
ผลลัพธ์ที่คุณค้นหา (2450)

Orchard-based agroforestry

Orchard-based agroforestry [Tajikistan]

An agroforestry system where legumes and cereals are planted in fruit orchards, giving simultaneous production and conservation benefits.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Loes Masselink
River training dam

River training dam [Tajikistan]

The river training dam is a disaster mitigation structure protecting downstream areas from flash floods and mudflows. It consists of a channel dug and wire net gabions built to train the river and is hence cheap to establish and maintain. There is a substantial community contribution as labour is an …

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Margaux Tharin
Сочетание сенокоса и выращивания фруктов с террасами

Сочетание сенокоса и выращивания фруктов с террасами [Tajikistan]

Сочетание фруктовых и ореховых деревьев с полуестественными деревьями и кустарником с одной стороны и сенокоса с другой обеспечивает диверсифицированную систему производства.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Christian Wirz
Planting poplar forest in the flood plains of high mountain river areas

Planting poplar forest in the flood plains of … [Tajikistan]

The afforestation of the low productivity sandy lands in the river valley areas of arid highlands with fast growing poplar trees, provides the population with firewood as well as timber and also provides conservation benefits.

  • ผู้รวบรวม: Gulniso Nekushoeva