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Your search results (548)

Constellation Analysis

Constellation Analysis [Brazil]

Constellation Analysis is a tool used to clarify perceptions of different stakeholders about critical situations or problems. In workshops, participants visualize interrelationships between actors, as well as the associated natural, technical and regulatory factors.

  • Compiler: Verena Rodorff
SLM implementation through Village Development Councils

SLM implementation through Village Development Councils [Burkina Faso]

Sustainable Land Management (SLM) through Village Development Councils (CVDs) is an approach that empowers stakeholders to implement the SLM technologies promoted by ProSoil. This approach combines land tenure aspects with those of Sustainable Land Management.

  • Compiler: Moussa ABOU
Local Land Charter for Management of the Banks of the "Son" River

Local Land Charter for Management of the Banks … [Burkina Faso]

This local land charter for river bank management sets out the common, consensual rules for managing the banks of the river "Son" in the commune of Léna. It applies to the entire communal territory of Léna and to all residents and non-residents.

  • Compiler: Moussa ABOU

Bouli [Burkina Faso]

C’est un ouvrage communautaire de forme ovale ou circulaire de 60 m de long et 4 à 6 m de profondeur, creusé dans le sol et destiné à collecter les eaux de ruissellement pour des usages divers (maraîchage, pépinières pour maraîchage et essences agroforestières en saison sèche) et pour la …

  • Compiler: SAWADOGO Hamado
Combating erosion, recovery and enhancement of degraded land and climate change adaptation (EKF Project)

Combating erosion, recovery and enhancement of degraded land … [Burkina Faso]

The approach applied in this project is an integrated and multi-stakeholder approach in the South West of Burkina Faso, based on watershed management and sustainable land management with a strong emphasis on local participation. It carries out physical and biological measures against erosion, adaptation to climate change and various activities …

  • Compiler: Rebecka Ridder
Intégration agro-sylvo-zootechnique

Intégration agro-sylvo-zootechnique [Burundi]

Système d'organisation de la communauté autour des travaux de gestion rationnelle de leurs exploitations par l'intégration des cultures, des arbres et des animaux domestiques.

  • Compiler: Salvator Ndabirorere