
你的搜索结果 (2440)

Diques con postes prendedizos

Diques con postes prendedizos [Honduras]

Los diques con postes prendedizos son estructuras de postes para contener el agua y la tierra erosionada. Se construyen con estacas gruesas perpendicularmente y en forma de media luna a la cárcava. Las dimensiones y distancia entre los diques dependen de la profundidad y pendiente de la cárcava. Tienen la …

  • 编制者: UNCCD PRAIS
Pequeños sistema de riego por aspersión para pequeños productores agrícolas que implementan practicas de conservación de suelos

Pequeños sistema de riego por aspersión para pequeños … [Honduras]

Conservación de suelos a través del uso de labranza en curvas a nivel e implementación de barreras vivas de diversos cultivos con el fin de mejorar la fertilidad del suelo y su capacidad de retención de agua. Dotación de pequeños sistemas de riego a pequeños productores agrícolas que producen en …

  • 编制者: UNCCD PRAIS
Meadows and pastures

Meadows and pastures [Hungary]

Permanent meadows or pastures are more effective in controlling land degradation than arable cropping. They are especially appropriate in hilly regions on sloping land where the risk of water erosion is high.

  • 编制者: Brigitta Szabó
Peak flow control structures (leaky woody dams)

Peak flow control structures (leaky woody dams) [Hungary]

Peak flow control structures are designed to reduce flow velocities and quantities running down from catchment areas. Leaky dams are peak flow control structures that are made of wood and allow low flows to pass through, but hold back high flows, thus providing temporary storage and enhanced infiltration of flood …

  • 编制者: Brigitta Szabó
Permanent grass cover in vineyards

Permanent grass cover in vineyards [Hungary]

Permanent grass cover under grape vines protects the soil surface against erosion and compaction - and provides better conditions for traffic within the rows during mechanised field operations

  • 编制者: Brigitta Szabó
Water retention/sediment capture pond

Water retention/sediment capture pond [Hungary]

Sediment capture ponds are constructed and located along networks of ditches which drain watersheds. They slow the velocity of water and cause the deposition of suspended materials. These ponds help to avoid sediment accumulation in the ditches themselves, and can decrease sediment and nutrient pollution of surface water bodies downstream.

  • 编制者: Brigitta Szabó
Buffer strips and hedges around cropland

Buffer strips and hedges around cropland [Hungary]

Buffer strips and hedges comprise natural vegetation of grass, bushes or trees. They are sited at the edges of fields, roads and surface water bodies. Their main function is to provide a natural buffer to control nutrient and sediment transport from agricultural fields by promoting water infiltration and slowing runoff, …

  • 编制者: Brigitta Szabó
Afforestation of arable land

Afforestation of arable land [Hungary]

Afforestation is planting trees on previously non-forested land. Trees hold the soil and reduce runoff, and thus prevent erosion of the most fertile layers. It is an effective way to rehabilitate degraded lands, being a nature-based solution which addresses flood and soil erosion impacts.

  • 编制者: Brigitta Szabó