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نتائج بحثك (2461)

Selective forest clearing to prevent large forest fires

Selective forest clearing to prevent large forest fires [Spain]

Selective forest clearing aims in reducing the connectivity and the amount of (dead standing) fuel, as well as reducing the competition between regenerating pines, in order to prevent forest fires and to ensure the growth of a healthy forest.

  • جامع المعلومات: Nina Lauterburg

Aserpiado [Spain]

Aserpias are micro-depressions within a field along all or alternate inter vines rows, made by a tillage tool. The main objective of implementing Aserpiado is to let water infiltrate on-site, thereby increasing soil moisture and plant available water, decreasing runoff and associated losses of soil.

  • جامع المعلومات: Wolfgang Duifhuizen
Reduced tillage of almonds and olives

Reduced tillage of almonds and olives [Spain]

Reduced tillage of almonds and olives to improve physical and chemical soil properties and reduce runoff and soil erosion.

  • جامع المعلومات: Joris De Vente
Organic mulch under almond trees

Organic mulch under almond trees [Spain]

Organic mulching to protect against rain-splash, sheet wash and rill formation, reduce evaporation losses and weed growth.

  • جامع المعلومات: Joris De Vente