Proclamation of the protected area in Albania_ Prespa National Park. Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 80, date 18.02.1999| [Албани ]

  • Шинийг нээх:
  • Шинэчлэх:
  • Мэдээлэл цуглуулсан:
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Тайлагнах Этгээд: Albania

Маягтад оруулсан технологи, эсвэл түүний аль нэг хэсэг, өмчийн аливаа нэг эрхээр хамгаалагдсан эсэхийг тодруулна уу. : Үгүй

Түүх үзэх
Бүрэн гүйцэд байдал: 86%

Ерөнхий мэдээлэл

Ерөнхий мэдээлэл

Шилдэг туршлагын нэршил :

Proclamation of the protected area in Albania_ Prespa National Park. Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 80, date 18.02.1999|

Улс :


Тайлагнах Этгээд:


Хөрөнгийн эрх

Маягтад оруулсан технологи, эсвэл түүний аль нэг хэсэг, өмчийн аливаа нэг эрхээр хамгаалагдсан эсэхийг тодруулна уу. :



Тодорхой байршилд газар ашиглалтын давуу тал

  • Тариалангийн талбай
  • Бэлчээрийн талбай
  • Ой мод
  • Бусад (нэмнэ үү)
Тодорхойлно уу:


Цөлжилт, газрын доройтол, гангийн (DLDD) арга хэмжээнд оруулах хувь нэмэр

  • Сэргийлэх
  • Нөхөн сэргээлт


Хэсэг 1. Шилдэг туршлагын агуулга: Нөхцөл байдал (хүн, байгалийн орчин)

Шилдэг туршлагын товч тодорхойлолт

The best practice in the Prespa Park is considered the protection of the area from degradation. By proclaiming the area as national park ,logging has been banned , . the livestock have been changed in terms of the races of animals. People changed gradualy the livestock from goat to caw. And they also have reduced grazing . Actualy there is a good situation of forestry and habitats. Forests have been regenerated and land has been covered againg with vegetation. |


The Prespa National Park is located in Korca Region

Хэрэв байршил хил хязгаартай бол түүнийг га-гаар илэрхийлнэ үү:


Байршилд амьдарч буй хүн амын тооцоо:


Тодорхойлсон байршил доторх байгаль орчны товч тодорхойлолт.

Soil in Prespa park is considered in a good conditions. used for agriculture and garzing purposes, by the local copmunity. in some areas there are problems regarding erosion.|
The topography of Prespa park is mainyly hilly and mountinues areas. The area is situated at an altitude of 850 m above sea level. The highest peaks of the surrounding mountains reach about 2,600 m above sea level.|
The climate of the Prespa region is subject to Mediterranean and continental influences and may be characterised as continental-central European. It is characterised by winters with long periods of high rainfall, snow and low temperatures and warm but moderate summers. Mean monthly temperatures in the Prespa region average 9-10° C. The average annual rainfall is approximately 647 mm.|

Байршил болон / эсвэл ойролцоо амьдардаг хүмүүсийн нийгэм, эдийн засгийн нөхцөл байдал

The average incomes in Prespa park is aproximatly 700 USD per capita.
The property is private, expet forestry which are mostly state owned property. |
The main income source is agriculture ,  livestock and fishery.  |

Ямар үзүүлэлт, шалгуур(ууд)-ын үндсэн дээр (Стратегид үл хамаарах) санал болгож буй туршлага, түүнд харгалзах технологи "шилдэг" гэж тодорхойлогдсон бэ?

Prespa Park is considered as best practice due to the legal measures taken by proclaiming it as national park, in combination with the measures in practice such as sustainable land use management, development of sustainable agricultural and launching of reforestation/afforestation programmes.  

Хэсэг 2. Шийдвэрлэх асуудал (шууд болон шууд бус шалтгаан), шилдэг туршлагын зорилтууд

Шилдэг туршлагын шийдвэрлэсэн гол асуудлууд

The main problems before procaliming as national park was deforestration. Tens hactares every years have cut legaly and ilegaly. Grazing was also an activity which had degraded several hactares of land and forests in this area.

Шилдэг туршлагын шийдвэрлэсэн газрын доройтлын асуудлуудыг дүрслэх

After proclamation of the Prespa Park,   stoping deforestration and controlling grazing were the two most important problems which were addressed by the legal measure.The logging was stoped and programe on aforestration were introduced. Also people were induced to change the livestock.|

Шилдэг туршлагын зорилтуудыг тодорхойлно уу

The main objective of the proclamation of the Prespa National park were the protection of the forests and habitats especially protection of important components of natural reserves, of biodiversity and the natural, as a whole.

Хэсэг 3. Үйл ажиллагаа

Үндсэн үйл ажиллагааны товч танилцуулга, зорилтуудаар

in cooperation of local comunity garzing was reduced and the livestock was changed from goat to caw.
Several enforcement measures were undertaken by the administration of the national park. Planned loging was stoped and ilegal loging was reduced year by year.
Aforestration programs were introduced by the Directorate of Forestry service of Korca  district, especially in most degraded areas.|

Технологийн техникийн нөхцөл ба товч тодорхойлолт

In this area there was no any specific technolgy was applied. The most important measures was the legal status and the law enforcement.Aforestration and sustainable agriculture and livestock were applied  
no specific technology

Хэсэг 4. Оролцогч байгууллагууд / талууд (хамтын ажиллагаа, оролцоо, оролцогч талуудын үүрэг)

Технологи боловсруулсан байгууллагын нэр, хаяг

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Adminisration|Rruga e Durresit, 27 Tirana, Albania

Технологи нь түншлэлийг хөгжүүлсэн уу?


Түншүүдийн жагсаалт:

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and water Adminisration, the Directorate of Forestry Service in Korca, Administration of Prespa Park  and the local comunity in Prespa Area.|

Технологи ямар хүрээнд хэлэлцэгдэж баримтжуулагдсаныг тодорхойлно уу

  • Үндэсний санаачлага-төрийн оролцоотой

Олон нутгийн сонирхогч талууд, түүн дотроо ИНБ-ын оролцоо, технологийг илүү сайжруулахад түлхэц үзүүлсэн үү?


Оролцсон орон нутгийн оролцогч талуудын жагсаалт:

Commune Liqenas,Regional Council of Korca, Directorate of Agriculture in Korca, etc. Preservation and Protection of Nature Environment in Albania -PPNEA and  Cross-border nature association (NGOs)|

Дээр дурдсан сонирхогч талуудын хувьд, технологийн дизайн, танилцуулга, ашиглалт, засвар үйлчилгээний үүргийг тодорхойлно уу.

all the stakholders played an important role in the proclamation and maintanace of the National park-Prespa. They are influencing on forest habitats preservation and on agriculture practices. They are also cooperating with local comunity on elaboration of development plans in the area and law enforcement.

Тухайн байршилд болон түүний ойр орчимд амьдрах ард иргэд технологи хөгжүүлэхэд оролцсон уу?


Юуны тусламжтайгаар?
  • Зөвлөх үйлчилгээ
  • Оролцооны аргачлал

Дүн шинжилгээ

Хэсэг 5. Нөлөөлөлд хувь нэмэр

Талбай дахь үр нөлөөг тодорхойлно уу (гол хоёр үр нөлөөг төрлөөр)

fauna habitats are improved
traditional market is regenerated
Forest habitat restoration and protection. the forest is regenerated and the area is more attractive to tourist and visitors.
Good environmental conditions
good landscape
More understading on nature habiatats and agricuture.The people living there are having more oportunities on agriculture and services

Тадбайн гадна илэрсэн хамгийн чухал хоёр нөлөөг (өөрөөр хэлбэл тухайн талбайд үгүй харин эргэн тойронд байгаа) тодорхойлно уу

The positive impact is also in the neighbouring countries such as Greece and FYR Macedonia . based on that a trilateral agreement is sighned among three countries for protection and sustainable management of this area.
The positive impact is on the lake Prespa as an important habitat for endemic species.The erosion is declined and the  area is listed as  area for tourist atraction  

Биологийн төрөл зүйл, уур амьсгалын өөрчлөлтийн нөлөөлөл

Шалтгааныг тайлбарлана уу: :

The best practice will also impact positively for climate change adaptation. Improved habitats will create conditions for species to adapt the climate changes.
We think that forest protection and aforestration are the  important element for climate change mitigation. Species that will be affected by climate change will be located in this impoved habitats. The habitat will have a positive impact for the microclimate of the area.
The proclamation of prespa as national park impact positively on biodiversity conservation. as we have described in the previews sectionthe forest habitats are regenerated. before proclamation more than 20000m3 fuelwood has been cut and removed form the area. after proclamation this amaount is not allowed any more so for 10 years forest have been improved. Endemic species, medicinal plants,  wild fauna and aquatic biodiversity is being regenerated  and well preserved.  |

Зардал-үр ашгийн шинжилгээ хийгдсэн үү?

Зардал-үр ашгийн шинжилгээ хийгдсэн үү?


Бүлэг 6. Нэвтрүүлэх ба хуулбарлах боломж

Технологийг бусад газарт танилцуулж/нэвтрүүлсэн байсан уу?

Технологийг бусад газарт танилцуулж/нэвтрүүлсэн байсан уу?




Шилдэг туршлага / технологийг амжилтанд хүргэхэд хүргэсэн гурван үндсэн нөхцөлийг та тодорхойлж чадах уу?

The area have been received investements form different sources.
The farmers were very cooperative on forest protection and improving the livestock which imacted positivley to grazing.
The first condition was the legal status approved by the Government which was based on the understanding of different ministries and local comunities.

Хуулбарлах боломж

Таны бодлоор таны санал болгож буй сайн туршлага ба технологийг өөр газар ямар нэг зүйлийг нь өөрчилж, засч, шинэчилэх замаар хуулбарлан хэрэгжүүлж болох уу?


Аль түвшинд?
  • Үндэсний
  • Бүс нутгийн
  • Олон улсын

Хэсэг 7. Сургамж

Хүний нөөцтэй холбоотой

The staff in charge of protected area has been motivated to work on the area. They have been working activly to follow the duties of the lagl act which was given to the area after proclamation as national park.

Санхүүгийн нөөцтэй холбоотой

We think that the incomes generated to the area has been increased due to the increas number of visitors. Service activities have been developed due to improved landscape and habitats

Техникийн нөөцтэй холбоотой

Some lessons learned are related to the proccess of forestration and aforestration
