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Your search results (555)

Intégration agro-sylvo-zootechnique

Intégration agro-sylvo-zootechnique [Burundi]

Système d'organisation de la communauté autour des travaux de gestion rationnelle de leurs exploitations par l'intégration des cultures, des arbres et des animaux domestiques.

  • Compiler: Salvator Ndabirorere
Aménagement intégré des bassins versants

Aménagement intégré des bassins versants [Burundi]

L’approche vise, à travers la conservation des eaux et sols, l'augmentation de la production par unité de surface cultivable et par unité zootechnique en associant les pratiques agronomiques, végétales et physiques.

  • Compiler: Salvator Ndabirorere
Community Safety Nets - Establishment of rice seed banks at village level

Community Safety Nets - Establishment of rice seed … [Cambodia]

A rice (seed) bank is a community safety net system where farmers can get both rice seeds for cultivation and rice for consumption from a communal storage house in order to increase their food security by guaranteeing: (1) year-round access to high quality seeds and rice for consumption, (2) access …

  • Compiler: Stefan Graf
A Safe Vegetable Growers Group in the Svaymeanchey Satrey Samaki Agricultural Cooperative

A Safe Vegetable Growers Group in the Svaymeanchey … [Cambodia]

The safe vegetable growers group was formed by farmers on a voluntary basis and is part of an Agricultural Cooperative. It supports the selling of products through an organized group to buyers. The producers and the buyers have to sign a contract as the main agreement and with set principles. …

  • Compiler: Navin Chea
Water user group

Water user group [Cambodia]

A water user group, led by a committee staff, decides about the distribution of the water during the dry season to plant dry season rice.

  • Compiler: Stefan Graf
Model farmer

Model farmer [Cambodia]

Model farms were introduced by a NGO in order to spread knowledge about SLM (compost, System of Rice Intensification SRI, and other technologies) in the project area.

  • Compiler: Christoph Kaufmann