
你的搜索结果 (2461)

Maize strip tillage

Maize strip tillage [Switzerland]

Maize strip tillage is used for corn cultivation and the technology ensures that only those stripes are cultivated where seed is applied.

  • 编制者: Unknown User
Dyker System

Dyker System [Switzerland]

The Dyker consists of a set of wheels with three to four inclined shovels each. Attached to the rear end of the planting machine, it digs holes into the bottom of the furrows between the potato hills.

  • 编制者: Deborah Niggli
Maize strip tillage

Maize strip tillage [Switzerland]

Maize strip tillage is a technology used for corn cultivation. It cultivates only thoses stripes in which the seed is added to.

  • 编制者: Nicole Guedel
Hangunterteilung durch Ackersaum

Hangunterteilung durch Ackersaum [Switzerland]

Das von Erosion betroffene und gefährdete Feld wurde mittels eines Ackersaums so abgegrenzt, dass Bodenverlust und off-site Schäden durch zukünftige Ereignisse vermindert oder verhindert werden.

  • 编制者: Deborah Niggli
Green cover in vineyards

Green cover in vineyards [Switzerland]

Naturally growing or sown perennial grasses/herbs providing cover between rows in sloping vineyards, where the vines are usually oriented up and down slope.

  • 编制者: Nicole Guedel