)
  • Financial incentives (for example, preferential rates, State aid, subsidies, cash grants, loan guarantees, etc)

Can you identify the three main conditions that led to the success of the presented best practice/technology?

2. Undertaking baseline research to understand critical  issues write from the beginning
1. Involvement of all stakeholders including the immediate natural resources dependent communities in the planning, implementation and monitoring activities |


In your opinion, the best practice/technology you have proposed can be replicated, although with some level of adaptation, elsewhere?


At which level?
  • Local
  • Sub-national
  • National

Section 7. Lessons learned

Related to human resources

1. Productive and gainful participation is very important for any initiative to succeed

Related to financial aspects

1. Transparency and accountability.
