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Your search results (1438)

Securing Food Through Electric Fencing

Securing Food Through Electric Fencing [Bhutan]

The Electric Fencing System in Bhutan serves as a non-lethal approach to safeguarding crops from wild animals, aligning with the principles of Gross National Happiness (GNH). GNH emphasizes values such as compassion, non-killing, and harmonious coexistence with nature and its elements.

  • Compiler: Nima Dolma Tamang
Cane and Bamboo Plantation to Sustain Raw Materials

Cane and Bamboo Plantation to Sustain Raw Materials [Bhutan]

Cane and bamboo plantations are managed by land users and indigenous communities to sustain these valuable raw materials for making handicraft items. Tsharzo (bamboo craft), is one of the main sources of income for land users. Tsharzo makes use of cane and bamboo to weave products such as backpacks, baskets …

  • Compiler: Tshering Yangzom
Lake Revival:  Towards Environmental Conservation

Lake Revival: Towards Environmental Conservation [Bhutan]

The lake conservation initiative at Tali was conceived with the vision of protecting the lake and transforming the surrounding area into a community eco-tourism hub. The initiative is a testament to how science and spirituality, and culture and the environment can coexist and benefit from one another.

  • Compiler: Tshering Yangzom
Vegetable Intercropping in Apple Orchards

Vegetable Intercropping in Apple Orchards [Bhutan]

Vegetables are intercropped between fruit-bearing trees in orchards. This maximizes land utilization, increases agrobiodiversity, and optimizes agricultural productivity.

  • Compiler: Tshering Yangzom
Plastic mulching for cash crops

Plastic mulching for cash crops [Bhutan]

Plastic mulching comprises thin plastic sheets laid out on raised soil surfaces around plants to help conserve soil moisture, prevent water and wind erosion, control weeds, and regulate soil temperature. It is used in agriculture to increase crop yields. However, there are environmental concerns about soil contamination and waste disposal.

  • Compiler: Tshering Yangzom
Biogas plant

Biogas plant [Bhutan]

Biogas is a renewable fuel generated through the anaerobic digestion of organic matter like food or animal waste, typically within a biogas plant. The biogas plant is adapted to household conditions and animal waste production. While this technology benefits small-scale farmers, challenges include the cost of establishment and the need …

  • Compiler: ONGPO LEPCHA
Leaf Litter Collection for FYM Production

Leaf Litter Collection for FYM Production [Bhutan]

Leaf litter collection is the practice of collecting leaf litter from a designated forest area called sokshing and using it as bedding material for cattle. It then forms a constituent of farmyard manure which is applied to farmland.

  • Compiler: Karma Wangdi
Water Source Protection

Water Source Protection [Bhutan]

Water source protection involves protecting lakes, rivers, springs, or man-made reservoirs to avoid water pollution and damage by livestock and wild animals. In the past, the emphasis was on fencing and improving vegetation cover at the discharge point itself, but a recent focus is on groundwater recharge areas.

  • Compiler: ONGPO LEPCHA